如何在演示者模式下查看使用 beamer 准备的演示文稿的 pdfnote/note 命令内的注释

如何在演示者模式下查看使用 beamer 准备的演示文稿的 pdfnote/note 命令内的注释

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\title[State University, South \hspace{0.6cm} \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber]
{hidden Markov model for the detection and classification of fishs \vspace*{-0.3cm}}
\author[]{\vspace*{-0.2cm}Cutie Mohammed}
\institute{Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, \\ State uni, South}

    % title page
        \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[triangle]
        \Large {Introduction.}
        \pdfnote{\alert {...because of their importance. The importance include....}}
            \item  Economic value.
            \pdfnote{\alert {Economics importance of whales are:} \newline Tourism: whale watching and tourism involve about 87 nations 
                \newline generates \$2 Billion annually (J S Smith paper)
                \newline Thus, creating employments \& generate revenue for government.}
            \pause \item Contribute to the maintenance of healthy marine ecosystem.
            \pdfnote{Predator control: They serve as predators, thus controlling the population of small marine animals.
                \item Circulate ocean nutrients when they defecate: because they consume small mammal,  
                \item Reduce the amount of carbon in the ocean because they consume large amount of small fish.
                \item Climate regulation: because they store carbon in their body.
                \item Serve as sentry (guard) species for marine system.}
            \pause \item Security.
            \pdfnote{Because of their exceptional sensory capabilities, whale have been deployed by military organisations for tasks such as mine detection and clearance, port security and coastal patrol.}   


您可以直接使用 beamer 的\note宏,也可以\pdfnote像这样重新定义宏:


% theme and color
\usetheme{Warsaw} %Themes http://www.hartwork.org/beamer-theme-matrix/

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\title[State University, South \hspace{0.6cm} \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber]
{hidden Markov model for the detection and classification of fishs \vspace*{-0.3cm}}
\author[]{\vspace*{-0.2cm}Cutie Mohammed}
\institute{Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, \\ State uni, South}

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    % title page
%            \includegraphics[scale=0.35]{kks.jpeg}
        \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[triangle]
        \Large {Introduction.}
        \pdfnote{\alert{...because of their importance. The importance include....}}
            \item  Economic value.
            \pdfnote{\alert {Economics importance of whales are:} \newline Tourism: whale watching and tourism involve about 87 nations 
                \newline generates \$2 Billion annually (J S Smith paper)
                \newline Thus, creating employments \& generate revenue for government.}
            \pause \item Contribute to the maintenance of healthy marine ecosystem.
            \pdfnote{Predator control: They serve as predators, thus controlling the population of small marine animals.
                \item Circulate ocean nutrients when they defecate: because they consume small mammal,  
                \item Reduce the amount of carbon in the ocean because they consume large amount of small fish.
                \item Climate regulation: because they store carbon in their body.
                \item Serve as sentry (guard) species for marine system.
            \pause \item Security.
            \pdfnote{Because of their exceptional sensory capabilities, whale have been deployed by military organisations for tasks such as mine detection and clearance, port security and coastal patrol.}   


(有关在单独屏幕上显示注释的专用 PDF 查看器列表,请参阅Linux 上是否有专门用于 Latex-Beamer 演示文稿的 Pdf 查看器?
