Musixtex 中的五线谱和空格编号

Musixtex 中的五线谱和空格编号




\setlength{\musicwidth}{0.75\textwidth}%new, can be set for each instance of a figure environment 

The lines of the staff are numbered from bottom to top.

    \font\A=phvb8t at 8pt% added for letter type.
    \startpiece% i
The spaces between the lines are also numbered from bottom to top.

    \font\A=phvb8t at 8pt% added for letter type.
    \startpiece% i


当前输出如下: 当前的

预期输出如下(注意需要包含行和空格的编号): 预期的





\setlength{\musicwidth}{0.75\textwidth}%new, can be set for each instance of a figure environment 

The lines of the staff are numbered from bottom to top.

    \font\A=phvb8t at 8pt% added for letter type.
    \startpiece% i
    \NOtes\hsk\tab{5}{1}\tab{4}{2}\tab{3}{3}\tab{2}{4}\tab{1}{5}\wh{egikm}\en% using standard tab command, which works like this only for lines
The spaces between the lines are also numbered from bottom to top.

    \font\A=phvb8t at 8pt% added for letter type.
\tabfnt % using tabfnt for all test or numbers, to not do so for every charnote individually
    \NOTes\hsk\charnote e{1}\charnote g{2}\charnote i{\tabfnt 3}\charnote k{\tabfnt 4}\wh{fhjl}\en






\setlength{\musicwidth}{0.75\textwidth}%new, can be set for each instance of a figure environment 

The lines of the staff are numbered from bottom to top.

    \font\A=phvb8t at 7pt% added for letter type.
    \startpiece% i
    \NOtes\hsk\tab{5}{\A 1}\tab{4}{\A 2}\tab{3}{\A 3}\tab{2}{\A 4}\tab{1}{\A 5}\wh{egikm}\en% using standard tab command, which works like this only for lines
The spaces between the lines are also numbered from bottom to top.

    \font\A=phvb8t at 7pt% added for letter type.
\tabfnt % using tabfnt for all test or numbers, to not do so for every charnote individually
    \NOTes\hsk\charnote e{\tabfnt \A 1}\charnote g{\A 2}\charnote i{\tabfnt \A 3}\charnote k{\tabfnt \A 4}\wh{fhjl}\en


