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\fancyfoot[LO] {{\heiti非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。}}
\fancyfoot[RE] {{\heiti书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。}}
%%% \fancyfoot[LO] {{非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。}}
%%% \fancyfoot[RE] {{书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。}}
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\title{Vocabulary for iG \& A Level Mathematics}
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\section*{A -- Alpha}
\item[Acceleration /əkˌseləˈreɪʃ(ə)n/]
The rate of change of velocity over time.
\item[Adjacent /əˈdʒeɪ.sənt/]
Of a right-angled triangle,
it's the side between the angle under consideration and the right angle.
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\item[Algebraic fraction]
A fraction that has an algebraic expression in the numerator and/or denominator.
\item[Allied /'ælaɪd/ angles]
The pair of angles in a C-- or U--shape formed when a straight line crosses two parallel lines.
These angles always add up to $180^\circ$.
\item[AND rule (for dependent events)]
The probability of both $A$ and $B$ happening
is equal to the probability of $A$ happening
multiplied by the probability of $B$ happening given that $A$ has happened.
\item[AND rule (for independent events)]
The probability of both $A$ and $B$ happening is
equal to the probability of $A$ happening
multiplied by the probability of $B$ happening.
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\item[Angle bisector /baɪˈsektə/]
The line that cuts an angle into two equal smaller angles.
\item[Angle of depression/elevation]
The angle between a horizontal line and
the line of sight of an observer
at the same level looking down or up, respectively.
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\item[Arc /ˈɑːk/]
A part of the circumference of a circle.
\item[Arithmetic /əˈrɪθ.mə.tɪk/ (or linear) sequence]
A sequence where the terms increase or decrease by the same amount each time
(the common difference $d$).
u_n = a + (n-1)d,
where $a$ is the first term and $u_n$ is the $n$\textsuperscript{th} term.
\item[Asymptote /ˈæs.ɪm.təʊt/]
A straight line to show the values where the graph of a function is undefined.
A way of representing a set of data with a central or typical value of the set.
The three common averages used are the mode, median and mean.
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