TikZ 箭头:多色

TikZ 箭头:多色

关于此代码,我对箭头的颜色有疑问:我想制作两个箭头,其中第一个箭头以蓝色开始,以红色结束。为什么如果我编写此代码,LaTeX 会为箭头下方的空间着色?


\PassOptionsToPackage{svgnames, x11names}{xcolor}




  \draw[thick, dashed, -latex, shorten >= 3pt, left color = blue, right color = red]
    (-2,   3.5)
      to[out=15, in=155] node[above, font=\Large]{$f$}
    ( 2.5, 3.25);
  \draw[thick, dashed, -latex, shorten >= 3pt, left color = green, right color = Silver]
      to[out=15, in=155] node[above, font=\Large]{$\bar f$} node[below, font=\Large]{$\eqqsim$}
    ( 3.00,2.25);




\PassOptionsToPackage{svgnames, x11names}{xcolor}

    % Need this for the bounding box calculation of the
    % fading and the rectangle that bounds the fading.
    % If set to zero things (e.g., arrows) may get cut off.
    fading sep/.store in=\fadingsep,
    fading sep=0.25cm,
    shaded path/.code={%
        % Prevent this stuff happning recursively.
                % Interrupt the picture to create a fading.
                        \path [shade=none,fill=none]#1;%
                        % Need to set the bounding box manually. Include the \fadingsep border.
                % Install a rectangle that covers the shaded/faded path.
                % Make the fading happen.

\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round, line join=round]

    (-5.5,  2.5) node[blue] {$U$}
    ( 7.25, 2.5) node[red]  {$V$}
    (-3.5,  2.5) node[green] {$U'$}
    ( 5.75, 2.5) node[Silver]  {$V'$};
  \path[save path=\pathU]
    (-6, 0.5) to[out= 80, in=310, looseness=1]   (-4.5, 3)
              to[out=140, in=160, looseness=1]   (-3,   4)
              to[out=-30, in=160]                (-1,   3)
              to[out=-20, in=100]                ( 0,   2)
              to[out=-90, in= 15, looseness=1]   (-1,   0.5)
              to[out=190, in=-10]                (-2,   0.75)
              to[out=170, in= 10, looseness=1.5] (-5,   0)
              to[out=190, in=270, looseness=1.5] (-6,   0.5);
    \clip[use path=\pathU];
    \draw[very thin, dashed, cyan, step=0.5] (-6, 0) grid (0, 4);
  \draw[thick, blue, use path=\pathU];

  \path[save path=\pathV]
    (2.25, 1) to[out= 90, in=180, looseness=1.8]  (4.50, 3.50)
              to[out= 45, in= 90, looseness=1.25] (6.50, 2.25)
              to[out=-90, in=-20, looseness=1.75] (4.50, 0.50)
              to[out=170, in=-75, looseness=1]    (2.25, 1   );
    \clip[use path=\pathV];
    \draw[very thin, dashed, orange]
      \foreach\x in{2, 2.5, ..., 6}
          (\x, 4) to (\x, 3.5)
                  to (\x, 3.25)
                  to (\x, 2.25)
                  to (\x, 1.25)
                  to (\x, 0.75)
                  to (\x, 0.25)
      \foreach\y in{3.25, 2.75, ..., 0.25}
        {(2, \y) to (6.5, \y)};
  \draw[thick, red, use path=\pathV];

   \path [left color=red, right color=blue, shaded path={ 
    [draw=transparent!0, ultra thick, -stealth] (-2,   3.5)
      to[out=15, in=155] node[above, font=\Large]{$f$}
    ( 2.5, 3.25);
  \path [left color=green, right color=Silver, shaded path={ 
    [draw=transparent!0, ultra thick, -stealth]
      to[out=15, in=155] node[above, font=\Large]{$\bar f$} node[below, font=\Large]{$\eqqsim$}
    ( 3.00,2.25);
  \draw[thick, dashed, -latex, shorten >= 3pt, color = Goldenrod] (4,2.25) to[out=240, in=-60] node[below, font=\Large]{$g=f^{-1}$} (-2,2);
    \draw[color = green]  (-2,2.00) circle (1cm);
    \draw[color = Silver] ( 4,2.25) circle (1cm);
    \draw[color = green] (-2,2) circle (1.5pt) node[above]{$u$};
    \draw[color = Silver] (4,2.25) circle (1.5pt) node[above]{$v$};








\PassOptionsToPackage{svgnames, x11names}{xcolor}

    % Need this for the bounding box calculation of the
    % fading and the rectangle that bounds the fading.
    % If set to zero things (e.g., arrows) may get cut off.
    fading sep/.store in=\fadingsep,
    fading sep=0.25cm,
    shaded path/.code={%
        % Prevent this stuff happning recursively.
                % Interrupt the picture to create a fading.
                        \path [shade=none,fill=none]#1;%
                        % Need to set the bounding box manually. Include the \fadingsep border.
                % Install a rectangle that covers the shaded/faded path.
                % Make the fading happen.


\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round, line join=round]

    (-5.5,  2.5) node[blue] {$U$}
    ( 7.25, 2.5) node[red]  {$V$}
    (-3.5,  2.5) node[green] {$U'$}
    ( 5.75, 2.5) node[Silver]  {$V'$};
  \path[save path=\pathU]
    (-6, 0.5) to[out= 80, in=310, looseness=1]   (-4.5, 3)
              to[out=140, in=160, looseness=1]   (-3,   4)
              to[out=-30, in=160]                (-1,   3)
              to[out=-20, in=100]                ( 0,   2)
              to[out=-90, in= 15, looseness=1]   (-1,   0.5)
              to[out=190, in=-10]                (-2,   0.75)
              to[out=170, in= 10, looseness=1.5] (-5,   0)
              to[out=190, in=270, looseness=1.5] (-6,   0.5);
    \clip[use path=\pathU];
    \draw[very thin, dashed, cyan, step=0.5] (-6, 0) grid (0, 4);
  \draw[thick, blue, use path=\pathU];

  \path[save path=\pathV]
    (2.25, 1) to[out= 90, in=180, looseness=1.8]  (4.50, 3.50)
              to[out= 45, in= 90, looseness=1.25] (6.50, 2.25)
              to[out=-90, in=-20, looseness=1.75] (4.50, 0.50)
              to[out=170, in=-75, looseness=1]    (2.25, 1   );
    \clip[use path=\pathV];
    \draw[very thin, dashed, orange]
      \foreach\x in{2, 2.5, ..., 6}
          (\x, 4) to (\x, 3.5)
                  to (\x, 3.25)
                  to (\x, 2.25)
                  to (\x, 1.25)
                  to (\x, 0.75)
                  to (\x, 0.25)
      \foreach\y in{3.25, 2.75, ..., 0.25}
        {(2, \y) to (6.5, \y)};
  \draw[thick, red, use path=\pathV];

   \path [left color=blue, right color=red, shaded path={ 
    [draw=transparent!0, dashed, thick, -stealth]
    (-2,   3.5) to[out=15, in=155] ( 2.5, 3.25);
  \path [left color=green, right color=Silver, shaded path={
    [draw=transparent!0, thick, dashed, -stealth, -latex, shorten >= 3pt] (-1.25,2.75) to[out=15, in=155] ( 3.00,2.25);
  \draw[thick, dashed, -latex, shorten >= 3pt, color = Goldenrod] (4,2.25) to[out=240, in=-60] node[below, font=\Large]{$g=f^{-1}$} (-2,2);
    \draw[color = green]  (-2,2.00) circle (1cm);
    \draw[color = Silver] ( 4,2.25) circle (1cm);
    \draw[color = green] (-2,2) circle (1.5pt) node[above]{$u$};
    \draw[color = Silver] (4,2.25) circle (1.5pt) node[above]{$v$};
   \node at (0.25, 4.25) {$f$};
   \node at (0.75, 3.25) {$\bar f$};
   \node at (0.75, 2.50) {$\eqqsim$};




tikzpicture 中的多色箭头
