为什么 Overleaf 不显示词汇表?

为什么 Overleaf 不显示词汇表?



\usepackage{blindtext}         %  For dummy text.
% The \blindtext or \Blindtext commands throughout this template generate dummy text to fill the template out.

\include{Latex/Comands}           % Special commands written by the author


%                                  Information of the Student                                
\title{Study on something really important}
\degree{Degree}% Physics
\director{Director}% Thesis director
\degreedate{Year}% Year of the dissertation
\lugar{Place}% Place of the dissertation

% ----------------------------- Datos del jurado
\student{Paternal last name\\ Maternal Last name\\ Names\\ Telefon number\\ Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México\\ Facultad de Ciencias\\ Física\\ Student Number}
\secretario{Dr \\ Secretary (thesis director) \\ Last name \\ Last name}
\presidente{Dr \\ President \\ Last name \\ Last name}
\vocal{Dr \\ Vocal \\ Last name \\ Last name}
\supuno{Dr \\ substitute 1 \\ Last name \\ Last name}
\supdos{Dr \\ Substitute 2 \\ Last name \\ Last name}

\keywords{tesis,autor,tutor,etc}            % For metadata 
\subject{tema_1,tema_2}                     % Sebjucts for metadata


%                                   COVER                                   
\documentclass{article} %Although the documentclass is repeated, the code compiles, only %sometimes it shows the glossary, other times it doesn't


        description={Is a mark up language specially suited for 
scientific documents}

        description={Mathematics is what mathematicians do}

        description={A mathematical expression}

\newacronym{gcd}{GCD}{Greatest Common Divisor}
%                                   FRONT MATTER                                


%                                INDICES                                    |
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % organisational level that receives a numbers
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3}    % print table of contents for level 3

\tableofcontents            % Print main index

%: ----------------------- list of figures/tables ------------------------
%\listoffigures              % Genera el ínidce de figuras, comentar línea si no se usa
%\listoftables               % Genera índice de tablas, comentar línea si no se usa

%                                MAIN MATTER                                   %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% the main text starts here with the introduction, 1st chapter,...

\def\baselinestretch{1}                   % Line spacing


%                               References                                   |



%                              Appendix                                   |








摘自Compiling the glossaryOverleaf 的 Glossaries手动的:

要在 Overleaf 中编译包含词汇表的文档,您不需要做任何特殊的事情,但如果在编译词汇表后向其中添加新术语,请确保先单击“日志”选项下的“清除缓存文件”)。
