如何在输入层和隐藏层中的此 Latex 神经网络节点之间添加“点”?我希望输入层中有 5 个节点,而不是 12 个

如何在输入层和隐藏层中的此 Latex 神经网络节点之间添加“点”?我希望输入层中有 5 个节点,而不是 12 个
% latexdraw.com
% 21/02/2021 at 22:20

\documentclass[border = 0.2cm]{standalone}

% Required package

\begin {document}

% Input layer neurons'number
% Hidden layer neurons'number
% Output layer neurons'number


% Input Layer
\foreach \i in {1,...,\inputnum}
        minimum size = 6mm,
        fill=orange!30] (Input-\i) at (0,-\i) {};

% Hidden Layer
\foreach \i in {1,...,\hiddennum}
        minimum size = 6mm,
        yshift=(\hiddennum-\inputnum)*5 mm
    ] (Hidden-\i) at (2.5,-\i) {};

% Output Layer
\foreach \i in {1,...,\outputnum}
        minimum size = 6mm,
        yshift=(\outputnum-\inputnum)*5 mm
    ] (Output-\i) at (5,-\i) {};

% Connect neurons In-Hidden
\foreach \i in {1,...,\inputnum}
    \foreach \j in {1,...,\hiddennum}
        \draw[->, shorten >=1pt] (Input-\i) -- (Hidden-\j); 

% Connect neurons Hidden-Out
\foreach \i in {1,...,\hiddennum}
    \foreach \j in {1,...,\outputnum}
        \draw[->, shorten >=1pt] (Hidden-\i) -- (Output-\j);

% Inputs
\foreach \i in {1,...,\inputnum}
    \draw[<-, shorten >=1pt] (Input-\i) -- ++(-1,0)

% Outputs
\foreach \i in {1,...,\outputnum}
    \draw[->, shorten >=1pt] (Output-\i) -- ++(1,0)





  • 调整样式layersinputhiddenoutput
  • 定义every pin edge风格,
  • 删除除一个之外的所有隐藏层,
  • 添加实际的“别针”。


  node matrix/.style={row sep=y_node_dist, column sep=x_node_dist,
    every outer matrix/.append style={/pgf/inner sep=+0pt, /pgf/outer sep=+0pt, draw=none, fill=none, shape=rectangle}},
  node matrix/node/.style={node contents=,anchor=center,
    name/.expanded={\tikzmatrixname_\ifnum\pgfmatrixcurrentrow=1 \the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\else\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\fi},
    {nm \ifnum\pgfmatrixcurrentrow=1 \the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\else\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\fi}/.try},
  node matrix/place 1st node/.code args={#1,#2}{\node[node matrix/node,#1];},
  node matrix/place other nodes/.style args={#1,#2}{/tikz/node matrix/place oth node/.list={#2}},
  vertical   node matrix/.style={/tikz/node matrix/place oth node/.code={\pgfmatrixendrow  \node[node matrix/node,##1];}},
  horizontal node matrix/.style={/tikz/node matrix/place oth node/.code={\pgfmatrixnextcell\node[node matrix/node,##1];}}}
  \matrix[every node matrix/.try,node matrix,#1]{
    \tikzset{node matrix/place 1st node={#2},node matrix/place other nodes={#2}}\\};}
  node distance=5mm and 10mm,
  layers/.style={circle, minimum size=+6mm},
  input/.style ={layers, fill=orange!30},
  hidden/.style={layers, fill=teal!50},
  output/.style={layers, fill=purple!50},
  every node matrix/.style={vertical node matrix},
  second to last/.style={
    nm #1/.style={node contents=\vdots, text height=2ex, path only, minimum size=+0pt,inner sep=+0pt, shape=rectangle},
    row #1/.append style={row sep=.5*y_node_dist}, row \pgfinteval{#1-1}/.append style={row sep=.5*y_node_dist}},
  every pin edge/.append style={<-, black, thin}

\tikzMatrixNodes[name=hidden0, nodes=input, second to last=5]{,,,,,}
\foreach \hidden/\number in {1, 2, 3, 4, 6/n}
  \path (hidden0_\hidden) [late options={pin={left:$x_\number$}}];
\foreach \hidden[count=\lastHidden from 0] in {1}{% loop can be removed using
  \tikzMatrixNodes[                               % right=of hidden0, name=hidden=1
    right=of hidden\lastHidden, name=hidden\hidden,
    nodes=hidden, second to last=5]{,,,,,}}
\node[right=of hidden1, output, pin={[pin edge=->]right:$y_1$}](output){};

\path[shorten >=1pt] graph[use existing nodes]{
  {\foreach \x in {1,2,3,4,6}{hidden0_\x}}
    -> [complete bipartite] {\foreach \x in {1,...,4,6}{hidden1_\x}}
    -> {output};

%  (hidden1_1.north)     node[above,blue!70] (hl) {Hidden\\Layers} % could've been a label
%  (hidden0_1|-hl.south) node[above,blue]         {Input\\Layers}
%  (output|-hl.south)    node[above,red]          {Output\\Layers};


