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\articletype{research article}%
\received{26 April 2016}
\revised{6 June 2016}
\accepted{6 June 2016}
\setlength{\columnsep}{15pt} % set columns separation <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\title{Chained masteel fSFRC) beams}
\abstract[Abstract]{Due to the benefits of steel fiber reiDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atDue to the benefits of steel fiber reinforceement atnforceement at }
Significant efforts have been undertaken in recent years to increase the strength and ductility of concretsdggggggggggggggggggg erformance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) structures possess exceptional ductility and stren in recent years to increase the strength and ductility of concretsdggggggggggggggggggg erformance fiber-reinfn in recent years to increase the strength and ductility of concretsdggggggggggggggggggg erformance fiber-reinfn in recent years to increase the strength and ductility of concretsdggggggggggggggggggg erformance fiber-reinf
\varphi_{k}(val)=\sum s\subseteq\left\{ x_{i},...,x_{n.}\right\} /\left\{x_{k}\right\} \frac{\mid s\mid!(n-\mid s\mid-1)!}{n!}\left(val\left(s\cup\left\{x_{k}\right\} -val(s)\right)\right)
——它们除了弄乱水平间距外什么也不做——并且用 替换了 的两个\mid s\mid
\articletype{research article}
\received{26 April 2016}
\revised{6 June 2016}
\accepted{6 June 2016}
%% new:
\usepackage{lipsum} % filler text
\lipsum[1][1-4] % filler text
=\sum s\subseteq\{ x_{i},\dots,x_{n} \} \Big/ \\
\Bigl(\{x_{k}\} \frac{|s|!\,(n-|s|-1)!}{n!}
\bigl(\val(s\cup\{x_{k}\} -\val(s))\bigr) \Bigr)
\lipsum[1][5-8] % more filler text