如何让我的文章变成双栏?IEEEtran 文档类

如何让我的文章变成双栏?IEEEtran 文档类
\documentclass[12pt, onecolumn, draftcls]{IEEEtran}

\title{Energy harvesting from wireless signals a review}


    With a projection of 40 billion IoT devices \cite{zikria2021next} to be installed by 2025 there is an increasingly higher demand for reliable sources of power. As battery replacement and maintenance at such a large scale becomes harder and less reliable, a continuous source of power is in demand.  One suggested solution is harvesting energy from wireless via electromagnetic waves. The main contender for such a system is the rising 5G network.


5G is the fifth generation of cellular network. Cellular networks communicate using “cells”. Each cell has a certain range and maximum capacity that it can connect to. A problem is that cells next to each other with the same frequencies end up having trouble with signals being mixed. This is fixed by having each cell having a different frequency. This causes another issue however, which is that the number of slices of frequencies is finite. This is solved by finding the reuse distance (minimum distance required for frequencies to not affect each other) and reusing the frequency. This is called a frequency reuse pattern.

The most common shape used for cell towers are hexagons

Up to now, cell signals have generally been between 500-2500MHz. 

5G will use two different channels. FR1 which is 400-6000MHz and FR2 which is 24-50GHz(mm wave)

Lower frequencies are easier to transmit, goes through objects (like bass of a song through walls) however bandwidth and speed is much slower 



这是我的代码。我对 Latex 非常陌生,我是大学一年级学生,需要写一篇文献综述。我必须用 ieeetran 风格来写,但我不知道如何让它变成双栏(或使摘要加粗)


正如 @SayOL 和 @lhf 在评论中指出的那样,您应该(a)删除选项onecolumn(或将其替换为twocolumn),以获得两列布局,以及(b)删除draftcls使用 生成摘要的选项粗体字体



\usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath} % optional (Times Roman text and math fonts)
\usepackage{siunitx} % for \qty and \qtyrange macros

\title{Energy harvesting from wireless signals: A review}

\author{Seyed Sohrab Farjami}





With a projection of 40 billion IoT devices \cite{zikria2021next} to be installed by 2025 there is an increasingly higher demand for reliable sources of power. As battery replacement and maintenance at such a large scale becomes harder and less reliable, a continuous source of power is in demand.  One suggested solution is harvesting energy from wireless via electromagnetic waves. The main contender for such a system is the rising 5G network.



5G is the fifth generation of cellular network. Cellular networks communicate using “cells.” Each cell has a certain range and maximum capacity that it can connect to. A problem is that cells next to each other with the same frequencies end up having trouble with signals being mixed. This is fixed by having each cell having a different frequency. This causes another issue however, which is that the number of slices of frequencies is finite. This is solved by finding the re-use distance (minimum distance required for frequencies to not affect each other) and re-using the frequency. This is called a frequency re-use pattern.

The most common shape used for cell towers is the hexagon.

Up to now, cell signals have generally been between 
\qty{500}{\mega\hertz} and \qty{2.5}{\giga\hertz}. 

5G will use two different channels: FR1, which is between
\qty{400}{\mega\hertz} and 
\qty{6}{\giga\hertz}, and FR2, which is from 
\qtyrange{24}{50}{\giga\hertz} (mm wave).

Lower frequencies are easier to transmit and go through objects (like bass of a song through walls), but bandwidth and speed are much lower.


