Musixtex 中的节奏听写乐谱(全音符的插入字体)

Musixtex 中的节奏听写乐谱(全音符的插入字体)



\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc}
\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]

\usepackage{pifont} % Para usar simbolos ding
\input {musixcho}
\input {musixdat}%fecha
\input {musixfll}
\input {musixgre}%gregoriano
\input {musixper}%percusión
\input {musixppff}
\input {musixstr}
\input {musixvbm}  % experimental vectorized beams
\input {musixdbr} % lineas de barras punteadas, discontinuas y arbitrariamente discontinuas
\input {musixbm} % compatibilidad garrapateas con ganchos o con barras
\input {musixbbm} % compatibilidad semi garrapateas con ganchos o con barras

\setlength{\musicwidth}{0.95\textwidth}%new, can be set for each instance of a figure environment 

The student sees the score and hear the rythm dictation:

    \generalmeter{\meterfrac{2}4} %Compás en 2/4
    \startpiece% g k
    \notes\wh{cdefg} \sk \wh{gfgfg} \sk \wh{gfefgfgfedc}\en%

After that, student resolve the exercise:

    \generalmeter{\meterfrac{2}4} %Compás en 2/4
    \notes\qu g \qp\en\bar
    \notes\qu g \qp\en\bar
    \notes\qu g \qu f\en\bar
    \notes\hu c\en


当前输出如下: 当前的

预期的输出应该是(请注意,需要在第一个五角星中实现交叉全音符,并在第二个五角星中突出显示四分静默符号): 预期的


包 XITS 中有\dottedcircle字形,可\resizeboxgraphicx包中导入,然后使用 调整大小。然后可使用 将虚线椭圆放在五线谱上\zcn

下面的代码包含一个宏\beats,它以一串音符(以逗号分隔)作为参数。例如,前五个节拍是用 产生的\beat{c,d,e,f,g}



\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}
\setmathfont[range={\dottedcircle}]{XITS Math}

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc}
\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]

\usepackage{pifont} % Para usar simbolos ding
\input {musixcho}
\input {musixdat}%fecha
\input {musixfll}
\input {musixgre}%gregoriano
\input {musixper}%percusión
\input {musixppff}
\input {musixstr}
\input {musixvbm}  % experimental vectorized beams
\input {musixdbr} % lineas de barras punteadas, discontinuas y arbitrariamente discontinuas
\input {musixbm} % compatibilidad garrapateas con ganchos o con barras
\input {musixbbm} % compatibilidad semi garrapateas con ganchos o con barras

\setlength{\musicwidth}{0.95\textwidth}%new, can be set for each instance of a figure environment 

\newcommand{\beat}[1]{\foreach \n in {#1}{\zcn{\n}{\raisebox{-.35ex}{\resizebox{1.75ex}{.95ex}{$\dottedcircle$}}}\sk}}

The student sees the score and hear the rythm dictation:

    \generalmeter{\meterfrac{2}4} %Compás en 2/4
    \startpiece% g k
    \notes\beat{c,d,e,f,g} \sk \beat{g,f,g,f,g} \sk \beat{g,f,e,f,g,f,g,f,e,d,c}\en%

After that, student resolve the exercise:

    \generalmeter{\meterfrac{2}4} %Compás en 2/4
    \notes\qu g \qp\en\bar
    \notes\qu g \qp\en\bar
    \notes\qu g \qu f\en\bar
    \notes\hu c\en



一个简单的替代方案是\usepackage{color},也许可以用 等来代替\wh\textcolor{lightgray}{\nh参见第一组和第二组注释之间的区别)。对于第二行中其余部分周围的方框,您已经在对其他问题的回答中得到了答案。


\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc}
\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]

\usepackage{pifont} % Para usar simbolos ding
\usepackage{color}% new
\input {musixcho}
\input {musixdat}%fecha
\input {musixfll}
\input {musixgre}%gregoriano
\input {musixper}%percusión
\input {musixppff}
\input {musixstr}
\input {musixvbm}  % experimental vectorized beams
\input {musixdbr} % lineas de barras punteadas, discontinuas y arbitrariamente discontinuas
\input {musixbm} % compatibilidad garrapateas con ganchos o con barras
\input {musixbbm} % compatibilidad semi garrapateas con ganchos o con barras

\setlength{\musicwidth}{0.95\textwidth}%new, can be set for each instance of a figure environment 

The student sees the score and hear the rythm dictation:

    \generalmeter{\meterfrac{2}4} %Compás en 2/4
    \startpiece% g k
    \notes\textcolor{lightgray}{\nh{cdefg}\sk\wh{gfgfg} \sk \wh{gfefgfgfedc}}\en%

After that, student resolve the exercise:

    \generalmeter{\meterfrac{2}4} %Compás en 2/4
    \notes\qu g \qp\en\bar
    \notes\qu g \qp\en\bar
    \notes\qu g \qu f\en\bar
    \notes\hu c\en






  • 用宽度为 0pt 的框覆盖注释,并在其中放置例如字母“X”或“+”(如果足够大)以及文本颜色,以模仿破折号
  • 例如使用 tikz、metafont 和类似软件绘制您自己的字形。

(查看 musixtex 文件了解它们如何定义和使用用于排版的音符。)


