


\newcolumntype{L}{>{\RaggedRight}X}  % flush-left, not justified
\sisetup{group-four-digits=true} % show thousands separator for 4-digits numbers


\setlength\tabcolsep{3.5pt}    % default: 6pt
\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a less-cramped look
\caption{Funding round}
    S[table-format=4.2] c l L *{2}{S[table-format=5.2]} @{}}
     {\bfseries Name of the Shareholder} & 
    \bfseries No. of Equity Shares & 
    \mC{\bfseries Percentage of the pre-Offer Equity Share Capital on a fully diluted basis (\%) } \\
    Percentage of the pre-Offer Equity Share Capital on a fully diluted basis (\%) \\
    Go Digit Infoworks Services Private Limited & 729565220 & 83.65 \\
    A91 Emerging Fund I LLP & 29282949 & 3.36 \\
    TVS Shriram Growth Fund 3 & 31066389 & 3.56 \\
    Faering Capital India Evolving Fund II & 18638596 & 2.14 \\
    Faering Capital India Evolving Fund III & 10644353 & 1.22 \\
    Wellington Hadley  Harbor  AIV Master  Investors (Cayman) III, Ltd. & 13024841 & 1.49 \\
    SCI Growth Investments III & 9054878 & 1.04 \\
    Total & 841277226 & 96.46 \\
    *Based on the beneficiary position statement dated August 12, 2022.  &       &  \\



我认为,除了允许在第 1 列的所有单元格和第 3 列的标题中换行之外,还应该在第 2 列的标题中安排换行。我还建议您不要粗体标题,因为它很让人分心。那么,可能是类似下面的内容:


\documentclass{article}  % or some other suitable document class

\newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % flush-left, not justified
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X} % centered
\newcommand\mC[1]{\multicolumn{1}{@{} C @{}}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro
\settowidth\mylen{\textbf{No.\ of Equity}} % determine intended width of 2nd column

\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a less-cramped look
\caption{Funding round\strut}
%% define a table with three columns:
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} L p{\mylen} S[table-format=2.2] @{}}
\bfseries Shareholder & 
\bfseries No.\ of Equity Shares & 
\mC{\bfseries Percentage of pre-offer equity share capital, on fully diluted basis, in \%} \\
%%\mC{Percentage of the pre-Offer Equity Share Capital on a fully diluted basis (\%)} \\
    Go Digit Infoworks Services Private Ltd. & 729565220 & 83.65 \\
    A91 Emerging Fund I LLP                  & 29282949  & 3.36  \\
    TVS Shriram Growth Fund~3                & 31066389  & 3.56  \\
    Faering Capital India Evolving Fund II   & 18638596  & 2.14  \\
    Faering Capital India Evolving Fund III  & 10644353  & 1.22  \\
    Wellington Hadley Harbor AIV Master Investors (Cayman) III & 13024841 & 1.49 \\
    SCI Growth Investments III               & 9054878   & 1.04  \\
    Total                                    & 841277226 & 96.46 \\
    \multicolumn{3}{@{}l@{}}{\small *Based on beneficiary position statement dated August 12, 2022.}  \\



\UseTblrLibrary{booktabs, siunitx}

\sisetup{group-four-digits=true} % show thousands separator for 4-digits numbers

\caption{Funding round}
             colspec = {@{} S[table-format=4.2] c l 
                            X[1.9, cmd=\RaggedRight] 
             row{1}  = {font=\footnotesize\bfseries},
             row{1-2}= {guard}
    & Round
        & Stage
            & Investor
                & Pre Money Validation
                    & Post Money Validation     \\
(INR Cr)
    &   &   &   & (INR Cr)    
                    &   (INR Cr)    \\ 
417 & 8 & Growth-PE
            & IIFL VC, Sequoia Capital India
                &   & 30 496        \\
    & 7 & Late
            & Wellington Management, Fearing Capital, TVS Capital, Others
                & 29 971.97
                    & 26 072.97        \\
