

您认为在 Tikz 中重现此流程图的最佳方法是什么?我个人会使用 Matcha.io 绘图工具来重现它,但是我想知道您对这个选择的看法?




使用正确的库和一些有用的键和样式,可以使用普通的 TikZ 来完成此操作。

cd仅当起始和目标锚点固定时,shift left和键shift right才适用于库,但对于其他情况,我的包的库中的和的组合就足够了。graphsnudge rightto pathext.paths.orthotikz-ext


由于左列中的所有节点都是左对齐的,因此west below放置策略(由提供ext.positioning-plus)就足够了。


对于middle-6(“发送给朋友...”)这将不再起作用,但我们可以nudge right再次使用。

该键使用的值/tikz/diff text width也用于box level减​​少节点的宽度。


  arrows.meta, cd, chains,
  graphs, quotes}
  >={Straight Barb[scale=2, angle'=45, round]},
    shape=rectangle, align=flush center,
    fill=blue!50, draw, rounded corners},
  base text width/.initial=.5\linewidth,
  diff text width/.initial=10mm,
  box level/.style={
    text width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/base text width}
           -#1*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/diff text width}},
  every on chain/.style=box,
  graphs/shift left/.style={
    /tikz/commutative diagrams/shift left={
      .5*(#1)*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/diff text width}}},
  graphs/shift left/.default=1,
  graphs/shift right/.style={/tikz/graphs/shift left={-(#1)}},
  graphs/shift right/.default=1,
  nudge right/.style={xshift=#1*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/diff text width}},
  nudge right/.default=1,
\begin{scope}[start chain=left going west below]
  \node[on chain, box level = 0] {
    \textbf{Step 1: Design Your Project}\\
    Are you an expert on all of the topics you will be studying/methods
    you will be using, and do you have time to do the project by yourself?};
  \node[on chain, box level = 1] {
    Contact other scientist and ask them to collaborate.};
  \node[on chain, box level = 0] {
    Are you/your coauthors confident that you know
    how to design your experiment and statistics properly?};
  \node[on chain, box level = 1] {Contact a statistican for advice.};
  \node[on chain, box level = 0] {\bfseries Step 2: Conduct Your Research};

  start chain=middle going mwb,
  mwb/.style args={of #1}{west below=of (middle-begin)(#1)},
  meb/.style args={of #1}{east below=of (middle-begin)(#1)},
  \node[on chain, box level = 0, north right=of left-begin] {
    \textbf{Step 4: Write Your Paper}\\ Have your coauthors read it?};
  \node[on chain, box level = 2] {
    Send it to your coauthors.};
  \node[on chain = going meb, box level = 1] {
    Did your coauthors approve the paper in its present form?};
  \node[on chain, box level = 2] {
    Make the suggested revisions.};
  \node[on chain = going meb, box level = 2] {
    Are you confident that your paper is ready for publication?};
  \node[on chain, nudge right, box level = 3] {
    Send it to a friend/fellow scientist. Did they approve it?};
  \node[on chain = going meb, box level = 1] {
    \bfseries Step 5: Submit Your Paper to a Suitable Journal.};
  use existing nodes, /tikz/ortho/install shortcuts,
  edge quotes={auto=false, fill=white, inner sep=+.2em},
  east down/.style={left anchor=south east, right anchor=north east},
  west up/.style  ={left anchor=north west, right anchor=south west},
  west down/.style={left anchor=south west, right anchor=north west},
  No/.style={*|, "No"}, Yes/.style={east down, shift right, "Yes"},
  /tikz/c/.style={shape=coordinate, name={#1}},
  (left-1)   ->[No]                            (left-2)
             ->[|*]                            (left-3),
  (left-1)   ->[Yes]                           (left-3)
             ->[No]                            (left-4)
             ->[|*]                            (left-5),
  (left-3)   ->[Yes]                           (left-5)
             ->[-|-]                           (middle-1)
             ->[No]                            (middle-2)
             ->[|*]                            (middle-3),
  (middle-1) ->[east down, shift right, "Yes"] (middle-3)
             ->[No]                            (middle-4)
             ->[west up, shift right]          (middle-2),
  (middle-3) ->[Yes]                           (middle-5),
  (middle-5) ->[west down, nudge right=.5, |*, "No"] (middle-6)
             ->[west up,   nudge right=.5, |*, "No"] (middle-4),
  (middle-5) ->[Yes, near start, "" c=m57] (middle-7),
  (middle-6) ->["Yes", -*] m57,


