目前我正在写我的硕士论文,我有很多图都设置了addplot table
很好。然而,在大约 10 个图(2 个 tikzpictures,每个包含 3-8 个 addplots;每个图大约有 5000 行数据)之后,对标签的每次引用都会失败。
Package tikz: Sorry, the system call 'pdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "tmp/main-figure_crossref21" "\def\tikzexternalrealjob{main}\input{main}"' did NOT result in a usable output file 'tmp/main-figure_crossref21' (expected one of .pdf:.jpg:.jpeg:.png:). Please verify that you have enabled system calls. For pdflatex, this is 'pdflatex -shell-escape'. Sometimes it is also named 'write 18' or something like that. Or maybe the command simply failed? Error messages can be found in 'tmp/main-figure_crossref21.log'. If you continue now, I'll try to typeset the picture.
A tikzpicture has been optimized away. Use '/tikz/external/optimize=false' to disable this.
A tikzpicture has been optimized away. Use '/tikz/external/optimize=false' to disable this.
LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for T1+cmtt on input line 1063.
File: t1cmtt.fd 2019/12/16 v2.5j Standard LaTeX font definitions
)) (/home/path/to/project/latex/main.bbl) (/home/path/to/project/latex/main.lof)
Runaway argument?
! File ended while scanning use of \contentsline.
<inserted text>
l.213 \listoffigures
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
37474 strings out of 483057
927590 string characters out of 5962300
1437728 words of memory out of 5000000
51707 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
562479 words of font info for 107 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
59 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
76i,20n,129p,10153b,705s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
(“引用 xy 未定义”或类似内容)、\ac{}
由于我减少图时错误消失了(是的,不合适),我完全不知道那里发生了什么。由于(希望)显而易见的原因,无法给出 MWE。
使用进行编译texlive 2019
% \centering
ylabel={$|s_{11}|$ in dB},
legend entries = {
Meas. 4~wires,
Meas. 1~wire rem.,
Meas. 2~wires rem.,
Meas. 3~wires rem.,
CST 4~wires,
CST 1~wire rem.,
CST 2~wires rem.,
CST 3~wires rem.,
legend pos = outer north east,
\addplot table [% Messung
skip first n = 4, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,9)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{1}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot table [% Messung
skip first n = 4, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,9)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{1}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot table [% Messung
skip first n = 4, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,9)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{1}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot table [% Messung
skip first n = 4, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,9)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{1}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot+ [blue, dashed] table [% cst
skip first n = 9, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,3)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{1}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot+ [red, dashed] table [% cst
skip first n = 9, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,3)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{1}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot+ [green, dashed] table [% cst
skip first n = 9, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,3)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{1}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot+ [brown,dashed] table [% cst
skip first n = 9, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,3)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{1}))},
each nth point = 20,
ylabel={$|s_{21}|$ in dB},
\addplot table [% Messung
skip first n = 4, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,9)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{3}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot table [% Messung
skip first n = 4, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,9)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{3}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot table [% Messung
skip first n = 4, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,9)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{3}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot table [% Messung
skip first n = 4, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,9)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{3}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot+ [blue, dashed] table [% cst
skip first n = 9, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,3)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{3}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot+ [red, dashed] table [% cst
skip first n = 9, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,3)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{3}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot+ [green, dashed] table [% cst
skip first n = 9, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,3)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{3}))},
each nth point = 20,
\addplot+ [brown,dashed] table [% cst
skip first n = 9, %Zeilen mit !
x expr={\thisrowno{0}/pow(10,3)},
y expr={20*log10(abs(\thisrowno{3}))},
each nth point = 20,
\caption{Development of S-parameters when individual wires are removed.}
\label{fig:Development of S-parameters when individual wires are removed.}
这是最大的图之一,我将其视为...the measurements are plotted as \ref{plt:measurement}...
没什么特别的。表格和引用单独呈现时效果很好。即使我使用快速而粗糙的解决方法,当我从头开始编译所有内容时,编译也会失败。我在一个 exra 文件中有结果,但必须先注释掉所有内容,然后一个接一个地“启用”每个子子/子/部分,否则我会得到上述错误。
-files csv
(上例中未使用,但在其他图中使用;900 行)的结构如下:
模拟结果(5000 行):
! Date and time: Sat Jan 14 13:57:53 2023
! Project name: microstrip_pad_gap_bond_real_2.cst
! Parameters = {gap=5; k=8; pad_length=10; pad_width=10; tcu=0.018; w=1.16; wire_diameter=0.025; x=40; y=30; z=0.508}
! Header version: 2018
! Port assignment regex: !\s*Touchstone port\s*([0-9]+)\s*=\s*(CST MWS port|CST DS port)\s*([0-9]+|Zmin|Zmax)\s*\(\"(.*)\"\)(\s*mode\s*([0-9]+))?.*
! Touchstone port assignment:
! Touchstone port 1 = CST MWS port 1 ("")
! Touchstone port 2 = CST MWS port 2 ("")
# MHz S MA R 50
100 0.12657 -108.081 0.981231 -21.6064 0.981231 -21.6064 0.126434 -108.436
100.18 0.126781 -108.123 0.981192 -21.6444 0.981192 -21.6444 0.126645 -108.478
100.36 0.126992 -108.164 0.981154 -21.6824 0.981154 -21.6824 0.126855 -108.52
100.54 0.127203 -108.205 0.981115 -21.7203 0.981115 -21.7203 0.127065 -108.562
100.72 0.127413 -108.246 0.981077 -21.7583 0.981077 -21.7583 0.127275 -108.604
100.9 0.127624 -108.288 0.981038 -21.7963 0.981038 -21.7963 0.127485 -108.646
101.08 0.127834 -108.329 0.980999 -21.8342 0.980999 -21.8342 0.127695 -108.688
101.26 0.128045 -108.37 0.980961 -21.8722 0.980961 -21.8722 0.127905 -108.73
101.44 0.128255 -108.411 0.980922 -21.9102 0.980922 -21.9102 0.128114 -108.772
101.62 0.128465 -108.452 0.980883 -21.9481 0.980883 -21.9481 0.128324 -108.813
101.8 0.128675 -108.493 0.980844 -21.9861 0.980844 -21.9861 0.128534 -108.855
测量值(4000 行):
# HZ S MA R 50.00
! Rohde & Schwarz ZVA24 4Ports - Version 3.80 - 1145.1110k26 SN: XXXXXX
! Date: 2023-01-06 20:27:04
! Measurements: S11 S21 S12 S22
1.000000000000000E8 1.042029475688858E-1 -1.065290759914500E2 9.781079180953836E-1 -2.577991341302378E1 9.833367573549814E-1 -2.550748510445864E1 1.119836084512002E-1 -1.040159494348078E2
1.002250000000000E8 9.913413643943311E-2 -1.078523606796985E2 9.723187220081836E-1 -2.625287261486539E1 9.790884092236124E-1 -2.517769952149715E1 9.702258000494277E-2 -1.084480850132391E2
1.004500000000000E8 7.884381603637183E-2 -1.033567032389521E2 9.677251298298297E-1 -2.644118184862909E1 9.747371483274715E-1 -2.540446279043051E1 1.051840006981895E-1 -1.161306108110866E2
1.006750000000000E8 1.112784864653997E-1 -1.168384848575994E2 9.812457281607980E-1 -2.581751639316593E1 9.697304833192876E-1 -2.584846818395180E1 8.390351285484286E-2 -1.091107088233783E2
1.009000000000000E8 1.083061640588796E-1 -1.139758741599370E2 9.776448882188492E-1 -2.594429422353149E1 9.564279269220757E-1 -2.580014927777502E1 1.147685499220039E-1 -1.050939065548295E2
1.011250000000000E8 1.164683653386142E-1 -1.030790350305040E2 9.672446009846910E-1 -2.603953136179920E1 9.692821521588825E-1 -2.552557914269541E1 8.526255727189470E-2 -1.045689353836641E2
1.013500000000000E8 1.120399085932656E-1 -1.010069927415484E2 9.703988481342869E-1 -2.598370900371254E1 9.735475738797395E-1 -2.568862105556770E1 1.090040486659360E-1 -1.063560141793176E2
1.015750000000000E8 9.267321976921311E-2 -1.048955494015638E2 9.672554748430543E-1 -2.562241779342486E1 9.703290977933458E-1 -2.575654263544651E1 1.063881593124380E-1 -1.118908123041718E2
1.018000000000000E8 1.063792460400093E-1 -1.218170575906252E2 9.728681364682958E-1 -2.546736529964048E1 9.694839375618162E-1 -2.673580048879713E1 9.515887815495328E-2 -1.162585816405809E2
目前,我有 18 个对上述图表的引用,而第 19 个将失败(可能即使引用一个标签 19 次,没有测试,因为在我的计算机上编译大约需要 8 分钟以上,当所有内容都是从头开始编译时(表格和一些非常简单的 tex 结构(仅位置和填充黑色/阴影图案))
entering extended mode
system returned with code 256
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
\write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
system returned with code 256
ocument}. ========
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===== The last system call resulted in an EMPTY output file. Maybe it is part of \ref. Rescheduling it for \end{document}. ========
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===== The last system call resulted in an EMPTY output file. Maybe it is part of \ref. Rescheduling it for \end{document}. ========
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===== The last system call resulted in an EMPTY output file. Maybe it is part of \ref. Rescheduling it for \end{document}. ========
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===== The last system call resulted in an EMPTY output file. Maybe it is part of \ref. Rescheduling it for \end{document}. ========
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===== The last system call resulted in an EMPTY output file. Maybe it is part of \ref. Rescheduling it for \end{document}. ========
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===== The last system call resulted in an EMPTY output file. Maybe it is part of \ref. Rescheduling it for \end{document}. ========
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===== The last system call resulted in an EMPTY output file. Maybe it is part of \ref. Rescheduling it for \end{document}. ========
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\write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
system returned with code 256
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
\write18 enabled.
在编译过程中,但最后编译成功。现在我正在用 9000 个单个引用的副本对其进行压力测试(导致 9000 个小图片,但没有一个图片插入 9000 次),但还没有结果。
我搜索过return 256
错误,但没有找到与 tex 相关的内容(使用 duckduckgo)
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\write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
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up-to-date. ======
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\write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
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\write18 enabled.
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\write18 enabled.
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\write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
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This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
\write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
system returned with code 256
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
\write18 enabled.
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This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
\write18 enabled.
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\write18 enabled.
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\write18 enabled.
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\write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
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===== The last system call resulted in an EMPTY output file. Maybe it is part of \ref. Rescheduling it for \end{document}. ========
===== 'mode=convert with system call': Invoking 'pdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "tmp/main-figure_crossref192" "\def\tikzexternalrealjob{main}\input{main}"' ========
===== The last system call resulted in an EMPTY output file. Maybe it is part of \ref. Rescheduling it for \end{document}. ========
===== 'mode=convert with system call': Invoking 'pdflatex -shThis is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
\write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
system returned with code 256
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
\write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
system returned with code 256
因此 170 个引用工作正常,并且我收到一些空文件错误(一开始是三条消息,但后来总是 12 个文件的块(由于 SE 的限制而不得不修剪))