我必须定期使用 Beamer 进行演示,并且我倾向于制作可以在以后的演示中重复使用的幻灯片。不使用幻灯片时,我喜欢保留它们“隐”在我的演讲结束时,它们可以用于进一步的解释(它们出现在 PDF 的末尾),并且总是只是一个复制粘贴当我再次需要它们时
另一件值得指出的事情是,我使用部分和小节作为框架标题和框架副标题,以利用自动目录构建和 PDF 书签。
现在,我最近考虑在 beamer 文件末尾创建一个新环境(我称之为Extra
编辑:我仍然希望将框架包含在 PDF 文件的末尾。
% arara: xelatex: { shell: yes }
% arara: xelatex: { shell: yes }
\documentclass[aspectratio=169, usenames, dvipsnames, hyperref={bookmarks=true}]{beamer}
%% Requirements usually in my theme file
\RequirePackage{etoolbox}% % used for conditions, etc.
%% Navigation
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %% replace the navigation symbols
%% Footline, with the ability to "fake" the page number in the Extra section
\hfill\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=20mm, rightskip=5mm, ht=10mm]{page number in head/foot}
%% Other sections except Title, TOC, Thanks and Extra
\ifboolexpr{ ( not test {\ifcsstring{secname}{Title}} ) and ( not test {\ifcsstring{secname}{TOC}} ) and ( not test {\ifcsstring{secname}{Thanks}} ) and ( not test {\ifcsstring{secname}{Extra}} ) }{
%% page number on main frames
%% specified number on the Extra pages
%% allows me to have links to the extra pages to answer questions,
%% while virtually "staying on the same page"
\ifboolexpr{ test {\ifcsstring{secname}{Extra}} }{
}{} %% no else statement
%% For Extra slides
%% deactivate sections, subsections
%% This is the part I accidentally came up with
%% explanations or alternatives would be welcome
%%% Main title %%%
\title{My awesome presentation}
\subtitle{A nice subtitle}
\author[YO]{Y O }
%% Title page
%% TOC
%% Note: no need for a TOC if only one section
\frametitle{Table of Contents}
%%% Main frames %%%
\section{Section 1}
\subsection{This example works}
Some awesome stuff
\section{Section 2}
\subsection{But I don't understand why}
Some awesome stuff
%%% I keep this page as a closure %%%
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering]{Thank you for your attention}{}
%% Here I just copy paste things that I want to
%% "hide" at the end of the pdf
%% this command lets me fake the page number
%% Here I don't want the section to appear in the TOC or bookmarks
%% But for saving time I would rather not modify it
%% (this is a copy/paste of former main frames)
\section{Reminder: Things from last week 1}
\subsection{And a subtitle}
Some awesome stuff
\section{Reminder: Things from last week 2}
\subsection{And a subtitle}
Some awesome stuff
%% Adapted from beamer's definition of frame
%% added to the opening definition of Extra
PS:我正在将 XeLaTeX 与 Beamer 类一起使用。
而不是 ,而不必弄乱框架环境\inserttotalframenumber
\documentclass[aspectratio=169, usenames, dvipsnames, hyperref={bookmarks=true}]{beamer}
\title{Presentation title}
\subtitle{Such a nice presentation}
% \part{\appendixname}%
%% Footline, with the ability to "fake" the page number in the Extra section
\hfill\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=20mm, rightskip=5mm, ht=10mm]{page number in head/foot}
%% Other sections except Title, TOC, Thanks and Extra
\ifboolexpr{ ( not test {\ifcsstring{secname}{Title}} ) and ( not test {\ifcsstring{secname}{TOC}} ) and ( not test {\ifcsstring{secname}{Thanks}} )}{
%% page number on main frames
%% new commands to be substituted with \section, \subsection, etc.
% substitute sections, subsections
%% Title page
%% TOC
\frametitle{Table of Contents}
%% A random frame
\section{Section 1}
\subsection{The subsection title, usually describing a specific slide}
%% frame body
Some very interesting text here
%% A random frame
\section{Section 2}
\subsection{The subsection title, usually describing a specific slide}
%% frame body
Some very interesting text here
%% A random frame, copy/pasted from the rest of the document
\section{Section 3}
\subsection{The subsection title, usually describing a specific slide}
%% frame body
Some very interesting text here