大家好。我打算在演示文稿中使用 Beamer 中的枚举来比较两种算法。但是,我打算让每列中的每个连续行都出现。例如,第 1 列的步骤 1 到步骤 4,然后第 2 列的步骤 1 到步骤 4。以下是一个例子:
\begin{frame}{GA versus $\tau$-Leaping}{}
\begin{tabular}{>{\onslide<1->}c >{\onslide<2->}c}
% \hline
GA & $\tau$-Leaping \\ % \hline
step 1 & step 1 \\
% \hline
step 2 & step 2 \\
% \hline
step 3 & step 3 \\
% \hline
step 4 & step 4 \\
% \hline
\begin{enumerate}[label=\textbf{\textcolor{cyan}{STEP \arabic*}}]
Develop the model according to the chemistry of reaction in Table 1
By applying the stochastic constants, \(c_{\mu}\),compute the
respective cummulative propensities for each of the chain reaction ,\(R_{\mu}\) by using the
equation :
\alpha_{\mu} = \sum_{\mu}^{}c_{\mu}h_{\mu}
Where \(\mu =(1,2,3,\ldots ,N\)) and \(h_{\mu}\) is the number of instant combination of
reactants for reaction, \(R_{\mu}\).
\begin{enumerate}[<+->][Step 1.]
Develop the model according to the chemistry of reaction in Table 1
By applying the stochastic constants, \(c_{\mu}\),compute the
respective cummulative propensities for each of the chain reaction ,\(R_{\mu}\) by using the
equation :
\alpha_{\mu} = \sum_{\mu}^{}c_{\mu}h_{\mu}
Where \(\mu =(1,2,3,\ldots ,N\)) and \(h_{\mu}\) is the number of instant combination of
reactants for reaction, \(R_{\mu}\).
\begin{enumerate}[<+->][Step 1.]
Develop the model according to the chemistry of reaction in Table 1
By applying the stochastic constants, \(c_{\mu}\),compute the
respective cummulative propensities for each of the chain reaction ,\(R_{\mu}\) by using the
equation :
\alpha_{\mu} = \sum_{\mu}^{}c_{\mu}h_{\mu}
Where \(\mu =(1,2,3,\ldots ,N\)) and \(h_{\mu}\) is the number of instant combination of
reactants for reaction, \(R_{\mu}\).