在 CircuiTikZ 中定义一个新的源对象

在 CircuiTikZ 中定义一个新的源对象


 \compattikzset{customV/.style={\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\pgf@circ@customV@path, label=#1}}
 \draw (0,0) to[customV] ++(3,0);


我发现这个解决方案在 circuitikz 中改变电压源的外观但说实话,我不明白 costumV 是如何工作的。


  1. 对于直流电,+ 和 - 添加在圆圈上方,对于交流电,则通过两个圆圈中间的 ~ 表示。
  2. 如何控制圆圈之间的距离?



有了新的基础设施,circuitikz你可以定义你的符号,例如,像这样(我借用了Jasper Habicht 的回答);这样,新的双极子就会被识别为电压源,并且它可以正确缩放(或改变样式)。

\usepackage[siunitx, RPvoltages]{circuitikz}
% use a separate width and height. Notice that the height
% will basically decide at which distance the labels are
% drawn.
% put the bipole in the "sources" class, so that it will scale
% with them
    % save the name of this node so that we can reference the
    % internal nodes
    % use the ocirc anchor to position the sign, so it will do the right thing
    % if you change "ocirc" dimensions.
    \pgftext[bottom, at=\pgfpointanchor{\thisshape-L}{n}]{\footnotesize $\mathstrut +$}
    \pgftext[bottom, at=\pgfpointanchor{\thisshape-R}{n}]{\footnotesize $\mathstrut -$}
% activate the bipole, specifying that it's a voltage, and that the voltage
% symbols are inside and drawn with the symbol. That will work correctly only with
% "american" settings. You can try with european too, in that case use true for the
% is voltageoutsideofsymbol and adjust the height so that the arrow will not overlap.
\pgfcirc@activate@bipole@simple@opt{v}{germanDCV}{\circuitikzbasekey/bipole/is voltage=true,
    \circuitikzbasekey/bipole/is voltageoutsideofsymbol=false}
%%%% and this is the AC version...
    % save the name of this node so that we can reference the
    % internal nodes
    % play with the coordinate here to move the symbol...
    \pgftext[bottom, at=\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}]{\small ${\sim}$}
% activate the bipole, specifying that it's a voltage, and that the voltage
% symbols are inside and drawn with the symbol. That will work correctly only with
% "american" settings. You can try with european too, in that case use true for the
% is voltageoutsideofsymbol and adjust the height so that the arrow will not overlap.
\pgfcirc@activate@bipole@simple@opt{v}{germanACV}{\circuitikzbasekey/bipole/is voltage=true,
    \circuitikzbasekey/bipole/is voltageoutsideofsymbol=false}

    \draw (0,1) to[germanDCV, name=N1] ++(2,0) to[germanDCV, mirror, invert] ++(2,0);
    \draw (0,0) to[american, germanDCV=\SI{3}{V}] ++(2,0)
        to[germanDCV, l_=$V_2$, mirror, invert, name=N2] ++(2,0);
    \draw [thin, red] (N1-R) -- (N2-R); % N2 is inverted
    \draw [color=blue] (0,-1)  to[germanACV, name=N1] ++(2,0)
        to[germanACV, l_=$V_3$] ++(2,0);


我认为生成 AC 应该很容易,但如果需要的话我会添加它。




\draw[american voltages] 
    (0,1.5) -- ++(0.5,0) to[open, v=$\sim$, o-o] ++(2,0) -- ++(0.5,0);




    \pgfnode{rectangle}{center}{\footnotesize $+$}{}{}
    \pgfnode{rectangle}{center}{\footnotesize $-$}{}{}
  \compattikzset{customV/.style={\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\pgf@circ@customV@path, label=#1}}

\draw (0,0) to[customV] ++(3,0);

\draw (0,-1) to[customV={$\sim$}] ++(3,0);

\draw (0,-2) to[customV={$\sim$}, invert] ++(3,0);

\draw (0,-3) to[customV={$\sim$}, bipoles/vsource/width=1] ++(3,0);



请注意,(正如对原始答案的评论中已经指出的那样)您也可以使用该v选项与该选项结合使用来获取当前标志american voltages,但它们不会位于小圆圈之上:


  \compattikzset{customV/.style={\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\pgf@circ@customV@path, label=#1}}

\begin{circuitikz}[american voltages]

\draw (0,-1) to[customV, v^={$\sim$}] ++(3,0);



一般来说,您可以american voltages在整个tikzpicture环境、单个\draw宏上使用该选项,也可以american在-paths 上使用该选项to,例如:

\draw (0,-1) to[american, customV, v^={$\sim$}] ++(3,0);
