\usetikzlibrary{calc, backgrounds}
for tree={calign=fixed edge angles},
[CP,name=cp [,phantom]
[TP,name=tp [,phantom]
[VP,name=vp [,phantom]
[V] [,phantom]]]]]]]
\draw[rotate=30, name path=cpbow] ([shift={(150:2 and 0)}]cp)
arc[start angle=150, end angle=30, x radius=2, y radius=1];
\draw[rotate=30, name path=tpbow] ([shift={(150:2 and 0)}]tp)
arc[start angle=150, end angle=30, x radius=2, y radius=1];
\draw[rotate=30, name path=vpbow] ([shift={(150:2 and 0)}]vp)
arc[start angle=150, end angle=30, x radius=2, y radius=1];
\path[rotate=30, name path=xpbow] ([shift={(150:2 and 0)}]$(vp)!-1!(tp)$)
arc[start angle=150, end angle=30, x radius=2, y radius=1];
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\fill[red, opacity=0.25, intersection segments={
of=cpbow and tpbow, sequence={A* -- B*[reverse]}
}] -- cycle;
\fill[yellow, opacity=0.25, intersection segments={
of=tpbow and vpbow, sequence={A* -- B*[reverse]}
}] -- cycle;
\fill[green, opacity=0.25, intersection segments={
of=vpbow and xpbow, sequence={A* -- B*[reverse]}
}] -- cycle;
虽然不完全是需要的,但是玩一玩shading angle
并强迫middle color
\usetikzlibrary{calc, backgrounds}
for tree={calign=fixed edge angles},
[CP,name=cp [,phantom]
[TP,name=tp [,phantom]
[VP,name=vp [,phantom]
[V] [,phantom]]]]]]]
\draw[rotate=30, name path=cpbow] ([shift={(150:2 and 0)}]cp)
arc[start angle=150, end angle=30, x radius=2, y radius=1];
\draw[rotate=30, name path=tpbow] ([shift={(150:2 and 0)}]tp)
arc[start angle=150, end angle=30, x radius=2, y radius=1];
\draw[rotate=30, name path=vpbow] ([shift={(150:2 and 0)}]vp)
arc[start angle=150, end angle=30, x radius=2, y radius=1];
\path[rotate=30, name path=xpbow] ([shift={(150:2 and 0)}]$(vp)!-1!(tp)$)
arc[start angle=150, end angle=30, x radius=2, y radius=1];
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\fill[top color=red, bottom color=white, middle color=red!20, shading angle=30, intersection segments={
of=cpbow and tpbow, sequence={A* -- B*[reverse]}
}] -- cycle;
\fill[top color=yellow, bottom color=white, middle color=yellow!20, shading angle=30, intersection segments={
of=tpbow and vpbow, sequence={A* -- B*[reverse]}
}] -- cycle;
\fill[top color=green, bottom color=white, middle color=green!20, shading angle=30, intersection segments={
of=vpbow and xpbow, sequence={A* -- B*[reverse]}
}] -- cycle;