我对 Latex 还很陌生,我想制作一张像我附上的那样的图表。这个想法是要清晰地标识出 Edgeworth 框的帕累托集,以及契约曲线、初始禀赋 (omega) 和无差异曲线。
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (8,6);
\draw (A) -- +(9,0);
\draw (A) -- +(0,7);
\draw (B) -- +(-9,0);
\draw (B) -- +(0,-7);
\node[below left] at (A) {$O_1$};
\node[above right] at (B) {$O_2$};
\draw[dashed, thick, postaction={decorate, decoration={markings,
mark=between positions 0.2 and 0.8 step 0.2 with {
\draw[black,solid] (-0.3,0.7) to[out=-50,in=90] (0,0)
to[out=-90,in=50] (-0.3,-0.7);
\draw[red,solid] (0.3,0.7) to[out=-130,in=90] (0,0)
to[out=-90,in=130] (0.3,-0.7);
}}}, name path=pareto] (A) to[out=50,in=-160] (B);
\coordinate (C) at (5.5,2.5);
\coordinate (D) at (3.5,5.5);
\draw[black, thick, shorten >=-20,shorten <=-10, name path=f2]
(C) to[out=100,in=-10] (D);
\draw[red, thick, shorten >=-10,shorten <=-10, name path=f1]
(C) to[out=170,in=-90] (D);
\fill[black] (C) circle (2pt) node[above right] {$\omega$};
\path [name intersections={of=pareto and f1,by=F1}];
\path [name intersections={of=pareto and f2,by=F2}];
\clip (F1) rectangle (F2);
\draw[line width=2pt] (A) to[out=50,in=-160] (B);
\draw[->,>=latex] (4,2) node[below]{\footnotesize
to[out=90,in=-70] (4.2,4);
\draw[->,>=latex] (5.5,6.5) node[above]{\footnotesize Pareto set} to[out=-60,in=120] (7,5.7);
\draw[->,>=latex] (5.5,6.5) to[out=-70,in=120] (5.5,5);