复制 MS Word 表格样式

复制 MS Word 表格样式
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % 'cp1252'-Western, 'cp1251'-Cyrillic, etc.
\usepackage[a4paper, left=1in, right=1in, top=1in, bottom=1in]{geometry}
\usepackage[english]{babel} % 'french', 'german', 'spanish', 'danish', etc.
\usepackage{array, tabularx, blindtext}

    \begin{tabularx}{0.5\textwidth}{>{\centering \columncolor{lightgray}}m{2.4cm}|>{\centering}X|>{\centering}X|>{\centering\arraybackslash}X} \hline
\textbf{Unit Power (MW)} & \textbf{PSO} & \textbf{MFO} & \textbf{GA} \\ \hline\hline 
\textbf{P1} & 445.89 & 426.09 & 474.81 \\ \hline 
\textbf{P2} & 175.88 & 199.8 & 178.64 \\ \hline 
\textbf{P3} & 258.63 & 247.5 & 262.21 \\ \hline 
\textbf{P4} & 139.67 & 136.95 & 134.28 \\ \hline 
\textbf{P5} & 165.61 & 166.24 & 151.9 \\ \hline 
\textbf{P6} & 89.71 & 98.93 & 74.18 \\ \hline 
\textbf{Total Power Generation (MW)} & 1275.39 & 1275.51 & 1276.02 \\ \hline 
\textbf {Total Demand (MW)} & 1263 & 1263 & 1263 \\ \hline 
\textbf {Power Loss (MW)} & 12.39 & 12.51 & 13.02 \\ \hline 
\textbf {Total Generation Cost} & 15443 & 15448.72 & 15459 \\ \hline

这里尝试通过 >{\columncolor{}} 在第一列中给出不同的颜色,但 rowcolors{}{}{} 总是主导 columncolor。有没有办法复制这种 MS Word 表格样式?在此处输入图片描述




\begin{tblr}{hlines=red!50, vlines=red!50,
             row{1}  = {guard,bg=cyan!50},
             row{odd[3]} = {bg=cyan!25},
             colspec = { Q[r,cyan!50] *{3}{S} },
             row{Z}  = {guard},
Unit Power (MW) & {PSO}     & {MFO}     & {GA}      \\ 
P1              & 445.89    & 426.09    & 474.81    \\ 
P2              & 175.88    & 199.8     & 178.64    \\ 
P3              & 258.63    & 247.5     & 262.21    \\ 
P4              & 139.67    & 136.95    & 134.28    \\ 
P5              & 165.61    & 166.24    & 151.9     \\ 
P6              & 89.71     & 98.93     & 74.18     \\ 
Total Power Generation 
                & 1275.39   & 1275.51   & 1276.02   \\ 
Total Demand    & 1263      & 1263      & 1263      \\ 
Power Loss      & 12.39     & 12.51     & 13.02     \\ 
Total Generation Cost (\euro)  
                & 15443     & 15448.72  & 15459     \\





  1. 永远不要将浮子放在中心环境中。使用\centering 里面浮点数。

  2. tabulary更好的使用方法tabularx是,让第一列包含比其他列更多的内容,并且不要错误地将表格调整为适合整个文本宽度或使所有列的宽度相同。

  3. 对于数字,使用siunitx小数对齐。如果每行的数字差别很大(这种情况),结果无论如何都不是很好,但这是表格设计的问题(坏企业将苹果和橘子混在一起)。

  4. 当然,颜色只是个人喜好问题。但要注意避免使用道尔顿症患者无法看到的颜色图案。


\usepackage{array, tabulary}
\begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{|R|S[table-format=5.2]S[table-format=5.2]S[table-format=5.2]|} \hline 
\rowcolor{green!20}  Unit Power (MW) & {PSO} & {MFO} & {GA} \\ \hline 
\cellcolor{green!20} P1 & 445.89 & 426.09 & 474.81 \\ \hline 
\cellcolor{green!20} P2  & 175.88 & 199.8 & 178.64 \\\hline 
\cellcolor{green!20} P3 & 258.63 & 247.5 & 262.21 \\\hline 
\cellcolor{green!20} P4 & 139.67 & 136.95 & 134.28 \\  \hline 
\cellcolor{green!20} P5 & 165.61 & 166.24 & 151.9 \\\hline 
\cellcolor{green!20} P6 & 89.71 & 98.93 & 74.18 \\\hline 
\cellcolor{green!20} Total Power Generation & 1275.39 & 1275.51 & 1276.02 \\ \hline 
\cellcolor{green!20} Total Demand & 1263 & 1263 & 1263 \\  \hline 
\cellcolor{green!20} Power Loss & 12.39 & 12.51 & 13.02 \\  \hline 
\cellcolor{green!20} Total Generation Cost (\euro)  & 15443   & 15448.72 & 15459 \\\hline




%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % no more needed
\usepackage[a4paper, left=1in, right=1in, top=1in, bottom=1in]{geometry}
\usepackage[english]{babel} % 'french', 'german', 'spanish', 'danish', etc.
\usepackage[classicReIm]{kpfonts} % moved before txfonts otherwise it gives error
\usepackage{array, tabularx, blindtext}

        width={0.51\textwidth},% 0.51 instead of 0.5 to avoid "Overfull \hbox" warning
        colspec={Q[c,m,2.4cm]*3{X[c]}}, vlines, hlines,
        row{odd} = {bg=cyan!50!gray!10},
        row{even} = {bg=gray!30!cyan!40},
        Unit Power (MW) & PSO & MFO & GA \\ 
        P1 & 445.89 & 426.09 & 474.81 \\  
        P2 & 175.88 & 199.8 & 178.64 \\ 
        P3 & 258.63 & 247.5 & 262.21 \\ 
        P4 & 139.67 & 136.95 & 134.28 \\ 
        P5 & 165.61 & 166.24 & 151.9 \\ 
        P6 & 89.71 & 98.93 & 74.18 \\ 
        Total Power Generation (MW) & 1275.39 & 1275.51 & 1276.02 \\  
        Total Demand (MW) & 1263 & 1263 & 1263\\
        Power Loss (MW) & 12.39 & 12.51 & 13.02 \\  
        Total Generation Cost & 15443 & 15448.72 & 15459 \\ 

PS = 不要将 table 环境放在 center 环境内,请参阅 何时应使用 \begin{center} 而不是 \centering?



使用该nice matrix包获得类似的东西相当简单,它巧妙地统一了许多表格包的功能。

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % 'cp1252'-Western, 'cp1251'-Cyrillic, etc.
\usepackage[a4paper, left=1in, right=1in, top=1in, bottom=1in]{geometry}

    \caption{Colors with the \texttt{nicematrix} package.}
        Unit Power (MW) & \textbf{PSO} & \textbf{MFO} & \textbf{GA} \\ 
        P1 & 445.89 & 426.09 & 474.81 \\ 
        P2 & 175.88 & 199.8 & 178.64 \\ 
        P3 & 258.63 & 247.5 & 262.21 \\ 
        P4 & 139.67 & 136.95 & 134.28 \\
        P5 & 165.61 & 166.24 & 151.9 \\
        P6 & 89.71 & 98.93 & 74.18 \\
        Total Power Generation (MW) & 1275.39 & 1275.51 & 1276.02 \\ 
        Total Demand (MW) & 1263 & 1263 & 1263 \\ 
        Power Loss (MW) & 12.39 & 12.51 & 13.02 \\
        Total Generation Cost & 15443 & 15448.72 & 15459 \\ 

