使用 xelatex 并保留其他字体

使用 xelatex 并保留其他字体
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\fancyfoot[LO]   {{\heiti非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。}}
\fancyfoot[RE]   {{\heiti书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。}}
%%% \fancyfoot[LO]   {{非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。}}
%%% \fancyfoot[RE]   {{书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。}}
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\section*{A -- Alpha}
\item[Acceleration /əkˌseləˈreɪʃ(ə)n/]
    The rate of change of velocity over time.
\item[Adjacent /əˈdʒeɪ.sənt/]
    Of a right-angled triangle,
    it's the side between the angle under consideration and the right angle.
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\item[Algebraic fraction]
    A fraction that has an algebraic expression in the numerator and/or denominator.
\item[Allied /'ælaɪd/ angles]
    The pair of angles in a C-- or U--shape formed when a straight line crosses two parallel lines.
    These angles always add up to $180^\circ$.
\item[AND rule (for dependent events)]
    The probability of both $A$ and $B$ happening 
    is equal to the probability of $A$ happening 
    multiplied by the probability of $B$ happening given that $A$ has happened.
\item[AND rule (for independent events)]
    The probability of both $A$ and $B$ happening is 
    equal to the probability of $A$ happening 
    multiplied by the probability of $B$ happening.
%   \begin{center}
%   \includegraphics[scale=1]{and_rule.pdf}
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\item[Angle bisector /baɪˈsektə/]
    The line that cuts an angle into two equal smaller angles.
\item[Angle of depression/elevation]
    The angle between a horizontal line and 
    the line of sight of an observer 
    at the same level looking down or up, respectively.
%   \begin{center}
%   \includegraphics[scale=0.82]{elevation_depression.pdf}
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\item[Arc /ˈɑːk/]
    A part of the circumference of a circle.
\item[Arithmetic /əˈrɪθ.mə.tɪk/ (or linear) sequence]
    A sequence where the terms increase or decrease by the same amount each time 
    (the common difference $d$).
        u_n = a + (n-1)d,
    where $a$ is the first term and $u_n$ is the $n$\textsuperscript{th} term.
\item[Asymptote /ˈæs.ɪm.təʊt/]
    A straight line to show the values where the graph of a function is undefined.
    A way of representing a set of data with a central or typical value of the set.
    The three common averages used are the mode, median and mean.

主要目的是为代码中的语音启用 unicode。因此,有人搜索了一下,发现我必须使用 xelatex 来编译它。



以及\heiti我喜欢的页脚?他们似乎无法与 xelatex 配合使用?

简而言之,我希望输出与下图完全一致,并且 IPA 显示正确。这可能吗? 在此处输入图片描述

目前,如果我想显示 IPA,文档的其余部分看起来就很简单...... 在此处输入图片描述
