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\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{\chaptername\ \thechapter}}
\makeevenhead{front}{}{\MakeLowercase{\scshape \leftmark}}{}
\chapter{An unnumbered chapter}
\chapter{A numbered chapter}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{An unnumbered chapter}
\makeevenhead{main}{}{\MakeLowercase{\scshape \rightmark}}{}
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\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{\chaptername\ \thechapter}}
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\def\tocmark{\markboth{\contentsname}{}}% This is added
\chapter{An unnumbered chapter}
\chapter{A numbered chapter}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}
\chapter{More chapters to make table of contents stretch over three pages}