知识 - 我不知道如何在图片中创建随机但一致的形状tikz
\newcommand\Denovo{\textit{De novo}}
dotted_ellipse/.style={draw=black!80!white, line width=0.5pt, dash pattern=on 1.5pt off 1.5pt,%
inner ysep=0pt,inner xsep=-2pt, ellipse}%
background/.style = {ultra thin,color=DodgerBlue3},%
small ellipse/.style ={color=\circleColour},%
med ellipse/.style ={color=\circleColour},%
bigger ellipse/.style ={color=\circleColour},%
max ellipse/.style ={color=\circleColour},%
\filldraw[background] (0,0) -- (0,3) -- (16,3) -- (16,0) -- (0,0);%
\node [anchor=west,text width=1.11cm,inner ysep=0.1pt] (native) at (16.3,2.66) {\textcolor{myblack}{Native \\ enzymes}};%
\node [anchor=west,text width=1.11cm,inner ysep=0.6pt] (ratdes) at (16.3,1.05) {\textcolor{myblack}{Rational \\ design}};%
\node [anchor=west,text width=1.11cm,inner ysep=0.1pt] (direvo) at (16.3,1.87) {\textcolor{myblack}{Directed \\ evolution}};%
\node [anchor=west,text width=1.1cm,inner ysep=0pt] (denovo) at (16.3,0.29) {%
\textcolor{myblack}{\Denovo\\ design}%
\node [anchor=west] (dehy) at (1, 2.75) {\textcolor{white}{\scriptsize\textit{Dehydrogenases}}};%
\node [anchor=west] (urea) at (3.2, 0.27) {\textcolor{white}{\scriptsize\textit{Urease}}};%
\node [anchor=west] (hydro) at (2.1, 0.70) {\textcolor{white}{\scriptsize\textit{Amidohydrolases}}};%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (2.1,1.5) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (3.1,1.67) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (4,2.625) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (4.8,0.45) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (5,2.325) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (6.8,1.35) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (7.4,0.6) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (7.6,0.625) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (8.2,1.72) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (9.5,2.25) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (9.6,2.025) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (9.75,0.825) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (10.3,0.9) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (10.5,0.72) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (10.7,0.8625) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (10.75,1.525) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (11,1.8) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (11.3,1.65) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (11.7,1.6125) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (12.55,2.6625) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (14,2.175) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (14.4,2.175) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[small ellipse] (14.7,2.5875) ellipse (\smallEL pt and \smallEW pt);%
\filldraw[med ellipse] (1.75,1.525) ellipse (\medEL pt and \medEW pt);%
\filldraw[med ellipse] (2.1,2.025) ellipse (\medEL pt and \medEW pt);%
\filldraw[med ellipse] (5,0.55) ellipse (\medEL pt and \medEW pt);%
\filldraw[med ellipse] (3.7,2.55) ellipse (\medEL pt and \medEW pt);%
\filldraw[med ellipse] (8,1.35) ellipse (\medEL pt and \medEW pt);%
\draw[dotted_ellipse, name=ratdot] (8,1.35) ellipse (10 pt and 7pt);%
\filldraw[med ellipse] (14.2,2.325) ellipse (\medEL pt and \medEW pt);%
\filldraw[bigger ellipse] (2.9,1.5) ellipse (\biggerEL pt and \biggerEW pt);%
\filldraw[bigger ellipse] (4.7,2.4) ellipse (\biggerEL pt and \biggerEW pt);%
\filldraw[bigger ellipse] (11.1,0.7125) ellipse (\biggerEL pt and \biggerEW pt);%
\filldraw[max ellipse] (13.5,1.65) ellipse (7pt and 5pt); % Main one
\draw[thin] (denovo) -- (13.5,0.45) node [draw=black, circle, fill=black, inner sep=1.4pt, pos=1] {};%
\draw[thin] (native) -- (14.2,2.325) node [draw=black, circle, fill=black, inner sep=1.4pt, pos=1] {};%
\draw[thin] (direvo) -- (13.83,1.65) node [draw=black, circle, fill=black, inner sep=1.4pt, pos=1] {};%
\draw[thin] (ratdes) -- (8.44,1.350) node [draw=black, circle, fill=black, inner sep=1.4pt, pos=1] {};%
\draw[->,thin,-latex,color=white] (dehy.east) -- (3.5,2.6);%
\draw[->,thin,-latex,color=white] (hydro.east) -- (4.8,0.6);%
\draw[->,thin,-latex,color=white] (urea.east) -- (4.7,0.43);%
我希望它每次都一样,使用最少的代码(以我的水平可以理解),标签没有重叠,并且看起来向左和向右分布得很均匀。我的代码使用了大约 100 行代码,远非最佳。有人有更好的解决方案吗?我对我的图像很满意,但对我的代码却不满意,它太丑了。我正在编译,lualatex
因为我的报告需要 Arial 字体。
medium ellipse/.pic={
\fill[Bisque2] (0,0) circle[x radius=5pt, y radius=3pt];
small ellipse/.pic={
\fill[Bisque2] (0,0) circle[x radius=2.5pt, y radius=1.35pt];
\fill[DodgerBlue3] (0,0) rectangle (16,3);
\foreach \x in {0.5,1,...,15.5} {
\foreach \y in {0.5,1,...,2.5} {
\pgfmathparse{ifthenelse(\temprand > 0.5 && \temprand < 0.75, 1, 0)}
\pic at ([shift={({rand*5pt},{rand*5pt})}]\x,\y) {medium ellipse};
\pgfmathparse{ifthenelse(\temprand > 0.75, 1, 0)}
\pic at ([shift={({rand*5pt},{rand*5pt})}]\x,\y) {small ellipse};
medium ellipse/.pic={
\fill[Bisque2] (0,0) circle[x radius=5pt, y radius=3pt];
\coordinate (-center) at (0,0);
small ellipse/.pic={
\fill[Bisque2] (0,0) circle[x radius=2.5pt, y radius=1.35pt];
\coordinate (-center) at (0,0);
\fill[DodgerBlue3] (0,0) rectangle (16,3);
\foreach \x in {0.5,1,...,15.5} {
\foreach \y in {0.5,1,...,2.5} {
\pgfmathparse{ifthenelse(\temprand > 0.5 && \temprand < 0.75, 1, 0)}
\pic (pic \thepics) at ([shift={({rand*5pt},{rand*5pt})}]\x,\y) {medium ellipse};
\pgfmathparse{ifthenelse(\temprand > 0.75, 1, 0)}
\pic (pic \thepics) at ([shift={({rand*5pt},{rand*5pt})}]\x,\y) {small ellipse};
\draw (pic 7-center) -- (pic 7-center -| -1,0) node[left] {A};
据我所知,您可以使用 来修复某个(伪)随机生成的模式\pgfmathsetseed{<integer>}
。也就是说,指定 后,<integer>