




title = {$\delta = 0.9$},
xlabel = {$\xi$},
ylabel = {$c(\xi)$},
xmin = 0,
xmax = 1,
ymin = 0.17,
ymax=  1,
legend pos = south east,
name path = A,
domain= 0:1,
samples= 100,
line width = 1.2 pt, 
\node at (axis cs:  .8,  .84){\footnotesize$C(\xi)$};
name path  = B,
domain= 0:1,
samples= 100,
style = dashed,
{(1/4 + (0.9 +x)/2};
\node at (axis cs: 0.2,0.87){\footnotesize$\bar{c}(\xi;\delta)$};
name path = C,
domain= 0:1,
samples= 100,
style = dashed,]
{(3/4 + (-0.9 +x)/2};
\node at (axis cs:  .8,  .63){\footnotesize$\underline{c}(\xi;\delta)$};
\addplot[fill=green, fill opacity = 0.3, draw = none,area legend] fill between [of = A and C, soft clip={domain=0:1}];
\addlegendentry{$Q_{ABS} < Q_{S,PC}$};
\addplot[fill=red, fill opacity = 0.3, draw = none,area legend] fill between [of = B and A, soft clip={domain=0:1}];
\addlegendentry{$Q_{ABS} > Q_{U,PC}$};
\caption{Some Caption}


尝试使用此代码 \addlegendimage{area legend, ...}将矩形放入图例区域。




                title = {$\delta = 0.9$},
                xlabel = {$\xi$},
                ylabel = {$c(\xi)$},
                xmin = 0,
                xmax = 1,
                ymin = 0.17,
                ymax=  1,
                legend pos = south east,    
                \addlegendimage{area legend, fill=green, fill opacity = 0.3}                  
                \addlegendimage{area legend, fill=red, fill opacity = 0.3}
                name path = A,
                domain= 0:1,
                samples= 100,
                line width = 1.2 pt, 
                \node at (axis cs:  .8,  .84){\footnotesize$C(\xi)$};
                name path  = B,
                domain= 0:1,
                samples= 100,
                style = dashed,
                {(1/4 + (0.9 +x)/2};
                \node at (axis cs: 0.2,0.87){\footnotesize$\bar{c}(\xi;\delta)$};
                name path = C,
                domain= 0:1,
                samples= 100,
                style = dashed,]
                {(3/4 + (-0.9 +x)/2};
                \node at (axis cs:  .8,  .63){\footnotesize$\underline{c}(\xi;\delta)$};
                \addplot[fill=green, fill opacity = 0.3, draw = none] fill between [of = A and C, soft clip={domain=0:1}];

                \addplot[fill=red, fill opacity = 0.3, draw = none] fill between [of = B and A, soft clip={domain=0:1}];
                \addlegendentry{$Q_{ABS} < Q_{S,PC}$};                  
                \addlegendentry{$Q_{ABS} > Q_{S,PC}$};

        \caption{Some Caption}


                legend pos = south east,
                legend entries={$Q_{ABS} < Q_{S,PC}$,   $Q_{ABS} > Q_{S,PC}$},          
                \addlegendimage{area legend, fill=green}                  
                \addlegendimage{area legend, fill=red}




\addlegendentry从第一个命令开始,每个命令都会向图例添加一个条目\addplot。命令的放置位置无关紧要\addlegendentry\addplot当然,必须将其添加到相关命令之后)。因此,使用您的代码,您可以添加两个图例条目,它们\addplot分别引用第一个和第二个命令,而不是引用后两个命令。由于您没有area legend为前两个\addplot命令提供选项(这是完全正确的,因为您无论如何都不想为这些图添加图例条目),您将获得(虚线或粗线)作为图例图片。



因此,您实际上需要做的是跳过前三个\addplot命令,以便仅为最后两个命令添加图例条目\addplot。您可以使用选项forget plot来实现此目的(另请参阅这个答案)。

forget plot在前三个命令中添加该选项后\addplot,正确的图例图像就会神奇地出现:

\pgfplotsset{width=9cm, compat=1.10}

title = {$\delta = 0.9$},
xlabel = {$\xi$},
ylabel = {$c(\xi)$},
xmin = 0,
xmax = 1,
ymin = 0.17,
ymax=  1,
legend pos = south east,
name path = A,
domain= 0:1,
samples= 100,
line width = 1.2 pt, 
forget plot
\node at (axis cs:  .8,  .84){\footnotesize$C(\xi)$};
name path  = B,
domain= 0:1,
samples= 100,
style = dashed,
forget plot
{(1/4 + (0.9 +x)/2};
\node at (axis cs: 0.2,0.87){\footnotesize$\bar{c}(\xi;\delta)$};
name path = C,
domain= 0:1,
samples= 100,
style = dashed,
forget plot
{(3/4 + (-0.9 +x)/2};
\node at (axis cs:  .8,  .63){\footnotesize$\underline{c}(\xi;\delta)$};
\addplot[fill=green, fill opacity = 0.3, draw = none, area legend] fill between [of = A and C, soft clip={domain=0:1}];
\addplot[fill=red, fill opacity = 0.3, draw = none, area legend] fill between [of = B and A, soft clip={domain=0:1}];
\addlegendentry{$Q_{ABS} < Q_{S,PC}$}
\addlegendentry{$Q_{ABS} > Q_{U,PC}$}
\caption{Some Caption}


在某些情况下,forget plot可能会导致不必要的副作用,因为它不仅会从图例中删除图表。您还可以使用以下方式放置空的图例条目\legend{,,,$Q_{ABS} < Q_{S,PC}$,$Q_{ABS} > Q_{U,PC}$};

\pgfplotsset{width=9cm, compat=1.10}

title = {$\delta = 0.9$},
xlabel = {$\xi$},
ylabel = {$c(\xi)$},
xmin = 0,
xmax = 1,
ymin = 0.17,
ymax=  1,
legend pos = south east,
name path = A,
domain= 0:1,
samples= 100,
line width = 1.2 pt, 
\node at (axis cs:  .8,  .84){\footnotesize$C(\xi)$};
name path  = B,
domain= 0:1,
samples= 100,
style = dashed,
{(1/4 + (0.9 +x)/2};
\node at (axis cs: 0.2,0.87){\footnotesize$\bar{c}(\xi;\delta)$};
name path = C,
domain= 0:1,
samples= 100,
style = dashed,
{(3/4 + (-0.9 +x)/2};
\node at (axis cs:  .8,  .63){\footnotesize$\underline{c}(\xi;\delta)$};
\addplot[fill=green, fill opacity = 0.3, draw = none, area legend] fill between [of = A and C, soft clip={domain=0:1}];
\addplot[fill=red, fill opacity = 0.3, draw = none, area legend] fill between [of = B and A, soft clip={domain=0:1}];
\legend{,,,$Q_{ABS} < Q_{S,PC}$,$Q_{ABS} > Q_{U,PC}$};
\caption{Some Caption}

