仅标记特定切片 pgf-pie

仅标记特定切片 pgf-pie

我正在尝试创建一个饼图来展示 SpaceX 在其控制的轨道资产数量方面占据主导地位。




\pie [sum=100, scale font, text=pin]
{31.95/SpaceX Seattle, 4.36/One Web, 3.18/Planet Labs, 3.04/United States Air Force, 2.27/Main Space Forces Directorate, 1.67/Main Space Forces Directorate, 1.57/Russian Space Forces, 1.54/Upravleniye Nachalnika Kosmicheskikh Sredstv, 1.51/Swarm Technologies, 1.33/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 1.32/Soviet Navy, 1.23/General Armaments Dept. of the PLA, 1.14/Spire, 1.06/Iridium Inc., 1/Russian Military Space Forces, 0.95/Indian Space Research Organization, 0.88/OKB-10 (Reshetnev), 0.88/China Aerospace Sci/Tech Corp, 0.87/Globalstar LLC, 0.83/National Reconnaissance Office, 0.81/Proto-Vozdhusnoy Oborony, 0.73/GLONASS Information-Analytic Center, 0.73/China National Space Administration, 0.73/Chang Guang Satellite Technology Ltd, 0.72/United States Navy, 0.68/European Space Agency, 0.66/Naval Research Lab, 0.62/Orbcomm Inc., 0.58/International Telecommunications Satellite Organization, 0.54/Ministry of Comms. Union Radio Comms., 0.52/National Space Research Center, 30.1/Small Operators (<50 sats)};

\caption{Distribution of control over space-borne assets}



为了使这个更清晰,我只想标记一些有趣的部分。即 SpaceX、One Web、Planet Labs、美国空军、Iridium 和 ESA。为此,我尝试过:

  1. 使用图例——太长了
  2. 对于我不想标记的标签,请将其留空 - 它只会将值放在引脚上

理想情况下,我还希望能够隐藏除 SpaceX 和小型运营商之外的所有运营商的内部百分比,但这可能需要一个单独的问题



使用 wheelchart 包 2.0 版本回答:

使用键 和 指定切片 1、2、3、4、14 和 26data的和。linesdata{1,2,3,4,14,26}lines{1,2,3,4,14,26}

切片的颜色通过带有键的列表来指定slices style{list}

切片 1 和 32 的键wheel data由 指定wheel data{1,32}。此处,\WCperc表示百分比。


  perc precision=2,
  slices style{list}={blue,green,yellow,red},
  wheel data{1,32}=\WCperc
  31.95/SpaceX Seattle,
  4.36/One Web,
  3.18/Planet Labs,
  3.04/United States Air Force,
  2.27/Main Space Forces Directorate,
  1.67/Main Space Forces Directorate,
  1.57/Russian Space Forces,
  1.54/Upravleniye Nachalnika Kosmicheskikh Sredstv,
  1.51/Swarm Technologies,
  1.33/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
  1.32/Soviet Navy,
  1.23/General Armaments Dept. of the PLA,
  1.06/Iridium Inc.,
  1/Russian Military Space Forces,
  0.95/Indian Space Research Organization,
  0.88/OKB-10 (Reshetnev),
  0.88/China Aerospace Sci/Tech Corp,
  0.87/Globalstar LLC,
  0.83/National Reconnaissance Office,
  0.81/Proto-Vozdhusnoy Oborony,
  0.73/GLONASS Information-Analytic Center,
  0.73/China National Space Administration,
  0.73/Chang Guang Satellite Technology Ltd,
  0.72/United States Navy,
  0.68/European Space Agency,
  0.66/Naval Research Lab,
  0.62/Orbcomm Inc.,
  0.58/International Telecommunications Satellite Organization,
  0.54/Ministry of Comms. Union Radio Comms.,
  0.52/National Space Research Center,
  30.1/Small Operators ($<50$ sats)%

使用 wheelchart 包 1.0 版本回答:

\WCtest定义一个命令来指定切片 1、2、3、4、14 和 26data的和。这里,给出切片的当前编号。lines\WCcount

类似地,wheel data针对切片 1 和 32 进行了指定。

perc precision=2,
slices style={/utils/exec={\pgfmathsetmacro{\WCcolornumber}{int(Mod({\WCcount-1},4)+1)*60+400}\definecolor{WCcolor}{wave}{\WCcolornumber}},WCcolor},
wheel data={\pgfmathparse{ifthenelse(\WCcount==1||\WCcount==32,"\WCperc",)}\pgfmathresult}
{31.95/SpaceX Seattle, 4.36/One Web, 3.18/Planet Labs, 3.04/United States Air Force, 2.27/Main Space Forces Directorate, 1.67/Main Space Forces Directorate, 1.57/Russian Space Forces, 1.54/Upravleniye Nachalnika Kosmicheskikh Sredstv, 1.51/Swarm Technologies, 1.33/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 1.32/Soviet Navy, 1.23/General Armaments Dept. of the PLA, 1.14/Spire, 1.06/Iridium Inc., 1/Russian Military Space Forces, 0.95/Indian Space Research Organization, 0.88/OKB-10 (Reshetnev), 0.88/China Aerospace Sci/Tech Corp, 0.87/Globalstar LLC, 0.83/National Reconnaissance Office, 0.81/Proto-Vozdhusnoy Oborony, 0.73/GLONASS Information-Analytic Center, 0.73/China National Space Administration, 0.73/Chang Guang Satellite Technology Ltd, 0.72/United States Navy, 0.68/European Space Agency, 0.66/Naval Research Lab, 0.62/Orbcomm Inc., 0.58/International Telecommunications Satellite Organization, 0.54/Ministry of Comms. Union Radio Comms., 0.52/National Space Research Center, 30.1/Small Operators ($<50$ sats)}
