我一直在尝试使用 TikZ 绘制箭筒图。到目前为止,我已经取得了一些进展,但我很难理解以下内容:
- 我怎样才能画出从节点到无处并以点的形式延伸的线?
- 我怎样才能在行之间插入一些点?
\usepackage{tikz, pgfplots}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc, positioning}
node distance = 17mm and 31mm,
b/.style={rectangle, draw=black!60, fill=gray!15, very thick, minimum size=35},
c/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=gray!15, very thick, minimum size=35}
\node[b] (posFk) {$F_k$};
\node[c] (posak) [below=of posFk] {$\alpha_k$};
\node[c] (posmuk) [below=of posak] {$\mu_k$};
\node[b] (posFtk) [below=of posmuk] {$\tilde{F}_k$};
\node[b] (posFF) [left=of posFk] {$F_2$};
\node[c] (posakk) [below=of posFF] {$\alpha_2$};
\node[c] (posmukk) [below=of posakk] {$\mu_2$};
\node[b] (posFtkk) [below=of posmukk] {$\tilde{F}_2$};
\node[b] (posFFF) [left=of posFF] {$F_1$};
\node[c] (posakkk) [below=of posFFF] {$\alpha_1$};
\node[c] (posmukkk) [below=of posakkk] {$\mu_1$};
\node[b] (posFtkkk) [below=of posmukkk] {$\tilde{F}_1$};
%Curved lines for the quiver
\draw[-, very thick] (posmuk.east) .. controls +(right:17mm) and +(right:17mm) .. (posFk.east);
\draw[-, very thick] (posak.west) .. controls +(left:17mm) and +(left:17mm) .. (posFtk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukk.east) .. controls +(right:17mm) and +(right:17mm) .. (posFF.east);
\draw[-, very thick] (posakk.west) .. controls +(left:17mm) and +(left:17mm) .. (posFtkk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukkk.east) .. controls +(right:17mm) and +(right:17mm) .. (posFFF.east);
\draw[-, very thick] (posakkk.west) .. controls +(left:17mm) and +(left:17mm) .. (posFtkkk.west);
%Lines for each column of the quivers
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posFk.south) to node[right] {} (posak.north);
\draw[-, very thick, decorate,decoration={coil,aspect=0,segment length=5.9mm}] (posak.south) to node[right] {} (posmuk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmuk.south) to node[right] {} (posFtk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posFF.south) to node[right] {} (posakk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, decorate,decoration={coil,aspect=0,segment length=5.9mm}] (posakk.south) to node[right] {} (posmukk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukk.south) to node[right] {} (posFtkk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posFFF.south) to node[right] {} (posakkk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, decorate,decoration={coil,aspect=0,segment length=5.9mm}] (posakkk.south) to node[right] {} (posmukkk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukkk.south) to node[right] {} (posFtkkk.north);
%Horizontal lines connecting the quiver
\draw[-, very thick] (posakkk.east) to node[right] {} (posakk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukkk.east) to node[right] {} (posmukk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posakk.east) to node[right] {} (posak.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukk.east) to node[right] {} (posmuk.west);
%Diagonal lines connecting the quiver
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posakkk.east) to node[right] {} (posmukk.west);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukkk.east) to node[right] {} (posakk.west);
和之间的一半(50%) nodeB
这种语法的优点在于,您甚至可以使用小于 0 或大于 1 的数字来放置不在两个坐标之间的坐标。
\usetikzlibrary{calc, positioning, decorations.pathmorphing}
node distance = 17mm and 31mm,
b/.style={rectangle, draw=black!60, fill=gray!15, very thick, minimum size=35},
c/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=gray!15, very thick, minimum size=35}
\node[b] (posFk) {$F_k$};
\node[c] (posak) [below=of posFk] {$\alpha_k$};
\node[c] (posmuk) [below=of posak] {$\mu_k$};
\node[b] (posFtk) [below=of posmuk] {$\tilde{F}_k$};
\node[b] (posFF) [left=of posFk] {$F_2$};
\node[c] (posakk) [below=of posFF] {$\alpha_2$};
\node[c] (posmukk) [below=of posakk] {$\mu_2$};
\node[b] (posFtkk) [below=of posmukk] {$\tilde{F}_2$};
\node[b] (posFFF) [left=of posFF] {$F_1$};
\node[c] (posakkk) [below=of posFFF] {$\alpha_1$};
\node[c] (posmukkk) [below=of posakkk] {$\mu_1$};
\node[b] (posFtkkk) [below=of posmukkk] {$\tilde{F}_1$};
%Curved lines for the quiver
\draw[-, very thick] (posmuk.east)
.. controls +(right:17mm) and +(right:17mm)
.. (posFk.east);
\draw[-, very thick] (posak.west)
.. controls +(left:17mm) and +(left:17mm)
.. (posFtk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukk.east)
.. controls +(right:17mm) and +(right:17mm)
.. (posFF.east);
\draw[-, very thick] (posakk.west)
.. controls +(left:17mm) and +(left:17mm)
.. (posFtkk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukkk.east)
.. controls +(right:17mm) and +(right:17mm)
.. (posFFF.east);
\draw[-, very thick] (posakkk.west)
.. controls +(left:17mm) and +(left:17mm)
.. (posFtkkk.west);
%Lines for each column of the quivers
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posFk.south)
to node[right] {} (posak.north);
\draw[-, very thick, decorate,decoration={coil,aspect=0,segment length=5.9mm}] (posak.south)
to node[right] {} (posmuk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmuk.south)
to node[right] {} (posFtk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posFF.south)
to node[right] {} (posakk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, decorate,decoration={coil,aspect=0,segment length=5.9mm}] (posakk.south)
to node[right] {} (posmukk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukk.south)
to node[right] {} (posFtkk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posFFF.south)
to node[right] {} (posakkk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, decorate,decoration={coil,aspect=0,segment length=5.9mm}] (posakkk.south)
to node[right] {} (posmukkk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukkk.south)
to node[right] {} (posFtkkk.north);
%Horizontal lines connecting the quiver
\draw[-, very thick] (posakkk.east) to node[right] {} (posakk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukkk.east) to node[right] {} (posmukk.west);
%\draw[-, very thick] (posakk.east) to node[right] {} (posak.west);
%\draw[-, very thick] (posmukk.east) to node[right] {} (posmuk.west);
\draw[-, very thick, blue] (posakk.east) -- ($(posakk)!0.33!(posak)$);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed, blue] ($(posakk)!0.33!(posak)$) -- ($(posakk)!0.67!(posak)$);
\draw[-, very thick, blue] ($(posakk)!0.67!(posak)$) -- (posak.west);
\draw[-, very thick, blue] (posmukk.east) -- ($(posmukk)!0.33!(posmuk)$);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed, blue] ($(posmukk)!0.33!(posmuk)$) -- ($(posmukk)!0.67!(posmuk)$);
\draw[-, very thick, blue] ($(posmukk)!0.67!(posmuk)$) -- (posmuk.west);
\draw[-, very thick, blue] (posak.east) -- ($(posakk)!1.33!(posak)$);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed, blue] ($(posakk)!1.33!(posak)$) -- ($(posakk)!1.67!(posak)$);
\draw[-, very thick, blue] (posmuk.east) -- ($(posmukk)!1.33!(posmuk)$);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed, blue] ($(posmukk)!1.33!(posmuk)$) -- ($(posmukk)!1.67!(posmuk)$);
%Diagonal lines connecting the quiver
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posakkk.east) to node[right] {} (posmukk.west);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukkk.east) to node[right] {} (posakk.west);
\usetikzlibrary{calc, positioning, decorations.pathmorphing}
node distance = 17mm and 31mm,
b/.style={rectangle, draw=black!60, fill=gray!15, very thick, minimum size=35},
c/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=gray!15, very thick, minimum size=35}
\node[b] (posFk) {$F_k$};
\node[c] (posak) [below=of posFk] {$\alpha_k$};
\node[c] (posmuk) [below=of posak] {$\mu_k$};
\node[b] (posFtk) [below=of posmuk] {$\tilde{F}_k$};
\node[b] (posFF) [left=of posFk] {$F_2$};
\node[c] (posakk) [below=of posFF] {$\alpha_2$};
\node[c] (posmukk) [below=of posakk] {$\mu_2$};
\node[b] (posFtkk) [below=of posmukk] {$\tilde{F}_2$};
\node[b] (posFFF) [left=of posFF] {$F_1$};
\node[c] (posakkk) [below=of posFFF] {$\alpha_1$};
\node[c] (posmukkk) [below=of posakkk] {$\mu_1$};
\node[b] (posFtkkk) [below=of posmukkk] {$\tilde{F}_1$};
%Curved lines for the quiver
\draw[-, very thick] (posmuk.east)
.. controls +(right:17mm) and +(right:17mm)
.. (posFk.east);
\draw[-, very thick] (posak.west)
.. controls +(left:17mm) and +(left:17mm)
.. (posFtk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukk.east)
.. controls +(right:17mm) and +(right:17mm)
.. (posFF.east);
\draw[-, very thick] (posakk.west)
.. controls +(left:17mm) and +(left:17mm)
.. (posFtkk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukkk.east)
.. controls +(right:17mm) and +(right:17mm)
.. (posFFF.east);
\draw[-, very thick] (posakkk.west)
.. controls +(left:17mm) and +(left:17mm)
.. (posFtkkk.west);
%Lines for each column of the quivers
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posFk.south)
to node[right] {} (posak.north);
\draw[-, very thick, decorate,decoration={coil,aspect=0,segment length=5.9mm}] (posak.south)
to node[right] {} (posmuk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmuk.south)
to node[right] {} (posFtk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posFF.south)
to node[right] {} (posakk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, decorate,decoration={coil,aspect=0,segment length=5.9mm}] (posakk.south)
to node[right] {} (posmukk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukk.south)
to node[right] {} (posFtkk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posFFF.south)
to node[right] {} (posakkk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, decorate,decoration={coil,aspect=0,segment length=5.9mm}] (posakkk.south)
to node[right] {} (posmukkk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukkk.south)
to node[right] {} (posFtkkk.north);
%Horizontal lines connecting the quiver
\draw[-, very thick] (posakkk.east) to node[right] {} (posakk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukkk.east) to node[right] {} (posmukk.west);
%\draw[-, very thick] (posakk.east) to node[right] {} (posak.west);
%\draw[-, very thick] (posmukk.east) to node[right] {} (posmuk.west);
\draw[-, very thick, blue] (posakk.east) -- ($(posakk)!0.4!(posak)$);
\node[blue] at ($(posakk)!0.5!(posak)$) {$\ldots$};
\draw[-, very thick, blue] ($(posakk)!0.6!(posak)$) -- (posak.west);
\draw[-, very thick, blue] (posmukk.east) -- ($(posmukk)!0.4!(posmuk)$);
\node[blue] at ($(posmukk)!0.5!(posmuk)$) {$\ldots$};
\draw[-, very thick, blue] ($(posmukk)!0.6!(posmuk)$) -- (posmuk.west);
\draw[-, very thick, blue] (posak.east) -- ($(posakk)!1.4!(posak)$);
\node[blue] at ($(posakk)!1.5!(posak)$) {$\ldots$};
\draw[-, very thick, blue] (posmuk.east) -- ($(posmukk)!1.4!(posmuk)$);
\node[blue] at ($(posmukk)!1.5!(posmuk)$) {$\ldots$};
%Diagonal lines connecting the quiver
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posakkk.east) to node[right] {} (posmukk.west);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukkk.east) to node[right] {} (posakk.west);
\coordinate (helperA) at ($(posakk)!0.5!(posmukk)$);
\coordinate (helperB) at ($(posakk)!0.4!(posak)$);
\coordinate (helperC) at ($(posakk)!0.6!(posak)$);
\node[blue] at ($(posakk)!0.5!(posmuk)$) {$\ldots$};
\draw[-, very thick, dashed, blue] (posakk.east) -- (helperA -| helperB) -- (posmukk.east);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed, blue] (posak.west) -- (helperA -| helperC) -- (posmuk.west);
\coordinate (helperD) at ($(posak)!0.5!(posmuk)$);
\coordinate (helperE) at ($(posakk)!1.4!(posak)$);
\coordinate (helperF) at ($(posakk)!1.5!(posak)$);
\node[blue] at (helperD -| helperF) {$\ldots$};
\draw[-, very thick, dashed, blue] (posak.east) -- (helperD -| helperE) -- (posmuk.east);
我擅自将您的图表重新组织成 TikZ-CD。
middle dotted line
是估计值。我们可以稍微重写一下这种样式,使其与中间保持固定的距离。node on line
结合一张只有虚线的图片,周围有一个特殊命名的节点,这样它就可以用作节点,node on line
dash pattern
trail off
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc, positioning}
pic/.code=\tikz@node@is@pictrue,% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/667155/16595
@node on line/.style 2 args={ % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/667341/16595
to path={
\edef\tikz@temp{% rescuing nodes and target for edge
line to, path only, % line to = --, path only = no draw, no fill, …
every edge quotes/.append style={auto=false},% node *on* the line
-- (@nodeonline@#1)(@nodeonline@#2) -- (\tikztotarget)}},
node on line/.style={@node on line={}{}},
node on line'/.style args={#1 and #2}{@node on line={.#1}{.#2}}}
\tikzset{% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/660100/16595
rows/.style 2 args={/utils/tempa/.style={
/tikz/row ##1/.append style={#2}},/utils/tempa/.list={#1}},
rows*/.style 2 args={rows={#1}{nodes={#2}}},
\path[name prefix ..]node[anchor=center, path only, inner sep=+0pt,
outer sep=+0pt, minimum width=+5mm, minimum height=+\the\pgflinewidth]
\draw[line cap=round, dash expand off,
dash pattern/.expanded=on 0pt off \the\dimexpr2\pgflinewidth\relax
] (left:2.5mm) -- (right:2.5mm);},
middle dotted line/.style args={#1 and #2}{
to path={% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/639726/how-to-draw-parts-of-a-line-dotted-with-tikz/659674#comment1641423_639809
--($(\tikztostart)!#1!(\tikztotarget)$) coordinate(@s)
($(\tikztostart)!#2!(\tikztotarget)$) coordinate(@e)
--(\tikztotarget) (@s)edge[line to, line cap=round,
dash pattern/.expanded=on 0pt off \the\dimexpr2\pgflinewidth\relax,
dash expand off](@e)}},
mdl/.style={middle dotted line=.45 and .55},
decorate, line join=round, decoration={
coil, aspect=0, pre length=1mm, pre=lineto, segment length=5.9mm}}}
curve right/.style={start anchor=east, end anchor=east,
out control=+(right:17mm), in control=+(right:17mm)},
curve left/.style={start anchor=west, end anchor=west,
out control=+(left:17mm), in control=+(left:17mm)},
trail off main/.style 2 args={
/tikz/arrows=-, line cap=round, start anchor={#1},
/tikz/dash pattern/.expanded=on \the\dimexpr\pgfmatrixcolumnsep/2\relax
off \the\dimexpr2\pgflinewidth\relax
on 0pt off \the\dimexpr2\pgflinewidth\relax
on 0pt off \the\dimexpr2\pgflinewidth\relax
on 0pt off \the\dimexpr2\pgflinewidth\relax
on 0pt off \the\dimexpr2\pgflinewidth\relax,
to path={-- ++ (#2:.5*\pgfmatrixcolumnsep+10\pgflinewidth)\tikztonodes}},
trail off/.default=right, trail off/.is choice,
trail off/right/.style={trail off main={east}{right}},
trail off/left/.style={trail off main={west}{left}}}
rectangle, draw=black!60, fill=gray!15, very thick, minimum size=35},
circle, draw=black!60, fill=gray!15, very thick, minimum size=35},
rows*={1,4}{b}, rows*={2,3}{c},
row sep=17mm, column sep=31mm, arrows={very thick, -},
F_1 \arrow[d, densely dashed] \arrow[dd, curve right]
& F_2 \arrow[d, densely dashed] \arrow[dd, curve right]
& F_k \arrow[d, densely dashed] \arrow[dd, curve right]
\alpha_1 \arrow[r]
\arrow[d, coily]
\arrow[dr, densely dashed]
& \alpha_2 \arrow[r, mdl] \arrow[d, coily]
\arrow[densely dashed, node on line'=west and east, dr, "dotted=dot" pic]
& \alpha_k \arrow[trail off=right, "" {coordinate, at end, name=end2}]
\arrow[d, coily]
\arrow[densely dashed, from=dot.east]
\mu_1 \arrow[r]
\arrow[ur, densely dashed]
& \mu_2 \arrow[r, mdl]
\arrow[densely dashed, to=dot.west]
& \mu_k \arrow[trail off=right, "" {coordinate, at end, name=end3}]
\arrow[path only, from=end2, to=end3, "dotted=dot23" pic]
\arrow[densely dashed, to=dot23.west]
\arrow[densely dashed, from=2-3, to=dot23.west]
\tilde F_1 \arrow[u, densely dashed] \arrow[uu, curve left]
& \tilde F_2 \arrow[u, densely dashed] \arrow[uu, curve left]
& \tilde F_k \arrow[u, densely dashed] \arrow[uu, curve left]
\draw (posmuk)[dash pattern=on 20pt off 10pt] -- +(3,0);
\draw (posak) [dash pattern=on 20pt off 10pt] -- +(3,0);
我要求 tikz--
[dash pattern=on 2pt off 1pt on 40pt off 100pt]
\usepackage{tikz, pgfplots}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc, positioning}
node distance = 17mm and 31mm,
b/.style={rectangle, draw=black!60, fill=gray!15, very thick, minimum size=35},
c/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=gray!15, very thick, minimum size=35}
\node[b] (posFk) {$F_k$};
\node[c] (posak) [below=of posFk] {$\alpha_k$};
\node[c] (posmuk) [below=of posak] {$\mu_k$};
\node[b] (posFtk) [below=of posmuk] {$\tilde{F}_k$};
\node[b] (posFF) [left=of posFk] {$F_2$};
\node[c] (posakk) [below=of posFF] {$\alpha_2$};
\node[c] (posmukk) [below=of posakk] {$\mu_2$};
\node[b] (posFtkk) [below=of posmukk] {$\tilde{F}_2$};
\node[b] (posFFF) [left=of posFF] {$F_1$};
\node[c] (posakkk) [below=of posFFF] {$\alpha_1$};
\node[c] (posmukkk) [below=of posakkk] {$\mu_1$};
\node[b] (posFtkkk) [below=of posmukkk] {$\tilde{F}_1$};
%Curved lines for the quiver
\draw[-, very thick] (posmuk.east) .. controls +(right:17mm) and +(right:17mm) .. (posFk.east);
\draw[-, very thick] (posak.west) .. controls +(left:17mm) and +(left:17mm) .. (posFtk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukk.east) .. controls +(right:17mm) and +(right:17mm) .. (posFF.east);
\draw[-, very thick] (posakk.west) .. controls +(left:17mm) and +(left:17mm) .. (posFtkk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukkk.east) .. controls +(right:17mm) and +(right:17mm) .. (posFFF.east);
\draw[-, very thick] (posakkk.west) .. controls +(left:17mm) and +(left:17mm) .. (posFtkkk.west);
%Lines for each column of the quivers
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posFk.south) to node[right] {} (posak.north);
\draw[-, very thick, decorate,decoration={coil,aspect=0,segment length=5.9mm}] (posak.south) to node[right] {} (posmuk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmuk.south) to node[right] {} (posFtk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posFF.south) to node[right] {} (posakk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, decorate,decoration={coil,aspect=0,segment length=5.9mm}] (posakk.south) to node[right] {} (posmukk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukk.south) to node[right] {} (posFtkk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posFFF.south) to node[right] {} (posakkk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, decorate,decoration={coil,aspect=0,segment length=5.9mm}] (posakkk.south) to node[right] {} (posmukkk.north);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukkk.south) to node[right] {} (posFtkkk.north);
%Horizontal lines connecting the quiver
\draw[-, very thick] (posakkk.east) to node[right] {} (posakk.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukkk.east) to node[right] {} (posmukk.west);
%Diagonal lines connecting the first part of the quiver
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posakkk.east) to node[right] {} (posmukk.west);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukkk.east) to node[right] {} (posakk.west);
%Finishing off the middle part of the quiver
\node at (31mm,-43mm) (aux0) {$\bf\textcolor{black}{\ldots}$};
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posak) to node[right] {} (aux0.west);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmuk) to node[right] {} (aux0.west);
%Finishing off the straight lines
\node at (34mm,-29.5mm) (aux1) {$\bf\textcolor{black}{\ldots}$};
\node at (34mm,-58.5mm) (aux2) {$\bf\textcolor{black}{\ldots}$};
\draw[-, very thick] (posak) to node[right] {} (aux1);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmuk) to node[right] {} (aux2);
%Connecting the middle part of the quiver diagram
\node at (-21mm,-43mm) (aux3) {$\bf\textcolor{black}{\ldots}$};
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posakk) to node[right] {} (aux3.west);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmukk) to node[right] {} (aux3.west);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posak) to node[left] {} (aux3.east);
\draw[-, very thick, dashed] (posmuk) to node[left] {} (aux3.east);
\node at (-21mm,-29.5mm) (aux4) {$\bf\textcolor{black}{\ldots}$};
\draw[-, very thick] (posakk) to node[right] {} (aux4.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posak) to node[left] {} (aux4.east);
\node at (-20mm,-59.5mm) (aux5) {$\bf\textcolor{black}{\ldots}$};
\draw[-, very thick] (posmukk) to node[right] {} (aux5.west);
\draw[-, very thick] (posmuk) to node[left] {} (aux5.east);