

屏幕截图中的文本描述了第 1 页上的问题,第 2 页上的问题不同。第 3 页显示了插入页码的“正确”方法。但我不想这样做 - 我想使用\pagereferences。我尝试插入几个\dontleavehmodes,但没有帮助。

请解释我在第 1 页和第 2 页上做错了什么。


\setuppapersize[A6][A5,landscape] \setuparranging[2SIDE]


\startsection [title=First section heading]
There is a small gap between the left side  of the frame and the start of this sentence. It should not be there.

\startsection [title=Second section heading]

The whitespace between the section heading and the start of this text is bigger than on page 1.

\startsection [title=Third section heading, reference=pageref3]

This has no problems, but I don't want to specify the reference this way. 



在第 1 页上, 后面有一个空白行,\pagereference排版为一个空格。在第 2 页上,两个空白行排版为\par,即一个新段落。


\setuppapersize[A6][A5,landscape] \setuparranging[2SIDE]



\startsection [title=First section heading]
There is a small gap between the left side  of the frame and the start of this sentence. It should not be there.

\startsection [title=Second section heading]

The whitespace between the section heading and the start of this text is bigger than on page 1.

\startsection [title=Third section heading, reference=pageref3]

This has no problems, but I don't want to specify the reference this way.



这使用了一个新的 LuaMetaTeX 原语,\futureexpandisap扩张s 以下字符和忽略s步伐And词组。
