我想提取所有已选中字段值的 bibtex 项目。即从包含以下两个条目的文件中,我只想要第二个条目。字段的确切值无关紧要。
address = {Frankfurt/Main},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Online (Frankfurt\slash Main)}},
editor = {Müller, Stefan and Melnik, Nurit},
publisher = {University Library},
title = {{Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Online (Frankfurt\slash Main)}},
year = {2021}}
address = {Amsterdam},
author = {Hubert Haider},
booktitle = {The Derivation of {VO} and {OV}},
checked = {stmue 2021},
doi = {10.1075/la.31.03hai},
editor = {Peter Svenonius},
number = {31},
pages = {45--67},
publisher = {Benjamins},
series = {Linguistik aktuell},
title = {{OV} is More Basic than {VO}},
year = {2000}}
bibtool -r biblatex -- select{"checked"} references.bib
@InCollection{ haider2000a,
address = {Amsterdam},
author = {Hubert Haider},
booktitle = {The Derivation of {VO} and {OV}},
checked = {stmue 2021},
doi = {10.1075/la.31.03hai},
editor = {Peter Svenonius},
number = {31},
pages = {45--67},
publisher = {Benjamins},
series = {Linguistik aktuell},
title = {{OV} is More Basic than {VO}},
year = {2000}