如何使 V. 代表小泡缩进并显示为红色

如何使 V. 代表小泡缩进并显示为红色

我正在排版东正教礼拜文本,并想在某些经文前排版一小节 (V.)。我目前使用以下方法:


\title{Orthodox Liturgical Text}


\newcommand{\versicle}{\kern-0.25em \stackinset{r}{0.33ex}{c}{}{\rotatebox{-30}{\normalsize$\rceil$}}{V}}

\newcommand{\response}{\kern-0.25em\stackinset{r}{0.35ex}{c}{}{ \rotatebox{-30}{\normalsize$\rceil$}}{R}}





\vers{(1.)} For His mercy is confirmed on us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever.\\

\instruct{Insert the appointed Doxastikon is there is one.}\\

\versicle Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.\\

\instruct{Insert the appointed Dogmatikon, Theotokion, or Doxastikon. Then:}\\

\versicle Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.\\


我希望 V(表示 versicle)缩进并用红色显示,就像 (1)。我对 versicle 和 repsonse 命令的结构以及在何处添加编码以使 (V) 缩进并用红色显示没有太多经验。




这就是说,你不会得到缩进,因为你用 来抑制它\noindent。不过我会使用不同的策略。





  \par\textcolor{red!80}{\bfseries#1}\ \ignorespaces



\vers{(1.)} For His mercy is confirmed on us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever.

\instruct{Insert the appointed Doxastikon is there is one.}

\versicle Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

\instruct{Insert the appointed Dogmatikon, Theotokion, or Doxastikon. Then:}

\versicle Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

\response Test


