如何检查自定义环境所嵌入的父环境(例如 multicols)

如何检查自定义环境所嵌入的父环境(例如 multicols)


在以下示例中,自定义环境 myenv 既位于 multicol 内部,又位于 multicol 外部。我知道 @currenvit 包含当前环境。我需要在自定义环境 myenv 开始时检查自定义 myenv(以红色文本表示)是否位于 multicol 内部。


    {\color{brown}(false myenv, it is in ~\@currenvir)}

    {(\color{red}at start of~\whereamI I would like to test if parent environment is multicols) }

        Want to test if parent is multicols
    {\color{blue} Inside multicols and outside myenv\whereamI}



使用before环境钩子。似乎有效。(文档在 lthooks.pdf 中)

%! TEX program = lualatex

    {\color{brown}(false myenv, it is in ~\@currenvir)}

    {(\color{red}at start of~\whereamI parent environment is \parentenvir) }
    %                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    %                      it can be used like this, how to check if it's equal to multicols is left as an exercise to the reader

% ======== start of important code ========
% ======== end of important code ========

        Want to test if parent is multicols
    {\color{blue} Inside multicols and outside myenv\whereamI}

