第 9、10 和 11 张幻灯片的顺序错误。第 9 张应该在 11 张之后。页脚中的页码也是错误的。
% Beamer Presentation
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\title[Mathematical Epidemiology Models]{Neural Network Solvers in Epidemiology Models} % The short title in the optional parameter appears at the bottom of every slide, the full title in the main parameter is only on the title page
\subtitle{A Prediction Model for Covid-19 Cases in Turkey} % Presentation subtitle, remove this command if a subtitle isn't required
\author[Günel \and Ahmad]{Korhan Günel \inst{1} \and Muhammad Jalil Ahmad \inst{2}}
% Affiliations
\institute[ADÜ \and UMBC]{\inst{1} Aydin Adnan Menderes University, Turkey\and \inst{2} University of Maryland, Baltimore Country, USA} % Presenter name(s), the optional parameter can contain a shortened version to appear on the bottom of every slide, while the main parameter will appear on the title slide
%\institute[]{University of Maryland, Baltimore County \\ \smallskip \textit{[email protected]}} % Your institution, the optional parameter can be used for the institution shorthand and will appear on the bottom of every slide after author names, while the required parameter is used on the title slide and can include your email address or additional information on separate lines
\date[November 11–13, 2022]{The 2022 International BEER Symposium \\ November 11–13, 2022} % Presentation date or conference/meeting name, the optional parameter can contain a shortened version to appear on the bottom of every slide, while the required parameter value is output to the title slide
\titlepage % Output the title slide, automatically created using the text entered in the PRESENTATION INFORMATION block above
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% \frametitle{Presentation Overview} % Slide title, remove this %command for no title
% \tableofcontents % Output the table of contents (all sections on %one slide)
%\tableofcontents[pausesections] % Output the table of contents %(break sections up across separate slides)
\subsection{Epidemiology Models}
\frametitle{Susceptible-Infected ($SI$) Model}
\item $S(t)$ represents number of people susceptible to disease at time $t$.
\item $I(t)$ represents number of people already infected at time $t$.
\item Total number of people in the population is given by $$N=S(t)+I(t)$$
\includegraphics[scale=0.75]{SI model}
\frametitle{Susceptible-Infected ($SI$) Model}
\item Then the $SI$ model can be represented by the following system of ODEs:
$$\dfrac{dS(t)}{dt} = -\dfrac{\beta S(t) I(t)}{N} $$
$$\dfrac{dI(t)}{dt} = \dfrac{\beta S(t) I(t)}{N} $$
with initial values, $S(0)=s_0>0$ and $I(0)=i_0>0$\\
\item $\beta$ represents the rate at which the disease is spreading.
\item Analytic solution of this system is give by:
$$I(t) = \dfrac{i_0}{i_0+(1-i_0)e^{-\beta t}}
$$ $$S(t)=N-I(t)$$
\frametitle{Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible ($SIS$) Model}
\item In this model we will consider the case in which infected people become susceptible again after recovering from the disease.
\includegraphics[scale=0.75]{SIS model}
\frametitle{Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible ($SIS$) Model}
\item $SIS$ model is given by:
$$\dfrac{dS(t)}{dt} = -\beta S(t) I(t)+\gamma I(t) $$
$$\dfrac{dI(t)}{dt} = \beta S(t) I(t)-\gamma I(t) $$
where $\gamma$ represents the rate at which infected people recover and become susceptible again.
\frametitle{Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible ($SIS$) Model}
\item Analytic solution of this system is given by:
$$I(t) = \dfrac{\alpha}{\beta+ C \alpha e^{-\alpha t}}$$
$$S(t)=N-\dfrac{\alpha}{\beta+ C \alpha e^{-\alpha t}}$$
where $\alpha=\beta N-\gamma$ and $C=\dfrac{\alpha-i_0 \beta}{\alpha i_0}$
\frametitle{Susceptible-Infected-Recovered ($SIR$) Model}
\item $SIR$ model is given by:
$$\dfrac{dS(t)}{dt} = -\beta S(t) I(t) $$
$$\dfrac{dI(t)}{dt} = \beta S(t) I(t)-\gamma I(t) $$
$$\dfrac{dR(t)}{dt} = \gamma I(t) $$
\frametitle{Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible ($SIR$) Model}
\item Analytic solution of this system is given by:
$$S(u)=s_0 u$$
$$I(u)= \dfrac{\gamma}{\beta} \log u - \alpha u - \dfrac{C_1}{\beta}$$
$$R(u)=-\dfrac{\gamma}{\beta} \log u$$
where $C_1$ is an integration constant and $$t-t_0 = \int_{u_0}^u \dfrac{d\epsilon}{\epsilon (C_1-\gamma \log \epsilon + \alpha \beta u)}$$
\caption{MADS Algorithm}\label{alg:mABC}
Given $f:\mathds{R}^n \rightarrow \mathds{R}$ ve $x^0 \in \mathds{R}^n$ is the starting point
\State Initialisation
\State $\Delta^0 \in (0,\infty)$ \Comment{ initial frame size parameter }
\State $D = GZ $\Comment{ positive spanning matrix }
\State $\tau \in (0,1), \: \tau \in \mathbb{Q} $\Comment{ mesh size adjustment parameter }
\State $\epsilon_{stop} \in [0, \infty) $\Comment{ stopping tolerance }
\State $k \gets 0$\Comment{ iteration counter }
\State Parameter Update
\State set the mesh size parameter to $\delta^k = min\lbrace \Delta^k , {(\Delta^k)}^2\rbrace $
\State Search
\State if $f(t) < f(x^k)$ for some $t$ in a finite subset $S^k$ of $M^k$ set $x^{k+1} \gets t$ and $\delta^{k+1} \gets \tau^{-1} \delta^k$ and go to 14 otherwise go to 11
\State Poll
\State select a positive spanning set $\mathds{D}^k_\Delta$ such that $ P^k = \lbrace x^k + \delta^k d : d \in \mathds{D}^k_\Delta \rbrace $ is a subset of the frame $F^k$ of some extent $\Delta^k$.\\ if $f(t) < f(x^k)$ for some $t \in P^k$ set $x^{k+1} \gets t$ ve $\delta^{k+1} \gets \tau^{-1} \delta^k$ otherwise set $x^{k+1} \gets x^k$ and $\delta^{k+1} \gets \tau^{-1} \delta^k$.
\State Termination
\State If $\Delta^{k+1} \geq \epsilon_{stop}$ increment $k \gets k+1$ and go to 9 otherwise stop.
\frametitle{2-D Example for working of MADS Algorithm}
\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Frame 1}
\frametitle{2-D Example for working of MADS Algorithm}
\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Frame 2}
\frametitle{Artificial Neural Networks}
\item Single Layers Neural Nets
\item For linear functions
\item Multi-Layers Neural Nets
\item For non-linear functions
\caption{Topology of Neural Network}
\frametitle{Neural Network solvers for $SI$ Model}
$$S_t=s_0+(t-t_0 ) Net(t_j,s_j,i_j,\overrightarrow{p_S}) $$
$$T_t=i_0+(t-t_0 ) Net(t_j,s_j,i_j,\overrightarrow{p_I}) $$
\item $h>0$ is step size
\item $t_j=t_0+j \cdot h $ for $j=0,1, \ldots ,n$ gives us discretization of the interval $[t_0, t_n]$
\item $\overrightarrow{p_S}=\overrightarrow{p_S}(\overrightarrow{\alpha_j},\overrightarrow{\omega_j},\overrightarrow{\beta_j})$ and $\overrightarrow{p_I}=\overrightarrow{p_I}(\overrightarrow{\alpha_j},\overrightarrow{\omega_j},\overrightarrow{\beta_j})$ are unknown parameters of the neural network
\frametitle{Neural Network solvers for $SI$ Model}
\item Points $t_j$ are used to train neural network
\item The output of the NN is given by $$Net(t_j, s_j, i_j, \overrightarrow{p_S})= \sum_{i=1}^{m_1} \alpha_{S i} \ \sigma(z_{1i}) $$
\item $\sigma(z) = \dfrac{1}{1+e^{-z}} $ is the activation function
\frametitle{Neural Network solvers for $SI$ Model}
$$\dfrac{\partial S_t}{\partial t} = Net(t_j,s_j,i_j,\overrightarrow{p_S})+(t-t_0) \dfrac{\partial Net(t_j,s_j,i_j,\overrightarrow{p_S})}{\partial t} $$
$$\dfrac{\partial I_t}{\partial t} = Net(t_j,s_j,i_j,\overrightarrow{p_I})+(t-t_0) \dfrac{\partial Net(t_j,s_j,i_j,\overrightarrow{p_I})}{\partial t} $$
$$\dfrac{dS(t)}{dt}=f(t, S(t),I(t)) $$
$$\dfrac{dI(t)}{dt}=g(t, S(t),I(t)) $$
\frametitle{Neural Network solvers for $SI$ Model}
Cost function for $SI$ model is given by:
$$E= \dfrac{1}{2n} \sum_{i=1}^n \left\lbrace \left[ \dfrac{\partial S(t_i)}{\partial t_i}-f(t_i, S(t_i),I(t_i))\right]^2 + \left[ \dfrac{\partial I(t_i)}{\partial t_i}-g(t_i, S(t_i),I(t_i))\right]^2\right\rbrace $$
\frametitle{Cost function for $SIR$}
Similarly cost function for $SIR$ model is given by:
Similarly cost function for $SIR$ model is given by:
\begin{multline*} E= \dfrac{1}{2n} \sum_{i=1}^n \left\lbrace \left[ \dfrac{\partial S(t_i)}{\partial t_i}-f(t_i, S(t_i),I(t_i),R(t_i))\right]^2 + \right.\\
\left.\left[ \dfrac{\partial I(t_i)}{\partial t_i}-g(t_i, S(t_i),I(t_i),R(t_i))\right]^2 + \left[ \dfrac{\partial R(t_i)}{\partial t_i}-h(t_i, S(t_i),I(t_i),R(t_i))\right]^2\right\rbrace
\frametitle{Error Calculation}
Absolute error for the models is given by:
$$E(S)=|s_j - S_t(t_j)| $$
$$E(I)=|i_j - I_t(t_j)| $$
$$E(R)=|r_j - R_t(t_j)| $$
\frametitle{Training Neural Network}
\item Data announced during November 27, 2020 and May 28, 2021 by Health Ministry of Turkey is used.
\item $S$ represents number of reported cases, $I$ is number of confirmed cases and $R$ is number of people recovered in one day.
\item There are 7 layers in the NN.
\item Number of neurons in each layer is 10, 6, 6, 4, 4, 3, 3 respectively.
\frametitle{Results for $SI$ Model}
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{SI_1} % first figure itself
\caption{Results For Training Set}
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{SI_2} % second figure itself
\caption{Results For Test Set}
\frametitle{Results for $SIS$ Model}
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{SI_1} % first figure itself
\caption{Results For Training Set}
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{SI_2} % second figure itself
\caption{Results For Test Set}
\frametitle{Results for $SIR$ Model}
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{SI_1} % first figure itself
\caption{Results For Training Set}
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{SI_2} % second figure itself
\caption{Results For Test Set}
\item Results show $3-5 \% $ error for the training set. The reasons are:
\item Inconsistency in the data.
\item The coefficients $\beta$ and $\gamma$ obtained using the linear regression of real data are constant during the study.
\item In MADS, the initial positions of the basis vectors have a significant effect on reaching the solution.
\item If this was some other problem then these results would have been considered good but when we talk about COVID-19 which effects all humanity, this error should be minimized further.
\frametitle{Future Work}
\item Techniques like data approximation are advised to overcome the inconsistency in data.
\item The coefficients $\beta$ and $\gamma$ should be defined as a function of time.
\item Algorithms like Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) should be tested where the initial value doesnt play a big role as it does in MADS.
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\begin{frame} % The optional argument 'plain' hides the headline and footline
{\Huge Thank You}
\bigskip\bigskip % Vertical whitespace
{\LARGE Questions? Comments?}
会生成浮动内容的元素,因为在 beamer 环境中这是完全不需要的。
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\frametitle{Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible ($SIR$) Model}
\item Analytic solution of this system is given by:
$$S(u)=s_0 u$$
$$I(u)= \dfrac{\gamma}{\beta} \log u - \alpha u - \dfrac{C_1}{\beta}$$
$$R(u)=-\dfrac{\gamma}{\beta} \log u$$
where $C_1$ is an integration constant and $$t-t_0 = \int_{u_0}^u \dfrac{d\epsilon}{\epsilon (C_1-\gamma \log \epsilon + \alpha \beta u)}$$
\begin{frame} % added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\frametitle{MADS Algorithm 1/2}% added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
% \begin{algorithm}[h!]
% \caption{MADS Algorithm}
Given $f:\mathds{R}^n \rightarrow \mathds{R}$ ve $x^0 \in \mathds{R}^n$ is the starting point
\State Initialisation
\State $\Delta^0 \in (0,\infty)$ \Comment{ initial frame size parameter }
\State $D = GZ $\Comment{ positive spanning matrix }
\State $\tau \in (0,1), \: \tau \in \mathbb{Q} $\Comment{ mesh size adjustment parameter }
\State $\epsilon_{stop} \in [0, \infty) $\Comment{ stopping tolerance }
\State $k \gets 0$\Comment{ iteration counter }
\State Parameter Update
\State set the mesh size parameter to $\delta^k = min\lbrace \Delta^k , {(\Delta^k)}^2\rbrace $
\State Search
\State if $f(t) < f(x^k)$ for some $t$ in a finite subset $S^k$ of $M^k$ set $x^{k+1} \gets t$ and $\delta^{k+1} \gets \tau^{-1} \delta^k$ and go to 14 otherwise go to 11
% \end{algorithm}
\end{frame} % added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\begin{frame}% added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\frametitle{MADS Algorithm 2/2} % added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
% \begin{algorithm}[h!]
\State Poll
\State select a positive spanning set $\mathds{D}^k_\Delta$ such that $ P^k = \lbrace x^k + \delta^k d : d \in \mathds{D}^k_\Delta \rbrace $ is a subset of the frame $F^k$ of some extent $\Delta^k$.\\ if $f(t) < f(x^k)$ for some $t \in P^k$ set $x^{k+1} \gets t$ ve $\delta^{k+1} \gets \tau^{-1} \delta^k$ otherwise set $x^{k+1} \gets x^k$ and $\delta^{k+1} \gets \tau^{-1} \delta^k$.
\State Termination
\State If $\Delta^{k+1} \geq \epsilon_{stop}$ increment $k \gets k+1$ and go to 9 otherwise stop.
% \end{algorithm}
\end{frame}% added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\frametitle{2-D Example for working of MADS Algorithm}