Springer latex 表格边框和文字换行

Springer latex 表格边框和文字换行

我使用的是 Springer Journal Latex 格式。我在绘制表格时遇到了问题,因为每个单元格内的文本会延伸到相邻的单元格,并且表格会超出纸张范围。我使用了以下代码,并附上了绘制表格的屏幕截图。


    \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{Item}} & 
    \multicolumn{1}{ c|}{\textbf{Actions}} & 
    \multicolumn{1}{ c|}{\textbf{Preposition}} & 
    \multicolumn{1}{ c|}{\textbf{Outcome}}
    \\ \hline
    Work-1 &
       Modification in Group formation for set creation.  
       Removes all irrelevant and invisible users from list.
    \end{tabular} & 
       Claims increase in size by reducing parameter number one
    \end{tabular} & 
       Its not clear what the author wants to achieve from this research 
    \end{tabular}  \\


您习惯在单列tabular环境中用 来包裹几乎每个单元格的内容,l这妨碍了自动换行。补救措施是什么?去掉tabular包装器。

哦,请采用tabularx环境和L您已经为第 2 至第 4 列定义的列类型。我看不出有什么理由\scriptsize;在下面的代码中,我采用了\small。最后,没有令人信服的理由大胆的标题单元格的内容有吗?




\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a less cramped look
\setlength\tabcolsep{4pt}      % default: 6pt
\small                         % why "\scriptsize" ?


Item & Actions & Proposition & Outcome \\ 
& Modification in group formation for set creation.  
  Removes all irrelevant and invisible users from list. 
& Claims increase in size by reducing parameter number one. 
& It's not clear what the author wants to achieve from 
  this research.
\\ \hline


附录回应 OP 的后续评论:由于上面显示的解决方案使用了浮动table,因此它最多可以占据一整页。如果您的表格长度(包括标题)超出了参数\textheight,我建议您从组合的table/tabularx框架切换到xltabular框架。基本上,环境结合了和环境xltabular的功能。longtabletabularx


  • 要通过指定相对而不是绝对列宽来实现这一点,我建议概括代码中定义的L列类型(它本身是列类型的概括X),以允许不平等的相对宽度。

  • 在下面的代码中,这是通过指定Y列类型来实现的,L列类型与采用显式参数的列类型不同。要记住的主要规则是相对列宽的总和必须等于Y-type 列的数量。

  • 您提到要使用 2cm、3cm、3cm 和 4cm 的绝对(可用)宽度;即 2:3:3:4 的比例。快速计算表明,4 列的参数Y应为 0.667、1、1 和 1.333。为什么?这是因为 (a) 1.333 比 1 大 33.3%,是 0.667 的两倍,并且 (b) 0.667+1+1+1.333 = 4 =Y类型列的数量。

  • 总结一下:使用



  • 仅提供一个如何推导列参数的附加示例Y:假设您决定对第一列使用Y列类型,而不是对所有 4 列使用比例为 的列类型,同时仍为其余 3 列分配 3:3:4 的比例。快速计算表明,您现在应该写2:3:3:4l


    因为 1.2 比 0.9 大 33.3%,并且 0.9+0.9+1.2 = 3 = Y 型列的数量。



\usepackage{xltabular} % For 'xltabular' env. Loads the 'tabularx'
                       % and 'longtable' packages automatically
\usepackage{ragged2e}  % For '\RaggedRight' macro


%% Version 1: table/tabularx (repeated from above)
\setlength\tabcolsep{4pt}      % default: 6pt
\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a less cramped look


Item & Actions & Proposition & Outcome \\ 
& Modification in group formation for set creation.  
  Removes all irrelevant and invisible users from list. 
& Claims increase in size by reducing parameter number one. 
& It's not clear what the author wants to achieve from 
  this research.
\\ \hline

%% Version 2: xltabular approach
\begingroup % Limit the scope of the next 3 instructions
\setlength\tabcolsep{4pt}      % default: 6pt
\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a less cramped look


%% headers and footers

\multicolumn{4}{@{}l}{\refstepcounter{table}\textbf{Table \thetable} \label{table:Literature_1a}}
Item & Actions & Proposition & Outcome \\ 

\multicolumn{4}{@{}l}{\textbf{Table \thetable}, cont'd}  \\[1.5ex]
Item & Actions & Proposition & Outcome \\ 

\multicolumn{4}{r@{}}{\footnotesize\em(continued on next page)}\\


%% body of table
& Modification in group formation for set creation.  
  Removes all irrelevant and invisible users from list. 
& Claims increase in size by reducing parameter number one. 
& It's not clear what the author wants to achieve from 
  this research. \\ % note: no \hline directive here



colspec = {*{4}{X[-1,c,m]}},
row{1}  = {font=\bfseries},
Item   & Actions                                                                                                 & Preposition                                              & Outcome                                                           \\
Work-1 & Modification in Group formation for set creation. Removes all irrelevant and invisible users from list. & Claims increase in size by reducing parameter number one & Its not clear what the author wants to achieve from this research \\





\setlength\tabcolsep{4pt}  % default 6 pt

    \textbf{Item} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Actions}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Preposition}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Outcome}} \\ \midrule
    Work-1 & Modification in Group formation for set creation.  
       Removes all irrelevant and invisible users from list. & Claims increase in size by reducing parameter number one & Its not clear what the author wants to achieve from this research \\


