![修改 Nice-Matrix 表](https://linux22.com/image/456746/%E4%BF%AE%E6%94%B9%20Nice-Matrix%20%E8%A1%A8.png)
我想给这个nice matrix
\documentclass[14pt, a4paper]{extarticle}
%if you put <showframe> option in \usepackage[]{geometry} it will produce frame round the document
\usepackage[labelfont=bf]{caption} % to boldface fifure and table caption
\usepackage{Times}% for font thst is close to times new roman
\usepackage{booktabs, multirow}
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\caption{My Caption}
% Please add the following required packages to your document preamble:
% \usepackage{multirow}
% \usepackage{graphicx}
\Block{*-1}{\rotate $\mathbf{sd = 1}$}
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& MBB & 1.58 & 2.89 & 3.50 & 4.85 & 5.89 & 6.20 & 7.45 & 8.39 & 9.26 & 10.88 & 11.29 & 12.01\\
& MBBR & 1.58 & 2.80 & 3.43 & 4.85 & 5.83 & 6.01 & 7.40 & 8.34 & 9.12 & 10.17 & 11.21 & 12.87\\
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& & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} \\
& MBB & 1.75 & 2.67 & 3.65 & 4.55 & 5.67 & 6.60 & 7.72 & 8.18 & 9.79 & 10.21 & 11.01 & 12.03 \\
& MBBR & 1.73 & 2.41 & 3.29 & 4.55 & 5.50 & 6.04 & 7.19 & 8.02 & 9.37 & 10.63 & 11.64 & 12.60 \\
\Block{*-1}{\rotate $\mathbf{sd = 5}$}
& \Block{2-1}{} & \Block{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.8$} &&&& \Block{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.9$} &&&& \Block{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.95$} \\
& & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} \\
& MBB & 1.92 & 2.45 & 3.76 & 4.26 & 5.45 & 6.01 & 7.87 & 8.97 & 9.32 & 10.34 & 11.69 & 12.05 \\
& MBBR & 1.89 & 2.02 & 3.15 & 4.26 & 5.17 & 6.07 & 7.98 & 8.70 & 9.62 & 10.39 & 11.07 & 12.34 \\
\Block{*-1}{\rotate $\mathbf{sd = 10}$}
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& & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} \\
& MBB & 15.83 & 8.90 & 15.52 & 18.52 & 8.90 & 12.01 & 15.74 & 13.93 & 12.65 & 10.68 & 13.38 & 10.11\\
& MBBR & 15.77 & 8.04 & 14.30 & 18.51 & 8.34 & 10.13 & 13.96 & 13.41 & 11.23 & 8.78 & 12.14 & 8.68\\
\documentclass[14pt, a4paper]{extarticle}
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\usepackage{Times}% for font thst is close to times new roman
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\newcommand{\boldm}[1] {\mathversion{bold}#1\mathversion{normal}} % to validate \boldm function
\usepackage{xfrac} % to validate \sfrac{num}{denom}
\caption{My Caption}
% Please add the following required packages to your document preamble:
% \usepackage{multirow}
% \usepackage{graphicx}
\Block[fill=gray!30]{*-1}{\rotate $\mathbf{sd = 1}$}
& \Block{2-1}{} & \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.8$} &&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.9$} &&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.95$} \\
& & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} \\
& MBB & 1.58 & 2.89 & 3.50 & 4.85 & 5.89 & 6.20 & 7.45 & 8.39 & 9.26 & 10.88 & 11.29 & 12.01\\
& MBBR & 1.58 & 2.80 & 3.43 & 4.85 & 5.83 & 6.01 & 7.40 & 8.34 & 9.12 & 10.17 & 11.21 & 12.87\\
\Block[fill=gray!30]{*-1}{\rotate $\mathbf{sd = 3}$}
& \Block{2-1}{} & \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.8$} &&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.9$} &&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.95$} \\
& & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} \\
& MBB & 1.75 & 2.67 & 3.65 & 4.55 & 5.67 & 6.60 & 7.72 & 8.18 & 9.79 & 10.21 & 11.01 & 12.03 \\
& MBBR & 1.73 & 2.41 & 3.29 & 4.55 & 5.50 & 6.04 & 7.19 & 8.02 & 9.37 & 10.63 & 11.64 & 12.60 \\
\Block[fill=gray!30]{*-1}{\rotate $\mathbf{sd = 5}$}
& \Block{2-1}{} & \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.8$} &&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.9$} &&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.95$} \\
& & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} \\
& MBB & 1.92 & 2.45 & 3.76 & 4.26 & 5.45 & 6.01 & 7.87 & 8.97 & 9.32 & 10.34 & 11.69 & 12.05 \\
& MBBR & 1.89 & 2.02 & 3.15 & 4.26 & 5.17 & 6.07 & 7.98 & 8.70 & 9.62 & 10.39 & 11.07 & 12.34 \\
\Block[fill=gray!30]{*-1}{\rotate $\mathbf{sd = 10}$}
& \Block{2-1}{} & \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.8$} &&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.9$} &&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.95$} \\
& & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} \\
& MBB & 15.83 & 8.90 & 15.52 & 18.52 & 8.90 & 12.01 & 15.74 & 13.93 & 12.65 & 10.68 & 13.38 & 10.11\\
& MBBR & 15.77 & 8.04 & 14.30 & 18.51 & 8.34 & 10.13 & 13.96 & 13.41 & 11.23 & 8.78 & 12.14 & 8.68\\
\documentclass[14pt, a4paper]{extarticle}
%if you put <showframe> option in \usepackage[]{geometry} it will produce frame round the document
\usepackage[labelfont=bf]{caption} % to boldface fifure and table caption
\usepackage{Times}% for font thst is close to times new roman
\usepackage{booktabs, multirow}
\newcommand{\boldm}[1] {\mathversion{bold}#1\mathversion{normal}} % to validate \boldm function
\usepackage{xfrac} % to validate \sfrac{num}{denom}
\caption{My Caption}
% Please add the following required packages to your document preamble:
% \usepackage{multirow}
% \usepackage{graphicx}
& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.8$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.9$}
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& {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$}
& {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$}
& {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & \\
MBB & 1.58 & 2.89 & 3.50 & 4.85 & 5.89 & 6.20 & 7.45 & 8.39 & 9.26 & 10.88 & 11.29 & 12.01 & \\
MBBR & 1.58 & 2.80 & 3.43 & 4.85 & 5.83 & 6.01 & 7.40 & 8.34 & 9.12 & 10.17 & 11.21 & 12.87 & \\
\Block{2-1}{} & \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.8$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.9$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.95$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{*-1}{\rotate $\mathbf{sd = 3}$} \\
& {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$}
& {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$}
& {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & \\
MBB & 1.75 & 2.67 & 3.65 & 4.55 & 5.67 & 6.60 & 7.72 & 8.18 & 9.79 & 10.21 & 11.01 & 12.03 & \\
MBBR & 1.73 & 2.41 & 3.29 & 4.55 & 5.50 & 6.04 & 7.19 & 8.02 & 9.37 & 10.63 & 11.64 & 12.60 & \\
\Block{2-1}{} & \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.8$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.9$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.95$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{*-1}{\rotate $\mathbf{sd = 5}$} \\
& {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$}
& {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$}
& {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & \\
MBB & 1.92 & 2.45 & 3.76 & 4.26 & 5.45 & 6.01 & 7.87 & 8.97 & 9.32 & 10.34 & 11.69 & 12.05 & \\
MBBR & 1.89 & 2.02 & 3.15 & 4.26 & 5.17 & 6.07 & 7.98 & 8.70 & 9.62 & 10.39 & 11.07 & 12.34 & \\
\Block{2-1}{} & \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.8$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.9$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.95$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{*-1}{\rotate $\mathbf{sd = 10}$} \\
& {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$}
& {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$}
& {\boldm $n = 10$} & {\boldm $n = 15$} & {\boldm $n = 20$} & {\boldm $n = 25$} & \\
MBB & 15.83 & 8.90 & 15.52 & 18.52 & 8.90 & 12.01 & 15.74 & 13.93 & 12.65 & 10.68 & 13.38 & 10.11 & \\
MBBR & 15.77 & 8.04 & 14.30 & 18.51 & 8.34 & 10.13 & 13.96 & 13.41 & 11.23 & 8.78 & 12.14 & 8.68 & \\
\documentclass[14pt, a4paper]{extarticle}
\usepackage[labelfont=bf]{caption} % to boldface figure and table caption
\usepackage{Times}% for font thst is close to times new roman
\usepackage{booktabs, multirow}
\newcommand{\boldm}[1] {\mathversion{bold}#1\mathversion{normal}} % to validate \boldm function
\usepackage{xfrac} % to validate \sfrac{num}{denom}
\caption{My Caption}
\begin{NiceTabular}{r>{\bfseries}l *{12}{c}}[hvlines]
& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.8$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.9$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{1-4}{\boldm $\varphi = 0.95$}
&&&& \Block[fill=gray!30]{*-1}{\rotate $\mathbf{sd = 1}$} \\
$n$ & 10 & 15 & 20 & 25
& 10 & 15 & 20 & 25
& 10 & 15 & 20 & 25 & \\
MBB & 1.58 & 2.89 & 3.50 & 4.85 & 5.89 & 6.20 & 7.45 & 8.39 & 9.26 & 10.88 & 11.29 & 12.01 & \\
MBBR & 1.58 & 2.80 & 3.43 & 4.85 & 5.83 & 6.01 & 7.40 & 8.34 & 9.12 & 10.17 & 11.21 & 12.87 & \\
为了比较重新设计此表,其中使用了 zhrtabularray
- 优点:最终结果只需要一次编译
- 缺点:由于新设计有点复杂,表格序言和编译需要一些时间
\documentclass[14pt, a4paper]{extarticle}
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\caption{My Caption}
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hline{even [3-Z]} = {solid, gray}, hline{odd [3-Z]} = {1pt},
vline{1} = {2-Z}{solid}, vline{Z} = {3-Z}{solid}, vline{2-Y}={solid},
colspec={r X[c, font=\bfseries] *{11}{X[c]} c},
cell{3-Z}{Z}={bg=gray!30, cmd=\rotcell[cc]},
& \SetCell[c=4]{c,$} \bm{\varphi = 0.8}
&&&& \SetCell[c=4]{c,$} \bm{\varphi = 0.9}
&&&& \SetCell[c=4]{c,$} \bm{\varphi = 0.95}
&&&& \\
$n$ & 10 & 15 & 20 & 25
& 10 & 15 & 20 & 25
& 10 & 15 & 20 & 25 & \\
MBB & 1.58 & 2.89 & 3.50 & 4.85
& 5.89 & 6.20 & 7.45 & 8.39
& 9.26 & 10.88 & 11.29 & 12.01
& \SetCell[r=2]{c} $\bm{sd=1}$ \\
MBBR & 1.58 & 2.80 & 3.43 & 4.85 & 5.83 & 6.01 & 7.40 & 8.34 & 9.12 & 10.17 & 11.21 & 12.87 & \\
MBB & 1.75 & 2.67 & 3.65 & 4.55 & 5.67 & 6.60 & 7.72 & 8.18 & 9.79 & 10.21 & 11.01 & 12.03
& \SetCell[r=2]{c} $\bm{sd=3}$ \\
MBBR & 1.73 & 2.41 & 3.29 & 4.55 & 5.50 & 6.04 & 7.19 & 8.02 & 9.37 & 10.63 & 11.64 & 12.60 & \\
MBB & 1.92 & 2.45 & 3.76 & 4.26 & 5.45 & 6.01 & 7.87 & 8.97 & 9.32 & 10.34 & 11.69 & 12.05
& \SetCell[r=2]{c} $\bm{sd=5}$ \\
MBBR & 1.89 & 2.02 & 3.15 & 4.26 & 5.17 & 6.07 & 7.98 & 8.70 & 9.62 & 10.39 & 11.07 & 12.34 & \\
MBB & 15.83 & 8.90 & 15.52 & 18.52 & 8.90 & 12.01 & 15.74 & 13.93 & 12.65 & 10.68 & 13.38 & 10.11
& \SetCell[r=2]{c} $\bm{sd=10}$ \\
MBBR & 15.77 & 8.04 & 14.30 & 18.51 & 8.34 & 10.13 & 13.96 & 13.41 & 11.23 & 8.78 & 12.14 & 8.68 & \\