


以“加拿大”为例,我希望第一个值是 48,然后是 24,最后是 59,而不是反过来。我不知道如何反转条形图。

导致下面出现错误的图像和代码。 在此处输入图片描述

\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}
\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}


\pgfplotstableread[header = true, col sep = comma]{
State,      Science,  Engineering,  Bachelor
Canada,     48,       24,           59
France,     38,       31,           55
Germany,    44,       22,           54
Italy,      55,       39,           62
Spain,      44,       32,           57
Sweden,     44,       30,           62
UK,         38,       23,           56
US,         43,       22,           57
OECD,       42,       27,           58

    ,width = 6in, height = 12cm
    ,tickwidth = 0pt
    ,x axis line style = { opacity = 0 }
    ,xlabel = {\textbf{Percent (\%) Female Graduates}}
    ,ylabel = {\textbf{States}}
    ,xbar = 2pt% space of 2pt between adjacent bars
    ,bar width = 7pt
    ,xmin = 0, xmax = 70
    ,ytick = data% crucial line for the yticklabels directive
    ,yticklabels from table = {\datatable}{State}
    ,nodes near coords
    ,every node near coord/.append style={font=\ttfamily\footnotesize}
    ,y tick label style = {
        ,rotate = 0
        ,anchor = east
    ,legend style = {
        ,draw = none
        ,anchor = north
        ,at = {(0.5,-0.125)}
        ,legend columns = 3
        ,legend style={
            /tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=.5cm},
            /tikz/every odd column/.append style={column sep=.1cm}
        ,align = left
    ,cycle list name = exotic
    ,every axis plot/.append style = {fill, draw = none, no markers}%

    \foreach \i in {Science, Engineering, Bachelor} {
        \addplot+ table [
            y expr=-\coordindex,% Use negative coordinate index as y coordinate
    \legend{Sciences, Engineering, All bachelor programs}



不知道为什么,但要颠倒顺序\foreach \i in {Science, Engineering, Bachelor}

\foreach \i in {Bachelor,Engineering,Science}




\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}
\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}


\pgfplotstableread[header = true, col sep = comma]{
State,      Science,  Engineering,  Bachelor
Canada,     48,       24,           59
France,     38,       31,           55
Germany,    44,       22,           54
Italy,      55,       39,           62
Spain,      44,       32,           57
Sweden,     44,       30,           62
UK,         38,       23,           56
US,         43,       22,           57
OECD,       42,       27,           58

    ,width = 6in, height = 12cm
    ,tickwidth = 0pt
    ,x axis line style = { opacity = 0 }
    ,xlabel = {\textbf{Percent (\%) Female Graduates}}
    ,ylabel = {\textbf{States}}
    ,xbar = 2pt% space of 2pt between adjacent bars
    ,bar width = 7pt
    ,xmin = 0, xmax = 70
    ,ytick = data% crucial line for the yticklabels directive
    ,yticklabels from table = {\datatable}{State}
    ,nodes near coords
    ,every node near coord/.append style={font=\ttfamily\footnotesize}
    ,y tick label style = {
        ,rotate = 0
        ,anchor = east
    ,legend style = {
        ,draw = none
        ,anchor = north
        ,at = {(0.5,-0.125)}
        ,legend columns = 3
        ,legend style={
            /tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=.5cm},
            /tikz/every odd column/.append style={column sep=.1cm}
        ,align = left
    ,cycle list name = exotic
    ,every axis plot/.append style = {fill, draw = none, no markers}%

    \foreach \i in {Bachelor,Engineering,Science} {
        \addplot+ table [
            y expr=-\coordindex,% Use negative coordinate index as y coordinate
\legend{All bachelor programs, Engineering, Science}


如果您希望图例按顺序排列,请使用以下选项reverse legend


\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}
\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}


\pgfplotstableread[header = true, col sep = comma]{
State,      Science,  Engineering,  Bachelor
Canada,     48,       24,           59
France,     38,       31,           55
Germany,    44,       22,           54
Italy,      55,       39,           62
Spain,      44,       32,           57
Sweden,     44,       30,           62
UK,         38,       23,           56
US,         43,       22,           57
OECD,       42,       27,           58

    ,reverse legend
    ,width = 6in, height = 12cm
    ,tickwidth = 0pt
    ,x axis line style = { opacity = 0 }
    ,xlabel = {\textbf{Percent (\%) Female Graduates}}
    ,ylabel = {\textbf{States}}
    ,xbar = 2pt% space of 2pt between adjacent bars
    ,bar width = 7pt
    ,xmin = 0, xmax = 70
    ,ytick = data% crucial line for the yticklabels directive
    ,yticklabels from table = {\datatable}{State}
    ,nodes near coords
    ,every node near coord/.append style={font=\ttfamily\footnotesize}
    ,y tick label style = {
        ,rotate = 0
        ,anchor = east
    ,legend style = {
        ,draw = none
        ,anchor = north
        ,at = {(0.5,-0.125)}
        ,legend columns = 3
        ,legend style={
            /tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=.5cm},
            /tikz/every odd column/.append style={column sep=.1cm}
        ,align = left
    ,cycle list name = exotic
    ,every axis plot/.append style = {fill, draw = none, no markers}%

    \foreach \i in {Bachelor,Engineering,Science} {
        \addplot+ table [
            y expr=-\coordindex,% Use negative coordinate index as y coordinate
    \legend{All bachelor programs, Engineering, Science}

