author = "Michael Young",
title = "The Rise of the Meritocracy",
year = "1958", % Citations: 2,998
publisher = "Thames and Hudson",
address = "London"
\cite{young_1958} says ...
我认为解决这个问题的另一种方法可能是定义一个新的引用命令,要求 latex 显示书籍的出版商和地址?此外,我怎样才能使引用的标题非斜体?
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(在收到 OP 的进一步信息后,我更新了这个答案)
% Citations: 2,998
会生成以下 BibTeX 错误消息:
You're missing a field name---line 8 of file mybib.bib
: year = "1958",
: % Citations: 2,998
I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry
Warning--missing publisher in young_1958
(There was 1 error message)
我为测试您的代码而创建的临时 bib 文件的名称。)
一般建议:如果您认为在 BibTeX 运行过程中可能出现问题,最好检查 .blg(我想是“BibTeX log”的缩写)文件。换句话说:忽略 BibTeX 错误消息,后果自负。
author = "Michael Young",
title = "The Rise of the Meritocracy",
year = "1958",
publisher = "Thames and Hudson",
address = "London"