

使用Memoir文档类,我想将所有脚注的文本缩进脚注编号的右侧。在此 MWE 中,设置footmark可实现单列脚注的缩进。但是当使用该\twocolumnfootnotes命令(在第 7 行取消注释该命令)时,脚注第一行之后的所有脚注文本都不会缩进。因此,我正在寻找能够以与单列缩进相同的方式缩进双列版本的设置。谢谢。

Some sentence.%
    \footnote{A short footnote.}
Second sentence.%
    \footnote{Another short footnote.}
Another sentence.%
    \footnote{A long footnote. Using the \emph{plainfootnotes} standard in the Memoir class, the entire text of this footnote will be indented on the left. However, if \emph{twocolumnfootnotes} macro is used, only the first line is indented.}
A final sentence.%
    \footnote{So, how does one indent the entirety of a long footnote using the \emph{twocolumnfootnotes} macro?}






\usepackage{showframe} % only to show the margins


\renewcommand{\@twocolfootfmt}[1]{% added <<<<<<<<<<
    \advance\leftskip \footmarkwidth \null\nobreak\hskip -\leftskip\relax
    {\footfootmark\strut {\foottextfont #1}\strut\par}\allowbreak}

    Some sentence.%
    \footnote{A short footnote.}
    Second sentence.%
    \footnote{Another short footnote.}
    Another sentence.%
    \footnote{A long footnote. Using the \emph{plainfootnotes} standard in the Memoir class, the entire text of this footnote will be indented on the left. However, if \emph{twocolumnfootnotes} macro is used, only the first line is indented.}
    A final sentence.%
    \footnote{A long footnote. Using the \emph{plainfootnotes} standard in the Memoir class, the entire text of this footnote will be indented on the left. }
    A final sentence.%
