为什么在删除/注释掉一张 tikzpicture 后,Tikzexternalize 需要这么长时间?我该如何解决?

为什么在删除/注释掉一张 tikzpicture 后,Tikzexternalize 需要这么长时间?我该如何解决?

我正在使用 tikzpictures 和 pgfplots 创建带有解决方案的练习表。我充分利用了外部化库以加快编译时间。但是,我注意到,编辑文档中现有的 tikzpicture 对编译时间的减慢影响比简单地注释掉一个特定的 tikzpicture 要小得多。在下面的示例中(初始编译之后),更改要绘制的函数的方程式需要我的计算机 3 秒钟来编译 pdf,而注释掉整个中间 tikzpicture 会导致编译时间约为 13 秒,尽管实际上渲染的时间更少。

    Some text to pose a question.
            \foreach \i in {1,...,2000} {
                \draw[thin,rounded corners=8pt] ({\i*0.05},0) -- ({\i*0.05},2) -- ({1+\i*0.05},3.25) -- ({2+\i*0.05},2) -- ({2+\i*0.05},0) -- ({\i*0.05},2) -- ({2+\i*0.05},2) -- ({\i*0.05},0) -- ({2+\i*0.05},0);
        \caption{A time consuming tikzpicture to represent several tikz pictures.}

    The particular question/solution with tikzpicture editing/commenting out/deleting.
%       \begin{tikzpicture}
%           \begin{axis}[
%               axis lines = middle,
%               axis on top = true,
%               grid = both,
%               ]
%               \addplot[very thick, samples=30, smooth,domain=-5:5]{1-x}; % edit the equation for the function here
%           \end{axis}
%       \end{tikzpicture}

    Some more text to pose a question.
            \foreach \i in {1,...,2000} {
                \draw[thin,rounded corners=8pt] ({\i*0.05},0) -- ({\i*0.05},2) -- ({1+\i*0.05},3.25) -- ({2+\i*0.05},2) -- ({2+\i*0.05},0) -- ({\i*0.05},2) -- ({2+\i*0.05},2) -- ({\i*0.05},0) -- ({2+\i*0.05},0);
        \caption{Another time consuming tikzpicture to represent several tikz pictures.}

我查看了外部化库的手册,怀疑它可能与不同 tikzpicture 的索引有关。删除/注释掉 tikzpicture 会导致外部化库对每个 tikzpicture 进行计数,因此删除的 tikzpicture 之后的所有 tikzpicture 都必须重新编译,即使它们没有改变。事实上,第一次编译上面没有中间 tikzpicture 的示例需要我的计算机 25 秒,大约是注释掉中间 tikzpicture 后时间的两倍。

有办法解决这个问题吗?我可以向外部化库明确说明后续的 tikzpictures 没有改变吗,例如通过tikzcache/更好地链接以前生成的文件?


正如其他人所指出的,没有内置方法可以自动执行此操作。如果将每张图片放入单独的文件中,则可以在此基础上自动为外部化的图片分配名称。或者,您可以尝试两个支持外部化的新软件包之一:memoizerobust-externalize。两者都使用哈希而不是连续 ID,因此插入或删除图片不会导致重新编译所有后续图片。此外,两者都旨在将除tikzpictures 之外的其他内容外部化。

下面是一个示例memoize。我首先编译了包含 2 张图片的版本。这产生了两个新的外部人员。然后我取消注释中间的那个。下一次编译只产生了一个新的外部。由于现在的图片三与原来的图片二完全相同,因此无需重新编译。

Some text to pose a question.
\begin{figure}% don't use H
    \foreach \i in {1,...,2000} {
      \draw[thin,rounded corners=8pt] ({\i*0.05},0) -- ({\i*0.05},2) -- ({1+\i*0.05},3.25) -- ({2+\i*0.05},2) -- ({2+\i*0.05},0) -- ({\i*0.05},2) -- ({2+\i*0.05},2) -- ({\i*0.05},0) -- ({2+\i*0.05},0);
  \caption{A time consuming tikzpicture to represent several tikz pictures.}

The particular question/solution with tikzpicture editing/commenting out/deleting.
\begin{figure}% don't use H
      axis lines = middle,
      axis on top = true,
      grid = both,
      \addplot[very thick, samples=30, smooth,domain=-5:5]{1-x}; % edit the equation for the function here

Some more text to pose a question.
\begin{figure}% don't use H
    \foreach \i in {1,...,2000} {
      \draw[thin,rounded corners=8pt] ({\i*0.05},0) -- ({\i*0.05},2) -- ({1+\i*0.05},3.25) -- ({2+\i*0.05},2) -- ({2+\i*0.05},0) -- ({\i*0.05},2) -- ({2+\i*0.05},2) -- ({\i*0.05},0) -- ({2+\i*0.05},0);
  \caption{Another time consuming tikzpicture to represent several tikz pictures.}


% tikzlibrarycfrexternal.code.tex
\ProvidesFileSVN{$Id: tikzlibrarycfrexternal.code.tex 8646 2019-10-04 16:38:17Z cfr $}
% addaswyd o ateb: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/334290/ i gwestiwn rpapa: http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/334250/
% RHYBUDD! ref. sylwad David Carlisle https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/42967388#42967388
% rhaid cynnwys % ar ôl \begin{document}% i osgoi space ychwanegol ***
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\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \enext_setfigurename:n
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  \msg_warning_text:n { enext } ~ :: ~ Append ~ to ~ #1 ~ failed ~ \msg_line_context: !
  This ~ is ~ probably ~ not ~ your ~ fault ~ unless ~ you ~ redefined ~ the ~ modified ~ functions. ~
  Either ~ fix ~ the ~ code ~ yourself ~ or ~ ask ~ for ~ help. ~
  Apologies ~ for ~ any ~ inconvenience. ~
  All ~ code ~ provided ~ as-is ~ for ~ use ~ at ~ your ~ own ~ risk! ~
  As ~ a ~ goodwill ~ gesture, ~ a ~ full ~ refund ~ will ~ be ~ provided ~ on ~ request, ~ less ~ a ~ small ~ fee ~ to ~ cover ~ administration.
\msg_new:nnn { enext } { append ~ succeeded }
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{% ddim yn gywir o gwbl
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  \msg_warning:nnn { enext } { append ~ succeeded } { document ~ environment }
  \msg_warning:nnn { enext } { append ~ failed } { document ~ environment }
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  \msg_warning:nnn { enext } { append ~ succeeded } { \tikzsetnextfilename }
  \msg_warning:nnn { enext } { append ~ failed } { \tikzsetnextfilename }
\apptocmd \tikzexternal@getnextfilename@resetglobals
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  \msg_warning:nnn { enext } { append ~ succeeded } { \tikzexternal@getnextfilename@resetglobals }
  \msg_warning:nnn { enext } { append ~ failed } { \tikzexternal@getnextfilename@resetglobals }


买者自负 ...


在仔细查看了外部化库的文档之后,确实有一种(手动)方法可以将 tikzpictures 与其外部化输出更紧密地联系起来,即tikzsetnextfilename如上所述这里。然后改变顺序或删除一个 tikzpicture 对其他(已生成的)tikzpicture 的识别和总编译时间没有影响。据我在手册中所知,没有自动(不依赖于 tikzpictures 的先前顺序)的方法可以做到这一点。

    Some text to pose a question.
        \tikzsetnextfilename{image1} % adding ID myself
            \foreach \i in {1,...,1000} {
                \draw[thin,rounded corners=8pt] ({\i*0.05},0) -- ({\i*0.05},2) -- ({1+\i*0.05},3.25) -- ({2+\i*0.05},2) -- ({2+\i*0.05},0) -- ({\i*0.05},2) -- ({2+\i*0.05},2) -- ({\i*0.05},0) -- ({2+\i*0.05},0);
        \caption{A time consuming tikzpicture to represent several tikz pictures.}
    The particular question/solution with tikzpicture editing/commenting out/deleting.
%       \tikzsetnextfilename{image2} % adding ID myself
%              \begin{tikzpicture}
%                      \begin{axis}[
%                              axis lines = middle,
%                              axis on top = true,
%                              grid = both,
%                              ]
%                              \addplot[very thick, samples=30, smooth,domain=-5:5]{1-x}; % edit the equation for the function here
%                          \end{axis}
%                  \end{tikzpicture}
    Some more text to pose a question.
        \tikzsetnextfilename{image3} % adding ID myself
            \foreach \i in {1,...,1000} {
                \draw[thin,rounded corners=8pt] ({\i*0.05},0) -- ({\i*0.05},2) -- ({1+\i*0.05},3.25) -- ({2+\i*0.05},2) -- ({2+\i*0.05},0) -- ({\i*0.05},2) -- ({2+\i*0.05},2) -- ({\i*0.05},0) -- ({2+\i*0.05},0);
        \caption{Another time consuming tikzpicture to represent several tikz pictures.}
