创建间距减小、无项目符号且第 1 级以粗体显示的列表

创建间距减小、无项目符号且第 1 级以粗体显示的列表

尝试使用 flowfram 在两列页面的左侧制作一个小的主题列表。我尝试使用 itemize 制作列表,但无法使标题和子标题之间的间距足够小。


\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{memoir} % Font and paper size
\usepackage{flowfram} % Required for the multi-column layout

% Define the left frame (sidebar)
% Define the right frame (main body)

\pagestyle{empty} % Disable all page numbering

\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Stop paragraph indentation

    {\small\textbf{Here is a caption 1}}\\
    {\tiny Caption 1 subtext}\\

    {\small\textbf{Here is a caption 2}}\\
    {\tiny Caption 2 subtext}\\
    {\small \textbf{Here is caption 3}}\\
    {\tiny Caption 3 subtext}\\
    {\small \textbf{Here is caption 4}}\\
    {\tiny Caption 4 subtext}\\



对于基线距离,\baselineskip段落末尾的 始终是有效的。由于 的分组,{\small…}和与您代码的所有{\tiny…}行相关。例如,您可以使用:\baselineskip\normalsize

\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{memoir} % Font and paper size
\usepackage{flowfram} % Required for the multi-column layout

% Define the left frame (sidebar)
% Define the right frame (main body)

\pagestyle{empty} % Disable all page numbering

\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Stop paragraph indentation

    \small\textbf{Here is a caption 1}\\
    \tiny Caption 1 subtext\par\normalsize\vspace{\baselineskip}

    \small\textbf{Here is a caption 2}\\
    \tiny Caption 2 subtext\par\normalsize\vspace{\baselineskip}
    \small \textbf{Here is caption 3}\\
    \tiny Caption 3 subtext\par\normalsize\vspace{\baselineskip}
    \small \textbf{Here is caption 4}\\
    \tiny Caption 4 subtext\par\normalsize

