如何在 Perpetua 文档中获取 ē、Ð 等?

如何在 Perpetua 文档中获取 ē、Ð 等?

他们指定了 Perpetua (13pt),虽然不理想,但可行。不过我不知道如何处理比 í 更复杂的变音符号。

\usepackage[T1]{fontspec} % compile w/XeLaTeX


        title = {Promises and {{Challenges}} of {{Deliberative}} and {{Participatory Innovations}} in {{Hybrid Regimes}}: {{The Case}} of {{Two Citizens}}’ {{Assemblies}} in {{Serbia}}},
        author = {Fiket, Irena and Đorđević, Biljana},
        date = {2022},
        journaltitle = {Filozofija i Društvo},
        volume = {33},
        number = {1},
        pages = {3--25},
        doi = {10.2298/FID2201003F},
        url = {https://doi.org/10.2298/FID2201003F},
        urldate = {2023-01-20}

        title = {Key {{Trends}}},
        booktitle = {Innovative {{Citizen Participation}} and {{New Democratic Institutions}}: {{Catching}} the {{Deliberative Wave}}},
        author = {Česnulaitytė, Ieva},
        date = {2020},
        edition = {first edition},
        pages = {67--79},
        publisher = {{OECD Publishing}},
        location = {{Paris, France}},
        url = {https://doi.org/10.1787/57c233e7-en},
        bookauthor = {{Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development}},
        isbn = {978-92-64-72590-4},
        chapter = {3}

    d\textipa{\=e}ēmokratí\textipa{\=a}ā and deliberation \cite{fiketPromisesChallengesDeliberative2022,cesnulaityteKeyTrends2020}


参考文献与 Zotero 同步,但我认为这并不重要。有什么想法吗?


你不需要。Microsoft Office 应用程序提供的 Perpetua 字体缺少很多字符。


  title = {Promises and Challenges of Deliberative and Participatory Innovations in 
           Hybrid Regimes: The Case of Two Citizens’ Assemblies in {Serbia}},
  author = {Fiket, Irena and Đorđević, Biljana},
  date = {2022},
  journaltitle = {Filozofija i Društvo},
  volume = {33},
  number = {1},
  pages = {3--25},
  doi = {10.2298/FID2201003F},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.2298/FID2201003F},
  urldate = {2023-01-20},

  title = {Key Trends},
  booktitle = {Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions: 
               Catching the Deliberative Wave},
  author = {Česnulaitytė, Ieva},
  bookauthor = {{Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development}},
  date = {2020},
  edition = {first edition},
  pages = {67--79},
  publisher = {OECD Publishing},
  location = {Paris, France},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1787/57c233e7-en},
  isbn = {978-92-64-72590-4},
  chapter = {3},

\usepackage{fontspec} % compile w/XeLaTeX

  Path=/Applications/Microsoft Word.app/Contents/Resources/DFonts/,
  BoldFont=* Bold,
  ItalicFont=* Italic,
  BoldItalicFont=* Bold Italic,




\DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\v}{TU}{C}{\accent"02C7 C}
\DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\'}{TU}{c}{\accent"B4 c}



dēmokratíā and deliberation 




{{...}}我删除了bib 文件中的几乎所有部分:除了一个之外,它们都是错误的。

