我在 LaTeX 中遇到了段落对齐问题。见下图。
MWE LaTeX 代码如下:
\begin{corollary} \label{16}\ Suppose in a sequence of structures
$\{(\mathfrak{M}_{n},\phi_n)\colon \mathfrak{M}_{n}
\models\phi_{n}\land n<\omega\}$ of a $\aleph_{0}$-categorical theory
$T$, there are finitely many homogeneous subsequences of structures
$\{(\mathfrak{M}_{n_i}, \phi_{n_i}) \colon \mathfrak{M}_{n_i}
\models\phi_{n_i}\land n_i<\omega\}$. Then there is a unique formula
$\widetilde{\phi_i}$ in $\mathcal{L}$ (up to equivalence) and a unique
countable atomic structure $\widetilde{\mathfrak{M_i}}$ (up to
isomorphism) for each $\{(\mathfrak{M}_{n_i},\phi_{n_i})\}$ such that
$\widetilde{\mathfrak{M_i}}\models\widetilde{\phi_i}$. In addition,
there is a $N_i\in\omega$ such that
{\displaystyle\bigwedge}{\phi}_{n_i}$ which is the complete formula of
问题发生在 内部{}
感谢您发布可编译的 MWE,因为它极大地简化了对格式化目标解决方案的搜索,即如何修复涉及内联数学对象的错误换行情况。
以下屏幕截图中的第一个推论复制了 OP 的屏幕截图。
$\,\widetilde{\phi_i}\,=\underset{N_i<n_i<\omega} {\displaystyle\bigwedge}{\phi}_{n_i}$
$\widetilde{\phi}_i= \smashoperator{\bigwedge_{N_i<n_i<\omega}} \phi_{n_i}$
。请参阅下面的第二个推论,了解修复这些初步问题的结果。正如 @barbarabeeton 在评论中指出的那样,有两种方法可以解决 OP 遇到的格式问题。第一种方法是手动
在有问题的内联数学公式中的某个位置插入一个指令(具体来说,是指令),以指示应该在哪里换行。在这里,允许在 之后换行似乎是一个好主意\colon
\usepackage{mathtools} % 'mathtools' is a superset of 'amsmath'
%\usepackage{amsfonts} % 'amsfonts' is loaded automatically by 'amssymb'
% '{margin=1in,top=1.25in,bottom=1.25in}' isn't unambiguous
\setcounter{theorem}{5} % just for this example
\begin{corollary} \label{16}
\ Suppose in a sequence of structures
\mathfrak{M}_{n} \models\phi_{n}\land n<\omega\}$
of a $\aleph_{0}$-categorical theory $T$, there are
finitely many homogeneous subsequences of structures
$\{(\mathfrak{M}_{n_i}, \phi_{n_i}) \colon
\mathfrak{M}_{n_i} \models\phi_{n_i}\land n_i<\omega\}$.
Then there is a unique formula
$\widetilde{\phi_i}$ in $\mathcal{L}$ (up to
equivalence) and a unique countable atomic structure
$\widetilde{\mathfrak{M_i}}$ (up to isomorphism) for each
$\{(\mathfrak{M}_{n_i},\phi_{n_i})\}$ such that
In addition, there is a $N_i\in\omega$ such that
which is the complete formula of
\begin{corollary} \label{16a}
Suppose that in a sequence of structures
\mathfrak{M}_{n} \models\phi_{n}\land n<\omega\}$
of an $\aleph_{0}$-categorical theory $T$, there are
finitely many homogeneous subsequences of structures
$\{(\mathfrak{M}_{n_i}, \phi_{n_i}) \colon
\mathfrak{M}_{n_i} \models\phi_{n_i}\land n_i<\omega\}$.
Then there is a unique formula
$\widetilde{\phi}_i$ in $\mathcal{L}$ (up to
equivalence) and a unique countable atomic structure
$\widetilde{\mathfrak{M}}_i$ (up to isomorphism) for each
$\{(\mathfrak{M}_{n_i},\phi_{n_i})\}$ such that
In addition, there is an $N_i\in\omega$ such that
\smashoperator{\bigwedge_{N_i<n_i<\omega}} \phi_{n_i}$
which is the complete formula of
\begin{corollary} \label{16b}
Suppose that in a sequence of structures
\mathfrak{M}_{n} \models\phi_{n}\land n<\omega\}$
of an $\aleph_{0}$-categorical theory $T$, there are
finitely many homogeneous subsequences of structures
$\{(\mathfrak{M}_{n_i}, \phi_{n_i}) \colon \allowbreak % <-- '\allowbreak' is new
\mathfrak{M}_{n_i} \models\phi_{n_i}\land n_i<\omega\}$.
Then there is a unique formula
$\widetilde{\phi}_i$ in $\mathcal{L}$ (up to
equivalence) and a unique countable atomic structure
$\widetilde{\mathfrak{M}}_i$ (up to isomorphism) for each
$\{(\mathfrak{M}_{n_i},\phi_{n_i})\}$ such that
In addition, there is an $N_i\in\omega$ such that
\smashoperator{\bigwedge_{N_i<n_i<\omega}} \phi_{n_i}$
which is the complete formula of
\begin{corollary} \label{16c}
Suppose that in a sequence of structures
\mathfrak{M}_{n} \models\phi_{n}\land n<\omega\}$
of an $\aleph_{0}$-categorical theory $T$, there are
finitely many homogeneous subsequences of structures
\bigl\{(\mathfrak{M}_{n_i}, \phi_{n_i}) \colon
\mathfrak{M}_{n_i} \models\phi_{n_i}\land n_i<\omega\bigr\} \,.
Then there is a unique formula
$\widetilde{\phi}_i$ in $\mathcal{L}$ (up to
equivalence) and a unique countable atomic structure
$\widetilde{\mathfrak{M}}_i$ (up to isomorphism) for each
$\{(\mathfrak{M}_{n_i},\phi_{n_i})\}$ such that
In addition, there is an $N_i\in\omega$ such that
\smashoperator{\bigwedge_{N_i<n_i<\omega}} \phi_{n_i}$
which is the complete formula of
在这种情况下使用,它用于像 中的地图f\colon A\rightarrow B
for \mathcal{L}
,这使得输入更简单,并避免诸如 这样的错误\mathfrak{M_i}
我还使用了直立括号(我不太喜欢它们在 Computer Modern 中的倾斜)。
最后,我用 替换了的丑陋实现\vDash
Suppose in a sequence of structures
$\{(\fM_{n},\phi_n): \fM_{n} \models \phi_{n}\land n<\omega\}$
of a $\aleph_{0}$-categorical theory $T$, there are
finitely many homogeneous subsequences of structures
$\{(\fM_{n_i}, \phi_{n_i}) : \fM_{n_i} \models\phi_{n_i}\land n_i<\omega\}$.
Then there is a unique formula $\wt{\phi_i}$ in $\cL$
\textup{(}up to equivalence\textup{)} and a unique countable atomic structure
$\wt{\fM_i}$ \textup{(}up to isomorphism\textup{)} for each
$\{(\fM_{n_i},\phi_{n_i})\}$ such that
In addition, there is a $N_i\in\omega$ such that
$\wt{\phi_i}\,= \bigwedge_{N_i<n_i<\omega}\phi_{n_i}$
which is the complete formula of $\wt{\fM_i}$.
Suppose in a sequence of structures
$\{(\fM_{n},\phi_n)\suchthat \fM_{n} \models \phi_{n}\land n<\omega\}$
of a $\aleph_{0}$-categorical theory $T$, there are
finitely many homogeneous subsequences of structures
$\{(\fM_{n_i}, \phi_{n_i}) \suchthat \fM_{n_i} \models\phi_{n_i}\land n_i<\omega\}$.
Then there is a unique formula $\wt{\phi_i}$ in $\cL$
\textup{(}up to equivalence\textup{)} and a unique countable atomic structure
$\wt{\fM_i}$ \textup{(}up to isomorphism\textup{)} for each
$\{(\fM_{n_i},\phi_{n_i})\}$ such that
In addition, there is a $N_i\in\omega$ such that
$\wt{\phi_i}\,= \bigwedge_{N_i<n_i<\omega}\phi_{n_i}$
which is the complete formula of $\wt{\fM_i}$.