我正在写一篇论文,我需要将引言 (Einleitung)、结论 (Schluss)、图表列表和表格列表加粗。这意味着所有未编号的条目。就像参考书目 (Literaturverzeichnis) 一样。但我没有找到只更改整个目录中单个标题的解决方案。此外,图表列表和表格列表未显示在目录中。有人知道这些问题的解决方案吗?我很乐意提供帮助。提前致谢。
\documentclass[twoside, parskip=half, 12pt, egregdoesnotlikesansseriftitles]{scrreprt}
\renewcommand{\thesection}{\arabic{section}} %entfernugn der null bei der numerierung
\section{Definition Big Data}
That's a text \cite{text}.
\caption{And that's an Image}
colspec = {|l|l|l|},
} \hline
Item & Qty & Unit \\ \hline
Widget & 1 & 199.99 \\
Gadget & 2 & 399.933 \\
Cable & 3 & 19.99 \\ \hline
\caption{And that's a table}
\section{Cambridge Analytica}
twoside, parskip=half, 12pt, egregdoesnotlikesansseriftitles,
%headings=normal,% Maybe you want to have smaller headings
]{scrartcl}% It seems you are not using \chapter, so this would be the better class.
\renewcommand{\thesection}{\arabic{section}} %entfernugn der null bei der numerierung
%\usepackage[nottoc,notlot,notlof]{tocbibind}% This package is not recommended
% with scrreprt or scrarcl. You
% should use options like
% bibliography=totoc instead
\section{Definition Big Data}
That's a text \cite{text}.
\caption{And that's an Image}
colspec = {|l|l|l|},
} \hline
Item & Qty & Unit \\ \hline
Widget & 1 & 199.99 \\
Gadget & 2 & 399.933 \\
Cable & 3 & 19.99 \\ \hline
\caption{And that's a table}
\section{Cambridge Analytica}
twoside, parskip=half, 12pt, egregdoesnotlikesansseriftitles,
%headings=normal,% Maybe you want to have smaller headings
]{scrartcl}% It seems you are not using \chapter, so this would be the better class.
\renewcommand{\thesection}{\arabic{section}} %entfernugn der null bei der numerierung
%\usepackage[nottoc,notlot,notlof]{tocbibind}% This package is not recommended
% with scrreprt or scrarcl. You
% should use options like
% bibliography=totoc instead
\IfArgIsEmpty{#1}{% no number
\addtocentrydefault{section}{#1}{\bfseries #2}% make if bold
\addtocentrydefault{section}{#1}{#2}% this is the original definition
\section{Definition Big Data}
That's a text \cite{text}.
\caption{And that's an Image}
colspec = {|l|l|l|},
} \hline
Item & Qty & Unit \\ \hline
Widget & 1 & 199.99 \\
Gadget & 2 & 399.933 \\
Cable & 3 & 19.99 \\ \hline
\caption{And that's a table}
\section{Cambridge Analytica}
without \chapter
twoside, parskip=half, 12pt, egregdoesnotlikesansseriftitles,
%headings=normal,% Maybe you want to have smaller headings
]{scrreprt}% It seems you are not using \chapter, so this would be the better class.
\renewcommand{\thesection}{\arabic{section}} %entfernugn der null bei der numerierung
%\usepackage[nottoc,notlot,notlof]{tocbibind}% This package is not recommended
% with scrreprt or scrarcl. You
% should use options like
% bibliography=totoc instead
\IfArgIsEmpty{#1}{% no number
\addtocentrydefault{section}{#1}{\bfseries #2}% make if bold
\addtocentrydefault{section}{#1}{#2}% this is the original definition
\section{Definition Big Data}
That's a text \cite{text}.
\caption{And that's an Image}
colspec = {|l|l|l|},
} \hline
Item & Qty & Unit \\ \hline
Widget & 1 & 199.99 \\
Gadget & 2 & 399.933 \\
Cable & 3 & 19.99 \\ \hline
\caption{And that's a table}
\section{Cambridge Analytica}
\documentclass[twoside, parskip=half, 12pt, egregdoesnotlikesansseriftitles]{scrreprt}
\renewcommand{\thesection}{\arabic{section}} %entfernugn der null bei der numerierung
%\usepackage{hyperref} <-- uncomment it for klicable TOC
\section{Definition Big Data}
That's a text \cite{text}.
\caption{And that's an Image}
Item & Qty & Unit \$ \\
Widget & 1 & 199.99 \\
Gadget & 2 & 399.933 \\
Cable & 3 & 19.99 \\
\caption{And that's a table}
\section{Cambridge Analytica}