\begin{circuitikz}[american, straight voltages]
\draw (0,0)
to [american voltage source, v=$V_P$, invert, voltage shift=1] (0,4) %Input voltage Vp
to [R=$R_p$] (3,4)
to [R=$R_L$] (6,4)
to [L, l_=$L$, v^<=$v_L$, i=$i_L$, voltage shift=1.5] (7,4)
to [Tnigbt,bodydiode] (11,4)
to [short] (13,4)
to [american voltage source, v^<=$V_{out}$, voltage shift=1] (13,0)
to [short] (0,0)
(3,4) to [R=$R_Ci$] (3,1.5)
to [C, l_=$C_i$, v^<=$v_{Ci}$] (3,0)
(7.75,4) to [Tnigbt,bodydiode, invert] (7.75,0)
(10.5,4) to [R=$R_Co$] (10.5,1.5)
to [C, l_=$C_o$, v^<=$v_{Co}$] (10.5,0)
(11,5) node[align=center]{$G_2$}
\begin{circuitikz}[american, straight voltages]
\draw (0,0)
to [american voltage source, v=$V_P$, invert, voltage shift=1] (0,4) %Input voltage Vp
to [R=$R_p$] (2,4)
to [R=$R_L$] (4,4)
to [L, l_=$L$, v^<=$v_L$, i=$i_L$, voltage shift=1.5] (7,4)
to [Tnigbt,bodydiode] (10,4)
to [short] (12,4)
to [american voltage source, v^<=$V_{out}$, voltage shift=1] (12,0)
to [short] (0,0)
(2.0,4) to [R=$R_Ci$] (2.0,1.5)
to [C, l_=$C_i$, v^<=$v_{Ci}$] (2.0,0)
(7.2,4) to [Tnigbt,bodydiode, invert] (7.2,0)
(10.0,4) to [R=$R_Co$] (10.0,1.5)
to [C, l_=$C_o$, v^<=$v_{Co}$] (10.0,0)
(11,5) node[align=center]{$G_2$}
添加\draw[help lines,red,thin,dotted] (-1,0) grid (14,5);