我正在尝试让 LaTeX 做两件事,这两件事可以独立工作,但不能一起完成。
我想要的结果是正文后跟参考书目和所有正常编号的表格和图形,后跟一些附录、附录参考书目以及所有附录图形和表格,编号为 A.1 A.2 等。并且它可以工作,只是在附录中 [此处的图 A.2] 的标记按与正文相同的顺序编号。例如这里
% \usepackage{beamerthemesplit} // Activate for custom appearance
\usepackage [autostyle, english = american]{csquotes}
\usepackage[top=1.5in, bottom=1.5in, left=1.1in, right=1.1in]{geometry}
\newcites{SM}{Appendix References}
\usepackage[toc, title]{appendix}
\title{The Ant and the Grasshopper: \\ Seasonality and the Invention of Agriculture}
\\ Author
Table \ref{Table1} does just fine
\begin{tabular}{c c}
2 & 2
\caption{This table is fine in all respects }\label{Table1}
\section{Econometric robustness}
%\subsection{Econometric robustness}
\subsection{Appendix subsection}
Table \ref{DistanceDateAdop} should be the same in this sentence and for the marker below.
\begin{tabular}{c c}
2 & 2
\caption{This table is titled fine} \label{DistanceDateAdop}
endfloat 引入了一个新的计数器,因此您需要重新定义它;参见\renewcommand{\theposttable}{A\arabic{posttable}}
\usepackage[toc, title]{appendix}
\title{The Ant and the Grasshopper: \\ Seasonality and the Invention of Agriculture}
\\ Author
Table \ref{Table1} does just fine
\caption{This table is fine in all respects }\label{Table1}
\section{Econometric robustness}
%\subsection{Econometric robustness}
\subsection{Appendix subsection}
Table \ref{DistanceDateAdop} should be the same in this sentence and for the marker below.
\caption{This table is titled fine \label{DistanceDateAdop} }