痛苦地最终调整了 biblatex 风格

痛苦地最终调整了 biblatex 风格





\usepackage[style=authoryear, backend = biber, natbib, maxcitenames = 2, maxbibnames=99, minnames=1, giveninits, style=ext-authoryear, innamebeforetitle=true]{biblatex}



\renewcommand{\postnotedelim}{: }







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    address = {Vienna},
    edition = {Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften},
    title = {Cremation burials in {Greece} from the {Late} {Bronze} {Age} to the {Early} {Iron} {Age}: continuity or change?},
    booktitle = {Brandbestattungen von der mittleren {Donau} bis zur Ägäis zwischen 1300 und 750 v. {Chr}.},
    author = {Ruppenstein, Florian},
    editor = {Lochner, M. and Ruppenstein, Florian},
    year = {2013},
    pages = {185--196},



This is the good reference \citep{key}.


\noindent Expected output:

\textsc{Ruppenstein}, F. 2013. Cremation burials in Greece from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age: continuity or change?, in M. Lochner \& F. Ruppenstein (ed.) \emph{Brandbestattungen von der mittleren Donau bis zur Ägäis zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr.}: 185--196. Vienna: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

抱歉,有点长,但如附图所示,最后几点我很难调整。 屏幕截图显示差异

