VSCodium 中的代码
% remove for less green,
BCOR=12mm, % 12mm binding corrections, adjust to fit your binding
parskip=half, % new paragraphs start with half line vertical space
open=any, % chapters start on both odd and even pages
cleardoublepage=plain, % no header/footer on blank pages
% Warning, if another latex run is needed
% just list chapters and sections in the toc, not subsections or smaller
%------------------------------ Fonts, Unicode, Language ----------------------
\defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX} % -- becomes en-dash etc.
% german language
% for english abstract and english titles in the toc
% intelligent quotation marks, language and nesting sensitive
% microtypographical features, makes the text look nicer on the small scale
%------------------------ Math Packages and settings --------------------------
% \let\mtdblcolon\dblcolon
% Enable Unicode-Math and follow the ISO-Standards for typesetting math
\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}
% nice, small fracs for the text with \sfrac{}{}
%---------------------------- Numbers and Units -------------------------------
%-------------------------------- tables -------------------------------------
\usepackage{booktabs} % \toprule, \midrule, \bottomrule, etc
%-------------------------------- graphics -------------------------------------
% currently broken
% \usepackage{grffile}
% allow figures to be placed in the running text by default:
% keep figures and tables in the section
\usepackage[section, below]{placeins}
%---------------------- customize list environments ---------------------------
%------------------------------ Bibliographie ---------------------------------
backend=biber, % use modern biber backend
autolang=hyphen, % load hyphenation rules for if language of bibentry is not
sorting=none,% german, has to be loaded with \setotherlanguages
style=numeric-comp, % in the references.bib use langid={en} for english sources
\addbibresource{Literatur.bib} % the bib file to use
\DefineBibliographyStrings{german}{andothers = {{et\,al\adddot}}} % replace u.a. with et al.
% Last packages, do not change order or insert new packages after these ones
\usepackage[pdfusetitle, unicode, linkbordercolor=orange]{hyperref}
%------------------------- Angaben zur Arbeit ----------------------------
%\title{vvv }
\title{vv \\ \small{vv}}
\date{... Januar 2023}
\chair{\small{vv vv}}
% tu logo on top of the titlepage
我刚刚在 Windows 11 系统上重新安装了 LaTeX。但现在我在终端中收到一条错误消息
Package unicode-math Warning: Using \overbracket and \underbracket from
(unicode-math) `mathtools' package.
(unicode-math) Use \Uoverbracket and \Uunderbracket for
(unicode-math) original `unicode-math' definition.
Package unicode-math Warning: I'm going to overwrite the following commands
(unicode-math) from the `mathtools' package:
(unicode-math) \dblcolon, \coloneqq, \Coloneqq, \eqqcolon.
(unicode-math) Note that since I won't overwrite the other
(unicode-math) colon-like commands, using them will lead to
(unicode-math) inconsistencies.
! You haven't defined the language [ yet. \selectlanguage ...t defined the language #1 yet}
\else \grmn@originalTeX \e ... l.138 \begin{document}
LaTeX 文件在我的笔记本电脑上运行没有错误。我不知道该怎么办。有人能帮我吗?
软件包,但您可能不应该使用它。它上次更新于 2000 年,与 相关,bibtex