\clearpage% flush all other floats
%\else% uncomment this else to get odd/even instead of even/odd
\expandafter\afterpage% put it on the next page if this one is odd
\caption{This caption should break apart and continue under the figure on the next page.
\\ \\ \lipsum[5]}
欢迎来到 TeX StackExchange。请始终在您的问题中包含问题的 MWE,以及我们应该知道的所有代码,以了解您堆叠的位置,但只包含与问题相关的代码,以及使其可“按原样”重现的最小文档结构,仅此 MWE 是一种可能的解决方案:
\usepackage{lipsum} %just for make dummy text
\usepackage{dpfloat,graphicx} % needed for the solution
\lipsum[1-10] % Dummy text
\begin{figure}[p]% will be the left-side figure
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, trim=0pt 0pt 5.5cm 0pt,clip]{example-image}
\begin{figure}[p]% will be the right-side figure
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, trim=5.5cm 0pt 0pt 0pt,clip]{example-image}
\lipsum[11-40] % Dummy text