我对一个可以让我的生活变得轻松很多的功能有疑问。是否可以取一个段落,让 TeX 将其分成几行,然后让 tikz 访问各个行并将它们放在页面上的不同位置?例如,我有一个 10 行的段落(但我不一定事先知道会有 9 行、10 行或 11 行),我希望 tikz 取各个行并将它们放在不同的位置,例如使它们的原点是圆的点。
一个对我来说仍然很神秘的命令,以及某种循环来访问 vbox 中包含的各个 hbox,这是一个 TeX 循环还是 tikz 循环?)
根据 user202729 的要求给出一个明确的例子,我们如下:
\usetikzlibrary{fit, positioning}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,shift=(current page.south west)]
\node[align=left,text width=4cm] at (1in,1in) {some text spanning three lines with very nice automatic line breaks};
文本框的中心位于坐标 (1in,1in)(页面左下角为 (0,0))。
第二个(主要)问题:我怎样才能将这段文本分成几行,并让 tikz 将这些行放在不同的位置?例如,我希望第一行(原点)位于坐标 (2in,2in),第二行(原点)位于坐标 (3.5in,0.75in),第三行(原点)位于其他给定位置?
与 tikz 进行交互呢?
理想情况下,我需要的是能够告诉 tikz“取出此段落并将其各行放置在位置 (2in,2in)、(3in,50pt)、(11bp,22345sp)… 等等”。
将使用 x 和 y 偏移以及可选旋转显示线条,使用由生成的命令
\RotateAndGo[<optional rotation angle>]{<consecutive number id>}{<x offset from corner>}{<y offset from corner>}
是通过在命令中包含其执行来根据number id
相同的一起添加到节点number id
\usetikzlibrary{tikzmark} % needed <<<<<<<<<<
% From https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/57140/161015
\newcommand{\getlines}{% capture all lines of a paragraph and puts them in their place
\newcommand{\TypesetLines}[1]{\parindent0pt\vbox{#1\par\getlines}} % load the paragraph and display the lines
%\RotateAndGo[<optional rotation angle>]{<number ID >}{<x shift from corner>}{<y shift from corner>}
\newcommand{\RotateAndGo}[4][0]{% save rotation and shifts
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\newcommand \csname R#2\endcsname{#1}%
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\newcommand \csname Cx#2\endcsname{#3}%
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\newcommand \csname Cy#2\endcsname{#4}%
% First example ********************************************
\renewcommand{\makenodes}{%put the lines in their place, automatic mode
\RotateAndGo{\thexcount}{1cm}{-0.5in*\thexcount} % only y-shift
\tikz\node[inner sep=0pt,rotate=\expandafter\csname R\thexcount\endcsname, remember picture, overlay, anchor= west ,draw]
at ([xshift=\expandafter\csname Cx\thexcount\endcsname, yshift=\expandafter\csname Cy\thexcount\endcsname] current page.south west)
{\tikzmark{\thexcount}\usebox{\singleline}}; % typeset
\noindent Some text spanning three lines with very nice automatic line breaks \bigskip
From \tikzmarknode{here}~HERE to the first line baseline
\TypesetLines{Some text spanning three lines with very nice automatic line breaks}
\tikz[remember picture,overlay] \draw[->,red, very thick] (here) -- (pic cs:1); % the arrow to the baseline of the first line (# 1)
% Second example ********************************************
\renewcommand{\makenodes}{%put the lines in their place, manual mode <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\tikz\node[inner sep=0pt,rotate=\expandafter\csname R\thexcount\endcsname, remember picture, overlay, anchor= west ,draw]
at ([xshift=\expandafter\csname Cx\thexcount\endcsname, yshift=\expandafter\csname Cy\thexcount\endcsname] current page.south west)
{\tikzmark{\thexcount}\usebox{\singleline}}; % typeset
\noindent As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of
practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things
in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be
used as a canon for our understanding.The paralogisms of practical
reason are what first give rise to the architectonic of practical
Arrow to the \tikzmarknode{last}~LAST line (\# \verb|\thexlinecount|)
Last used line= \thexlinecount
\RotateAndGo[0]{\thectrx}{0in}{-1in} % first line here is # 4
\TypesetLines{As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of
practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things
in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be
used as a canon for our understanding.The paralogisms of practical
reason are what first give rise to the architectonic of practical
\tikz[remember picture,overlay] \draw[->,red, very thick] (last) -- (pic cs:\thexlinecount); % the arrow to the baseline of the last line
% Third example********************************************
\renewcommand{\makenodes}{%put the lines in their place
\RotateAndGo{\thexcount}{-10pt*(\thexcount-9)*(\thexcount-9)+4in}{-1ex*\thexcount-1in} %changed <<<<<
\tikz\node[blue, inner sep=0pt,rotate=\expandafter\csname R\thexcount\endcsname, remember picture, overlay] %changed <<<<<
at ([xshift=\expandafter\csname Cx\thexcount\endcsname, yshift=\expandafter\csname Cy\thexcount\endcsname] current page.south west)
{\tikzmark{\thexcount}\usebox{\singleline}}; % typeset
\TypesetLines{\raggedright As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of
practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things
in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be
used as a canon for our understanding.The paralogisms of practical
reason are what first give rise to the architectonic of practical
\usetikzlibrary{tikzmark} % needed <<<<<<<<<<
\usepackage{calc}% needed <<<<<<<<<<
% From https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/57140/161015
\newcommand{\getlines}{% capture all lines of a paragraph and puts them in their place
\newcommand{\TypesetLines}[1]{\parindent0pt\vbox{#1\par\getlines}} % load the paragraph and display the lines
\newcounter{anglex} \newlength{\Cx}\newlength{\Cy}
\newcommand{\RotateAndGo}[3][0]{% save rotation and shifts changed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
% First example ********************************************
\renewcommand{\makenodes}{%put the lines in their place, automatic mode
\RotateAndGo{1cm}{-0.5in*\thexcount} % only y-shift
\tikz\node[inner sep=0pt,rotate=\theanglex, remember picture, overlay, anchor= west ,draw]
at ([xshift=\the\Cx, yshift=\the\Cy] current page.south west)
{\tikzmark{\thexcount}\usebox{\singleline}}; % typeset
\noindent Some text spanning three lines with very nice automatic line breaks \bigskip
From \tikzmarknode{here}~HERE to the first line baseline
\TypesetLines{Some text spanning three lines with very nice automatic line breaks}
\tikz[remember picture,overlay] \draw[->,red, very thick] (here) -- (pic cs:1); % the arrow to the baseline of the first line (# 1)
% Fourth example ********************************************
\renewcommand{\makenodes}{%put the lines in their place
\RotateAndGo{-10pt*(\thexcount-9)*(\thexcount-9)+3in}{-1ex*\thexcount-1in} %changed <<<<<
\tikz\node[blue, inner sep=0pt,rotate=\theanglex, remember picture, overlay] %changed <<<<<
at ([xshift=\the\Cx, yshift=\the\Cy] current page.south west)
{\tikzmark{\thexcount}\usebox{\singleline}}; % typeset
\TypesetLines{\raggedright As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of
practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things
in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be
used as a canon for our understanding.The paralogisms of practical
reason are what first give rise to the architectonic of practical
在 OpTeX 中,我们不需要 TikZ,因为\puttext
\def\putlines#1{\setbox0=\vbox{\noindent#1\par \numlines=0 \getlines}%
\unless \ifvoid1 \unskip\unpenalty {\getlines}
\putlines{\hsize=10cm \lorem[1]}{(2in,2in),(3in,50pt),(11bp,22345sp)}
\putlines{\hsize=10cm \lorem[1]}{} % boxes are saved only
\tmpdim=0pt % all boxes are printed:
\fornum 1..\numlines \do {\hbox{\kern\tmpdim #1: \putline#1}\advance\tmpdim by5pt }