

我想修改 BibLaTeX 的引用宏以便:

  1. 对于第一次引用,如果作者数量少于 5 人,则不管作者数量如何,都将其全部打印出来。
  2. 在所有其他情况下,请遵循正常的 APA 引用样式。


\documentclass[stu, 12pt, biblatex]{apa7}
% APA citation style

        \ifthenelse{\value{listtotal} < 6}{%




Researches had shown that \TeX\ is the best program \autocite{1Author}, \autocite{2Authors}, \autocite{3Authors}, \autocite{4Authors}, \autocite{5Authors}, \autocite{6Authors}

Researches had shown that \TeX\ is the best program again \autocite{1Author}, \autocite{2Authors}, \autocite{3Authors}, \autocite{4Authors}, \autocite{5Authors}, \autocite{6Authors}



这是 Bib 文件

  title = {6 authors},
  author = {Cao, Mina and Anish, Pruitt and Lulu, Douglas and Zahra, Sing and Wesley, Smith and Anish, Pruitt},

  title = {5 authors},
  author = {Mina, Goyal and Anish, Pruitt and Lulu, Douglas and Zahra, Sing and Wesley, Smith},

  title = {4 authors},
  author = {Lulu, Douglas and Anish, Pruitt and Mina, Goyal and Zahra, Sing},

  title = {3 authors},
  author = {Wesley, Smith and Anish, Pruitt and Mina, Goyal},

  title = {2 authors},
  author = {Zahra, Sing and Mina, Cao},

  title = {1 author},
  author = {Anish, Pruitt},


文档biblatex中提到listtotal(在第 189 页的描述中\printnames,重点是我的):

每当\printnames处理\printlist列表时,可以通过四个计数器访问有关当前状态的信息:计数器listtotal保存当前列表中的项目总数,[...]。这些计数器旨在用于列表格式化指令。也可以在和的listtotal第二个可选参数中使用。\printnames\printlist请注意,这些计数器是列表格式指令的本地计数器,在其他地方使用时不会保存有意义的值。对于每个列表,还有一个同名的计数器,用于保存相应列表中的项目总数。例如,计数器author保存列表中的项目总数author。这些计数器与 listtotal 类似,但它们也可以独立于列表格式指令使用。


\documentclass[stu, 12pt, biblatex]{apa7}
% APA citation style

        \ifthenelse{\value{labelname} < 6}{%




Researches had shown that \TeX\ is the best program \autocite{1Author}, \autocite{2Authors}, \autocite{3Authors}, \autocite{4Authors}, \autocite{5Authors}, \autocite{6Authors}

Researches had shown that \TeX\ is the best program again \autocite{1Author}, \autocite{2Authors}, \autocite{3Authors}, \autocite{4Authors}, \autocite{5Authors}, \autocite{6Authors}


