沿发件人地址动态定位 \closing

沿发件人地址动态定位 \closing

在我们在学校学到的格式中, 的位置\closing与发件人的地址对齐。在下面给出的 MWE 中:我必须通过制定 的规范来\closing目测调整 的位置。有没有办法自动完成这个?\setlength\longindentation

我的 MWE:

\usepackage[top=1.5cm, left=2.0cm, right=1.5cm, bottom=1.5cm]{geometry}


\setlength\parindent{0cm}           % Paragraph indentation

%%% Adjusting the \closing specifications:
%1. Decreases the default gap between the closing remark (Warrm regards) and the senders name.
%2. Looking to make its position align with the sender's address.
\ignorespaces #1\\[\medskipamount]%
\else \fromsig \fi\strut}%

\signature{Ginko Mitten}
\address{21 Jump Street,\\Mink Road,\\ Uganda}

%%%% dynamic adjustment of closing position %%%

Prof. Minao Sloan,\\
Room 45,\\
University of Computation,\\
Mexico City,\\

\textbf{Subject}: Our meeting next month.
Dear Prof. Sloan}

Blah Blah Blah. Quantum computing very interesting. Blah blah blah.\par

Thank you very much for your time. I hope to get in touch with you soon.

\closing{Warm regards,}



您需要在 的重新定义周围使用\makeatletter和,否则将\makeatother\closing\ifx\@empty...总是返回 false 因为它\@与进行比较e


\usepackage[top=1.5cm, left=2.0cm, right=1.5cm, bottom=1.5cm]{geometry}


%%% Adjusting the \closing specifications:
%1. Decreases the default gap between the closing remark (Warrm regards) and the senders name.
%2. Looking to make its position align with the sender's address.
    \ignorespaces #1\\[\medskipamount]

\signature{Ginko Mitten}
\address{21 Jump Street,\\Mink Road,\\ Uganda}

Prof. Minao Sloan,\\
Room 45,\\
University of Computation,\\
Mexico City,\\

\textbf{Subject}: Our meeting next month.
Dear Prof. Sloan}

Blah Blah Blah. Quantum computing very interesting. Blah blah blah.\par

Thank you very much for your time. I hope to get in touch with you soon.

\closing{Warm regards,}




