需要一些帮助,不使用 resizebox 将大表格放入一个页面中

需要一些帮助,不使用 resizebox 将大表格放入一个页面中


我已经尝试过\longtable该软件包,但是当我尝试使用该表时,我得到了一个undefined control sequense指向 的提示\end{longtable}。可能是某个 michmach 软件包导致了这种情况。

我也尝试过使用tabularray包,siunitxsiunitx出现错误,告诉我它无法读取表中的数字。这可能是由于某些 PATH 问题造成的。我无法查明原因。我确实删除了系统上能找到的所有 TexLive 和 LaTeX 包,并重新安装了所有包,但没有用。由于时间紧迫,我不会进一步跟踪此错误。



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\usepackage{fixcmex} % To fix that Latin Modern large symbol math fonts has by default only one size: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/621536
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\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear]{biblatex}  % BibLaTeX used for references. 
\usepackage{csquotes} % BibLaTex wants to have context sensitive quotes


      \caption{Spá um raforkunotkun, forgangsorka og skerðanleg orka. Almenn notkun að meðtöldum dreifitöpum og núverandi og samþykktir nýir stórnotendur. \label{table:Orkuspá}}
    \Block{2-1}{Ár} & \Block{1-2}{Úttekt frá dreifikerfinu\\ forgangs- og skerðanleg\\ orka með dreifitöpum} & & \Block{1-2}{Úttekt frá\\ flutningskerfinu} & & \Block{1-2}{Flutningstöp} & & \Block{1-2}{Úttekt frá \\ vinnslufyrirtækjum} & & \Block{1-2}{Samtals} \\
    & Orka GWh & Afl MW & Orka GWh & Afl MW & Orka GWh & Afl MW & Orka GWh & Afl MW & Orka GWh & Afl MW  \\
    2015 \tnote{*} & 3.604,74 & 618,46 & 14.356,34 & 1.685,89 & 369,56 & 57,11 & 468,32 & 75,40 & 18.798,96 & 2.383,25 \\
    2016 \tnote{*} & 3.383,99 & 590,10 & 14.334,19 & 1.695,96 & 360,42 & 57,05 & 470,86 & 71,46 & 18.549,46 & 2.378,51 \\
    2017 \tnote{*} & 3.519,13 & 608,86 & 14.869,95 & 1.750,87 & 373,07 & 61,49 & 476,38 & 84,74 & 19.238,53 & 2.443,61 \\
    2018 \tnote{*} & 3.682,07 & 623,26 & 15.259,88 & 1.838,28 & 398,09 & 70,47 & 489,75 & 70,71 & 19.829,79 & 2.519,53 \\
    2019 \tnote{*} & 3.506,86 & 596,63 & 15.145,31 & 1.829,48 & 365,82 & 63,40 & 476,84 & 85,11 & 19.494,83 & 2.495,07 \\
    2020 \tnote{*} & 3.473,77 & 596,83 & 14.830,70 & 1.790,95 & 353,09 & 60,54 & 469,74 & 72,27 & 19.127,30 & 2.408,28 \\
    2021 & 3.688,10 & 630,47 & 15.539,59 & 1.865,64 & 397,70 & 67,72 & 479,82 & 73,82 & 20.105,21 & 2.584,89 \\
    2022 & 3.785,98 & 647,81 & 16.099,28 & 1.875,76 & 416,40 & 69,68 & 490,14 & 75,41 & 20.791,80 & 2.615,29 \\
    2023 & 3.901,70 & 668,25 & 16.260,20 & 1.893,98 & 427,58 & 70,34 & 500,66 & 77,02 & 21.090,13 & 2.655,40 \\
    2024 & 3.991,75 & 684,32 & 16.325,85 & 1.899,97 & 436,37 & 70,59 & 511,28 & 78,66 & 21.265,25 & 2.678,87 \\
    2025 & 4.062,50 & 697,11 & 16.343,42 & 1.903,47 & 443,82 & 70,62 & 521,72 & 80,27 & 21.371,46 & 2.696,43 \\
    2026 & 4.122,77 & 708,12 & 16.343,42 & 1.903,47 & 450,61 & 70,54 & 526,76 & 81,04 & 21.443,55 & 2.707,91 \\
    2027 & 4.211,88 & 724,11 & 16.343,42 & 1.903,47 & 458,05 & 70,57 & 531,45 & 81,76 & 21.544,79 & 2.724,32 \\
    2028 & 4.296,04 & 739,29 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 465,42 & 70,58 & 536,08 & 82,47 & 21.640,51 & 2.739,90 \\
    2029 & 4.411,85 & 759,94 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 473,55 & 70,71 & 540,85 & 83,21 & 21.769,21 & 2.760,98 \\
    2030 & 4.532,38 & 781,44 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,86 & 70,86 & 545,67 & 83,95 & 21.902,87 & 2.782,93 \\
    2031 & 4.620,14 & 795,89 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,69 & 70,84 & 550,32 & 84,66 & 21.995,11 & 2.797,77 \\
    2032 & 4.717,78 & 812,01 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,73 & 70,84 & 555,02 & 85,39 & 22.097,48 & 2.814,28 \\
    2033 & 4.812,21 & 827,55 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,67 & 70,83 & 559,78 & 86,12 & 22.196,62 & 2.830,22 \\
    2034 & 4.902,86 & 842,42 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,51 & 70,81 & 564,68 & 86,87 & 22.292,01 & 2.845,50 \\
    2035 & 4.989,20 & 856,51 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,24 & 70,77 & 569,72 & 87,65 & 22.383,12 & 2.860,04 \\
    2036 & 5.072,75 & 870,11 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 480,89 & 70,72 & 574,87 & 88,44 & 22.471,48 & 2.874,09 \\
    2037 & 5.152,14 & 882,97 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 480,43 & 70,65 & 580,05 & 89,24 & 22.555,59 & 2.887,41 \\
    2038 & 5.228,32 & 895,26 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 479,89 & 70,57 & 585,32 & 90,05 & 22.636,49 & 2.900,17 \\
    2039 & 5.302,08 & 907,11 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 479,29 & 70,48 & 590,68 & 90,87 & 22.715,00 & 2.912,50 \\
    2040 & 5.405,41 & 924,00 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 479,30 & 70,49 & 596,13 & 91,71 & 22.823,81 & 2.929,88 \\
    2041 & 5.478,79 & 935,75 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 478,65 & 70,39 & 601,62 & 92,56 & 22.902,03 & 2.942,12 \\
    2042 & 5.552,10 & 947,46 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 477,99 & 70,29 & 607,11 & 93,40 & 22.980,15 & 2.954,33 \\
    2043 & 5.626,68 & 959,37 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 477,33 & 70,20 & 612,60 & 94,25 & 23.059,57 & 2.966,73 \\
    2044 & 5.703,24 & 971,59 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 476,71 & 70,10 & 618,20 & 95,11 & 23.141,10 & 2.979,47 \\
    2045 & 5.782,58 & 984,27 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 476,12 & 70,02 & 623,90 & 95,98 & 23.225,56 & 2.992,67 \\
    2046 & 5.864,53 & 997,37 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 475,58 & 69,94 & 629,65 & 96,87 & 23.312,72 & 3.006,30 \\
    2047 & 5.948,06 & 1.010,72 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 475,05 & 69,86 & 635,38 & 97,75 & 23.401,45 & 3.020,16 \\
    2048 & 6.033,38 & 1.024,34 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 474,54 & 69,79 & 641,24 & 98,65 & 23.492,13 & 3.034,33 \\
    2049 & 6.119,59 & 1.038,10 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 474,03 & 69,71 & 647,11 & 99,56 & 23.583,69 & 3.048,62 \\
    2050 & 6.207,13 & 1.052,06 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 473,53 & 69,64 & 653,00 & 100,46 & 23.676,62 & 3.063,11 \\
    2051 & 6.298,36 & 1.067,52 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 475,50 & 69,93 & 658,16 & 101,26 & 23.774,98 & 3.079,33 \\
    2052 & 6.389,36 & 1.082,94 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 477,46 & 70,22 & 663,38 & 102,06 & 23.873,16 & 3.095,51 \\
    2053 & 6.479,88 & 1.098,29 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 479,42 & 70,50 & 668,64 & 102,87 & 23.970,91 & 3.111,63 \\
    2054 & 6.569,42 & 1.113,46 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,35 & 70,79 & 673,96 & 103,69 & 24.067,70 & 3.127,58 \\
    2055 & 6.657,82 & 1.128,44 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 483,27 & 71,07 & 679,34 & 104,51 & 24.163,39 & 3.143,35 \\
    2056 & 6.744,86 & 1.143,20 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 485,15 & 71,35 & 684,76 & 105,35 & 24.257,74 & 3.158,90 \\
    2057 & 6.830,19 & 1.157,66 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 487,01 & 71,62 & 690,25 & 106,19 & 24.350,41 & 3.174,16 \\
    2058 & 6.913,30 & 1.171,75 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 488,82 & 71,88 & 695,78 & 107,04 & 24.440,86 & 3.189,06 \\
    2059 & 6.993,67 & 1.185,37 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 490,57 & 72,14 & 701,37 & 107,90 & 24.528,57 & 3.203,51 \\
    2060 & 7.071,89 & 1.198,63 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 492,28 & 72,39 & 707,02 & 108,77 & 24.614,16 & 3.217,60 \\
    \textbf{2061} & \textbf{7.172,96} & \textbf{1.214,87} & \textbf{16.398,49} & \textbf{1.907,18} & \textbf{496,07} & \textbf{71,07} & \textbf{712,49} & \textbf{109,61} & \textbf{24.780,01} & \textbf{3.236,67} \\
    \textbf{2062} & \textbf{7.258,87} & \textbf{1.229,10} & \textbf{16.402,60} & \textbf{1.907,46} & \textbf{497,27} & \textbf{71,09} & \textbf{717,97} & \textbf{110,46} & \textbf{24.876,71} & \textbf{3.251,74} \\
    \textbf{2063} & \textbf{7.344,78} & \textbf{1.243,34} & \textbf{16.406,71} & \textbf{1.907,73} & \textbf{498,47} & \textbf{71,12} & \textbf{723,45} & \textbf{111,30} & \textbf{24.973,41} & \textbf{3.266,82} \\
    \textbf{2064} & \textbf{7.430,69} & \textbf{1.257,57} & \textbf{16.410,81} & \textbf{1.908,01} & \textbf{499,67} & \textbf{71,14} & \textbf{728,94} & \textbf{112,14} & \textbf{25.070,11} & \textbf{3.281,89} \\
    \textbf{2065} & \textbf{7.516,60} & \textbf{1.271,80} & \textbf{16.414,92} & \textbf{1.908,29} & \textbf{500,87} & \textbf{71,17} & \textbf{734,42} & \textbf{112,99} & \textbf{25.166,80} & \textbf{3.296,96} \\
    \textbf{2066} & \textbf{7.602,51} & \textbf{1.286,04} & \textbf{16.419,02} & \textbf{1.908,56} & \textbf{502,07} & \textbf{71,20} & \textbf{739,90} & \textbf{113,83} & \textbf{25.263,50} & \textbf{3.312,04} \\
    \textbf{2067} & \textbf{7.688,41} & \textbf{1.300,27} & \textbf{16.423,13} & \textbf{1.908,84} & \textbf{503,27} & \textbf{71,22} & \textbf{745,39} & \textbf{114,67} & \textbf{25.360,20} & \textbf{3.327,11} \\
    \textbf{2068} & \textbf{7.772,08} & \textbf{1.313,81} & \textbf{16.395,02} & \textbf{1.907,70} & \textbf{502,13} & \textbf{71,14} & \textbf{750,25} & \textbf{115,42} & \textbf{25.456,90} & \textbf{3.342,18} \\
    \textbf{2069} & \textbf{7.855,96} & \textbf{1.327,38} & \textbf{16.387,86} & \textbf{1.906,81} & \textbf{501,46} & \textbf{71,14} & \textbf{755,25} & \textbf{116,19} & \textbf{25.553,60} & \textbf{3.357,25} \\
    \textbf{2070} & \textbf{7.940,94} & \textbf{1.341,16} & \textbf{16.386,68} & \textbf{1.906,59} & \textbf{500,99} & \textbf{71,16} & \textbf{760,41} & \textbf{116,99} & \textbf{25.650,29} & \textbf{3.372,33} \\
    \textbf{2071} & \textbf{8.026,03} & \textbf{1.354,96} & \textbf{16.388,08} & \textbf{1.906,60} & \textbf{500,68} & \textbf{71,19} & \textbf{765,78} & \textbf{117,81} & \textbf{25.746,99} & \textbf{3.387,40} \\

我对 LaTeX 不是很熟悉,也不知道哪些软件包与其他软件包配合得好或不好。如果可以在不使用 rezisebox 的情况下将这个表格塞进一页纸里,我愿意听,但如果不行,那么这只是附录。

编辑:20023-04-26(YYYY-MM-DD)尝试设置环境,出现tabularx错误。取消注释上面的代码。下面是我调用函数的方式:missing number: treated as zero\begin{tabularx}\usepackage{tabularx}

      \caption{one more time}









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\usepackage{fixcmex} % To fix that Latin Modern large symbol math fonts has by default only one size: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/621536

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear]{biblatex}  % BibLaTeX used for references. 
\usepackage{csquotes} % BibLaTex wants to have context sensitive quotes


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        caption = {Spá um raforkunotkun, forgangsorka og skerðanleg orka. Almenn notkun að meðtöldum dreifitöpum og núverandi og samþykktir nýir stórnotendur.},
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        \SetCell[r=2]{c,m} Ár & \SetCell[c=2]{c} Úttekt frá dreifikerfinu\newline forgangs- og skerðanleg\newline orka með dreifitöpum & & \SetCell[c=2]{c}Úttekt frá\newline flutningskerfinu & & \SetCell[c=2]{c} Flutningstöp & & \SetCell[c=2]{c} Úttekt frá\newline vinnslufyrirtækjum & & \SetCell[c=2]{c} Samtals & \\
            & Orka \unit{GWh} & Afl \unit{MW} & Orka \unit{GWh} & Afl \unit{MW} & Orka \unit{GWh} & Afl \unit{MW} & Orka \unit{GWh} & Afl \unit{MW} & Orka \unit{GWh} & Afl \unit{MW}  \\
        2015 \TblrNote{*} & 3.604,74 & 618,46 & 14.356,34 & 1.685,89 & 369,56 & 57,11 & 468,32 & 75,40 & 18.798,96 & 2.383,25 \\
        2016 \TblrNote{*} & 3.383,99 & 590,10 & 14.334,19 & 1.695,96 & 360,42 & 57,05 & 470,86 & 71,46 & 18.549,46 & 2.378,51 \\
        2017 \TblrNote{*} & 3.519,13 & 608,86 & 14.869,95 & 1.750,87 & 373,07 & 61,49 & 476,38 & 84,74 & 19.238,53 & 2.443,61 \\
        2018 \TblrNote{*} & 3.682,07 & 623,26 & 15.259,88 & 1.838,28 & 398,09 & 70,47 & 489,75 & 70,71 & 19.829,79 & 2.519,53 \\
        2019 \TblrNote{*} & 3.506,86 & 596,63 & 15.145,31 & 1.829,48 & 365,82 & 63,40 & 476,84 & 85,11 & 19.494,83 & 2.495,07 \\
        2020 \TblrNote{*} & 3.473,77 & 596,83 & 14.830,70 & 1.790,95 & 353,09 & 60,54 & 469,74 & 72,27 & 19.127,30 & 2.408,28 \\
        2021 & 3.688,10 & 630,47 & 15.539,59 & 1.865,64 & 397,70 & 67,72 & 479,82 & 73,82 & 20.105,21 & 2.584,89 \\
        2022 & 3.785,98 & 647,81 & 16.099,28 & 1.875,76 & 416,40 & 69,68 & 490,14 & 75,41 & 20.791,80 & 2.615,29 \\
        2023 & 3.901,70 & 668,25 & 16.260,20 & 1.893,98 & 427,58 & 70,34 & 500,66 & 77,02 & 21.090,13 & 2.655,40 \\
        2024 & 3.991,75 & 684,32 & 16.325,85 & 1.899,97 & 436,37 & 70,59 & 511,28 & 78,66 & 21.265,25 & 2.678,87 \\
        2025 & 4.062,50 & 697,11 & 16.343,42 & 1.903,47 & 443,82 & 70,62 & 521,72 & 80,27 & 21.371,46 & 2.696,43 \\
        2026 & 4.122,77 & 708,12 & 16.343,42 & 1.903,47 & 450,61 & 70,54 & 526,76 & 81,04 & 21.443,55 & 2.707,91 \\
        2027 & 4.211,88 & 724,11 & 16.343,42 & 1.903,47 & 458,05 & 70,57 & 531,45 & 81,76 & 21.544,79 & 2.724,32 \\
        2028 & 4.296,04 & 739,29 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 465,42 & 70,58 & 536,08 & 82,47 & 21.640,51 & 2.739,90 \\
        2029 & 4.411,85 & 759,94 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 473,55 & 70,71 & 540,85 & 83,21 & 21.769,21 & 2.760,98 \\
        2030 & 4.532,38 & 781,44 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,86 & 70,86 & 545,67 & 83,95 & 21.902,87 & 2.782,93 \\
        2031 & 4.620,14 & 795,89 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,69 & 70,84 & 550,32 & 84,66 & 21.995,11 & 2.797,77 \\
        2032 & 4.717,78 & 812,01 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,73 & 70,84 & 555,02 & 85,39 & 22.097,48 & 2.814,28 \\
        2033 & 4.812,21 & 827,55 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,67 & 70,83 & 559,78 & 86,12 & 22.196,62 & 2.830,22 \\
        2034 & 4.902,86 & 842,42 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,51 & 70,81 & 564,68 & 86,87 & 22.292,01 & 2.845,50 \\
        2035 & 4.989,20 & 856,51 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,24 & 70,77 & 569,72 & 87,65 & 22.383,12 & 2.860,04 \\
        2036 & 5.072,75 & 870,11 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 480,89 & 70,72 & 574,87 & 88,44 & 22.471,48 & 2.874,09 \\
        2037 & 5.152,14 & 882,97 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 480,43 & 70,65 & 580,05 & 89,24 & 22.555,59 & 2.887,41 \\
        2038 & 5.228,32 & 895,26 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 479,89 & 70,57 & 585,32 & 90,05 & 22.636,49 & 2.900,17 \\
        2039 & 5.302,08 & 907,11 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 479,29 & 70,48 & 590,68 & 90,87 & 22.715,00 & 2.912,50 \\
        2040 & 5.405,41 & 924,00 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 479,30 & 70,49 & 596,13 & 91,71 & 22.823,81 & 2.929,88 \\
        2041 & 5.478,79 & 935,75 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 478,65 & 70,39 & 601,62 & 92,56 & 22.902,03 & 2.942,12 \\
        2042 & 5.552,10 & 947,46 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 477,99 & 70,29 & 607,11 & 93,40 & 22.980,15 & 2.954,33 \\
        2043 & 5.626,68 & 959,37 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 477,33 & 70,20 & 612,60 & 94,25 & 23.059,57 & 2.966,73 \\
        2044 & 5.703,24 & 971,59 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 476,71 & 70,10 & 618,20 & 95,11 & 23.141,10 & 2.979,47 \\
        2045 & 5.782,58 & 984,27 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 476,12 & 70,02 & 623,90 & 95,98 & 23.225,56 & 2.992,67 \\
        2046 & 5.864,53 & 997,37 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 475,58 & 69,94 & 629,65 & 96,87 & 23.312,72 & 3.006,30 \\
        2047 & 5.948,06 & 1.010,72 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 475,05 & 69,86 & 635,38 & 97,75 & 23.401,45 & 3.020,16 \\
        2048 & 6.033,38 & 1.024,34 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 474,54 & 69,79 & 641,24 & 98,65 & 23.492,13 & 3.034,33 \\
        2049 & 6.119,59 & 1.038,10 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 474,03 & 69,71 & 647,11 & 99,56 & 23.583,69 & 3.048,62 \\
        2050 & 6.207,13 & 1.052,06 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 473,53 & 69,64 & 653,00 & 100,46 & 23.676,62 & 3.063,11 \\
        2051 & 6.298,36 & 1.067,52 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 475,50 & 69,93 & 658,16 & 101,26 & 23.774,98 & 3.079,33 \\
        2052 & 6.389,36 & 1.082,94 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 477,46 & 70,22 & 663,38 & 102,06 & 23.873,16 & 3.095,51 \\
        2053 & 6.479,88 & 1.098,29 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 479,42 & 70,50 & 668,64 & 102,87 & 23.970,91 & 3.111,63 \\
        2054 & 6.569,42 & 1.113,46 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 481,35 & 70,79 & 673,96 & 103,69 & 24.067,70 & 3.127,58 \\
        2055 & 6.657,82 & 1.128,44 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 483,27 & 71,07 & 679,34 & 104,51 & 24.163,39 & 3.143,35 \\
        2056 & 6.744,86 & 1.143,20 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 485,15 & 71,35 & 684,76 & 105,35 & 24.257,74 & 3.158,90 \\
        2057 & 6.830,19 & 1.157,66 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 487,01 & 71,62 & 690,25 & 106,19 & 24.350,41 & 3.174,16 \\
        2058 & 6.913,30 & 1.171,75 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 488,82 & 71,88 & 695,78 & 107,04 & 24.440,86 & 3.189,06 \\
        2059 & 6.993,67 & 1.185,37 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 490,57 & 72,14 & 701,37 & 107,90 & 24.528,57 & 3.203,51 \\
        2060 & 7.071,89 & 1.198,63 & 16.342,96 & 1.903,47 & 492,28 & 72,39 & 707,02 & 108,77 & 24.614,16 & 3.217,60 \\
        2061 & 7.172,96 & 1.214,87 & 16.398,49 & 1.907,18 & 496,07 & 71,07 & 712,49 & 109,61 & 24.780,01 & 3.236,67\\
        2062 & 7.258,87 & 1.229,10 & 16.402,60 & 1.907,46 & 497,27 & 71,09 & 717,97 & 110,46 & 24.876,71 & 3.251,74\\
        2063 & 7.344,78 & 1.243,34 & 16.406,71 & 1.907,73 & 498,47 & 71,12 & 723,45 & 111,30 & 24.973,41 & 3.266,82\\
        2064 & 7.430,69 & 1.257,57 & 16.410,81 & 1.908,01 & 499,67 & 71,14 & 728,94 & 112,14 & 25.070,11 & 3.281,89\\
        2065 & 7.516,60 & 1.271,80 & 16.414,92 & 1.908,29 & 500,87 & 71,17 & 734,42 & 112,99 & 25.166,80 & 3.296,96\\
        2066 & 7.602,51 & 1.286,04 & 16.419,02 & 1.908,56 & 502,07 & 71,20 & 739,90 & 113,83 & 25.263,50 & 3.312,04\\
        2067 & 7.688,41 & 1.300,27 & 16.423,13 & 1.908,84 & 503,27 & 71,22 & 745,39 & 114,67 & 25.360,20 & 3.327,11\\
        2068 & 7.772,08 & 1.313,81 & 16.395,02 & 1.907,70 & 502,13 & 71,14 & 750,25 & 115,42 & 25.456,90  & 3.342,18\\
        2069 & 7.855,96 & 1.327,38 & 16.387,86 & 1.906,81 & 501,46 & 71,14 & 755,25 & 116,19 & 25.553,60 & 3.357,25\\
        2070 & 7.940,94 & 1.341,16 & 16.386,68 & 1.906,59 & 500,99 & 71,16 & 760,41 & 116,99 & 25.650,29 & 3.372,33\\
        2071 & 8.026,03 & 1.354,96 & 16.388,08 & 1.906,60 & 500,68 & 71,19 & 765,78 & 117,81 & 25.746,99 & 3.387,40




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