多余的空间 - 页面底部的数字

多余的空间 - 页面底部的数字

因此,还有其他几个问题存在同样的问题,但我尝试了每一个解决方案(我能理解的),问题仍然存在。似乎 LaTeX 想要将我的图形放在页面底部,而不是紧跟在文本之后。到目前为止,我只设法通过添加 % 删除了文本和图形之间的空格,但这会在标题和文本之间产生一个空格。并且在标题后添加 % 不起作用。请帮忙。我已经尝试使用浮动和图形放置选项,但它们都没有任何作用。


\subsection{Determination of saliva concentration}

Using a BCA test, the protein concentration of unstimulated saliva was assessed. The results showed saliva protein concentrations of 1.2 - 1.4mg/ml.\\\\%
\captionof{figure}[Determination of saliva protein concentration]{Determination of saliva protein concentration via a BCA assay}





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\subsection{Determination of saliva concentration}

Using a BCA test, the protein concentration of unstimulated saliva was assessed. The results showed saliva protein concentrations of 1.2 - 1.4mg/ml. % \\\\%
\captionof{figure}[Determination of saliva protein concentration]{Determination of saliva protein concentration via a BCA assay}



