




我需要在 Bob 之后添加 Charles 等人,并自动显示重叠天数(各方之间,即从所有到达的最大值到所有离开的最小值)。



它使用node distance来放置节点 Alice、Bob、… 和 重叠天数,但此值也可以通过 来设置bar distance。条形图高度由 的值决定bar height。(尽管,条形图实际上会是该高度的两倍。)

如果bar height给出的没有单位,它基本上是的 的一个因子bar distance,当给出带单位时,它就是绝对的。


图例节点将放置在 y = 0 的左侧,因此矩形起点的任何值都应位于其右侧(并考虑标签“...到达”。



  • 当整个范围值应该适用于条形图,要么在绘制所有条形图之后放置图例节点,要么\matrix应该使用。
  • 除了使用\barGraphStartand之外\barGraphEnd,还可以使用与库提供的类似策略fit来查找所需的X最后一个条形的值。
  • 这在 中可能也是可行pgfplots且可能的pgfgantt


  % allows "bar graph={…}" and … would be executed in /tikz/bar graph
  bar graph/.code=\pgfqkeys{/tikz/bar graph}{#1},
  % initializing the scope or picture as a bar graph diagram
  bar graph diagram/.style={
    start chain=legend going {below=of \tikzchainprevious.south east, anchor=north east},
    every path/.append style={bar graph={color=black}},
      \gdef\barGraphStart{-1000}\gdef\barGraphEnd{1000},% fake mind and max values
      % we define these macros here, so that they aren't available outside an actual bar graph
      \newcommand*\newBar[2][]{\tikzset{bar graph={new bar={text={##2},name={##2},@short={##2},##1}}}}
        % the Overlapping days bar is just a normal bar … but
        % 1. the coordinates "\tikzlastnode-start" and "\tikzlastnode-end"
        %    get a special name so that we can use it again without knowing its name that the user might have changed
        % 2. label/.style=coordinate makes it that "… arrives" and "… leaves" won't show up
        % 3. and the bar goes from the calculated max to the calculates min.
          start coordinate/.style={alias={bargraph@start}},
          end coordinate/.style={alias={bargraph@end}},
          from={\barGraphStart} to \barGraphEnd
        ]{Overlapping days}
        % This just adds the two lines,
        % the coordinates @ and @@ just mark the start and the of the first line without
        % so that we can reference them in the second line
        \draw[bar graph/vert line] ([bar graph/bar down=2]bargraph@start) coordinate (@) --
          ([bar graph/bar up=3]0,0-|bargraph@start) coordinate (@@) node[bar graph/vert start node]
                                   (@-|bargraph@end) -- (@@-|bargraph@end) node[bar graph/vert end node];}
  bar graph={
    % default values
    bar distance/.style={/tikz/node distance={#1}}, bar height/.initial=.4,
    name/.initial=bargraph@nonamegiven, text/.initial=, start/.initial=, end/.initial=,
    @short/.style 2 args={short={#1}}, short/.initial=,
    % default styles
     % this "text width" makes sure that the nodes have all the same width *and* are left of x = 0.
    legend node/.style={anchor=east,text width=width("Overlapping days")},
    label/.style={node font=\footnotesize},
      label start/.style={bar graph/label, anchor=north east},
      label end/.style={bar graph/label, anchor=north west},
    % the following styles can be used to change the label of the vertical lines
    vert start node/.style={below, at start, node contents={$\displaystyle\max_i t_{i,\text{arrive}}$}},
    vert end node/.style  ={below, at start, node contents={$\displaystyle\min_i t_{i,\text{leave}}$}},
    % this is the style for the vertical line
    vert line/.style={densely dashed, draw=black},
    % this style sets the TikZ colors
    color/.style={/tikz/fill={#1!40}, /tikz/draw={#1!75}},
    from/.style args={#1 to #2}{start={#1},end={#2}}, % shortcut for setting start and end
    % bar down and bar up are used to shift coordinates up or down according to the bar height
    bar down/.style={shift=(down:#1*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/bar graph/bar height})}, bar down/.default=1,
    bar up/.style  ={shift=(up:  #1*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/bar graph/bar height})}, bar up/.default=1,
    % evaluates start and end so that max and min are calculated
    % and then draws rectangle from #1 to #2 in the xy coordinate system
    bar from/.style args={#1 to #2}{
      % append after command allows \tikzlastnode to be referenced without having to know
      % the actual names but it needs to be protected so that it doesn't get overwritten
      % by other nodes/coordinates
      append after command={
                   ([bar graph/bar down] \tikzlastnode-|#1,0) {coordinate[bar graph/start coordinate/.try] (\tikzlastnode-start)}
         rectangle ([bar graph/bar up]   \tikzlastnode-|#2,0) {coordinate[bar graph/end coordinate/.try] (\tikzlastnode-end)
                                                  node[bar graph/label end  ] {\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/bar graph/short} leaves }}
         (\tikzlastnode-start|-\tikzlastnode-end) node[bar graph/label start] {\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/bar graph/short} arrives}}},
    % new bar is a specialized \path
    % 1. parameters are set
    % 2. legend node is placed with "bar from" style
    % 3. which then draws the rectangle at the same height of the node
    new bar/.code={%
      \path[bar graph={#1}] node (\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/bar graph/name}) [
           on chain=legend, bar graph/legend node, bar graph/bar from=
             \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/bar graph/start} to \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/bar graph/end},
         ] {\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/bar graph/text}};},
\begin{tikzpicture}[bar graph diagram]
\newBar[color=red,   from=1   to 5]{Alice}
\newBar[color=blue,  from=2   to 8]{Bob}
\newBar[color=yellow,from=1.5 to 6]{Charles}

\begin{tikzpicture}[bar graph diagram]
\newBar[from = -1 to 3] {America}
\newBar[from =  7 to 9] {Africa}



