我想旋转右箭头的标签,使其与箭头对齐。此外,我还在寻找一种无需使用 \small 或 \tiny 即可更改标签字体大小的方法。最后但并非最不重要的是,我想让 B 和 C 周围的圆圈变小。我已经尝试了很多方法,但都没有达到预期的效果。
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=triangle 60]
\matrix[matrix of math nodes,column sep={80pt,between origins},row
sep={80pt,between origins},nodes={asymmetrical rectangle}] (s)
& |[name=A,draw,rectangle]| A & |[name=B,draw,circle]| B \\
& |[name=D,draw,rectangle]| D & |[name=C,draw,circle]| C \\
\draw [->]
(A) edge node[auto] {\small Reduktion} (B)
(B) edge node[auto, rotate=-90] {\small Annahme}(C)
(C) edge node[auto] {\small Erwartung}(D)
\draw[->, line join=round, decorate, decoration={zigzag, segment length=10, amplitude=1.9,post=lineto, post length=4pt}]
(A) -- (D)
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=triangle 60]
\matrix[matrix of math nodes,column sep={80pt,between origins},row
sep={80pt,between origins}] (s)
& |[name=A,draw,rectangle]| A & |[name=B,draw,circle,inner sep=2pt]| B \\
& |[name=D,draw,rectangle]| D & |[name=C,draw,circle,inner sep=2pt]| C \\
\draw [->]
(A) edge node[auto] {\small Reduktion} (B)
(B) edge node[auto, rotate=-90,midway, above] {\small Annahme}(C)
(C) edge node[auto] {\small Erwartung}(D)
\draw[->, line join=round, decorate, decoration={zigzag, segment length=10, amplitude=1.9,post=lineto, post length=4pt}]
(A) -- (D)